Crafted Hardlight Weapon

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Crafted Hardlight Weapon
Creator Fenoxo
Code Name N/A
Type Weapon
Slot Melee weapon
Base Price 8,000/8,008
Damage 5-45?
Damage Type (Burning/Corrosive/Electric/Freezing/Kinetic)
Bonus Shields ???
Accuracy ???
Crit Bonus ???
Evasion ???
Additional Flags Energy Weapon
Psionically Attuned
(Blind Chance/Bonus Hit Rate/Burn Chance/Draining/Freeze Chance/Psionically Empowered/Stagger Chance/Stun Chance/Vampiric)

Description In Game

This [weapon] was custom built with your assistance, to your specifications. It is a hardlight weapon that can be turned on and off with a simple button press, though the character of the projection is tuned and influenced by a variety of crystals you provided.


Made and sold by Qailla at the players request, given they provide 10,000 credits and 3 gemstones.


Can be equipped and used as a melee weapon or sold to a vendor for credits.