Generic Fuckdolls

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This page is for the 4 generic Fuckdolls encountered during Kiro Quest.
You may be looking for The Twins or the Advanced Herm Sexbot

Busts of The various generic fuckdolls, by Adjatha
Creator William
Alias 2 (vulpatra)
13 (laquine)
20 (goth)
34 (demon)
Species Vulpatra (vulpatra)
Laquine (laquine)
Terran (goth)
Terran? (demon)
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Location Po's Freighter
Level 10
Health 300
Initial Lust 50
Maximum Lust 250

The Fuckdolls are former criminals reprogrammed and turned into sentient sex toys by Dr. Illustria Po's. 4 of her remaining fuckdolls have been ordered by her to capture Steele (by means of fucking the captain) during Kiro Quest.


The vulpatra fuckdoll’s stature makes her less imposing than many things you’ve encountered on your journey, but her small frame packs more eroticism per cubic inch than most pornstar’s you’ve seen. Shimmery blue fur compliments her every move with waves of glimmering reflection, and the rest of her joins right in. Her breasts sway pendulously no matter how she shimmies and swivels. Her cock, proportional to her frame, still manages to wiggle atop her cutely positioned balls, and a few feet above it all, she licks her purple-painted lips with obvious hunger, fluttering her cute, glitter-rimmed eyes like she’s the innocent in the room.

You’d be tempted to give her fluffy ears a scratch if they didn’t have puffy slits concealed inside them... and if she wasn’t trying to sexually subjugate you, of course.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Dr. Illustria Po, is a licensed "rehabilitor" for the United Galactic Confederacy where she lures in and captures pirates, and rehabilitates them into submissive hypersexed fuckdolls. Dr. Po then sells these fuckdolls to her high end clientele. These fuckdolls here are some of her favorites she decided not to sell.


The Generic Fuckdolls come in 4 variation Vulpatra, Laquine, Goth, and Demonic. They are generic enemies encountered on Illustria Po's Freighter during Kiro Quest. They are some of her favoritre creations and as such have not been sold. Currently they are used to capture/fuck pirates that have been lured onto her freighter.

After encountering Illustria Po herself they should no longer be encountered throughout the freighter.


All 4 of the dolls have the same combat stats with some variations in move sets. Although they fight without clothes or weapons remember that they are built to have sex with each other for hours on end. Losing to a Fuckdoll results in a Bad End.

Move Set

Reactionary moves

Moves that are a reaction to a status effect or a move Steele did. Orderd in order of importance (A lower move will not trigger if a higher one has)

  • Blind Fap - She gets turned on by being deprived of sight, and starts fapping.
    • Fuckdoll has Blinded status effect
    • If Steele fails the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
      • Deals 5 raw tease lust damage
  • Cheerleading - She decides to sheer on your teasing
    • Steele did a tease attack last round
    • OR fuckdoll's last move was Cheerleading
    • 33% Chance
    • Does not deal damage
  • Begging - The horny slut begs for cum
    • Fuckdoll's lust is at 188 or more
    • 33% Chance
    • If Steele fails the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
      • Deals 4 to 5 raw tease lust damage
  • Twerking upright - The fallen slut twerks herself upright

Pooled Moves

Moves that can occur after no reactionary move was triggered, and are randomly chosen out of a pool of available moves

  • Shield Hack - The fuckdoll hacks Steele's shield using sexy technology
    • Steele still has a shields
    • Fuckdoll's health is less than max
    • First time this attack is done
      • Deals ~70 raw electric damage to shields
      • Deals 3 raw tease lust damage
    • Repeat usage of the attack
      • If Steele fails the following intelligence check (Intelligence/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
        • Deals ~70 raw electric damage to shields
        • Deals 3 raw tease lust damage
  • Finger Needle Aphrodisiac - Fuckdoll uses her finger needle to inject drugs into Steele
    • Deals 1 raw kinetic damage to shields
    • Deals 15 to 19 raw tease lust damage
  • Swirly dirly hypnosis - The fuckdoll makes an attempt at hypnotizing Steele
    • First time
      • Deals 11 raw psionic lust damage
      • Note: The vulpatra fuckdoll uses different attack text
    • Repeat attempts
      • If Steele fails the following reflexes check (Reflexes/2 + 1d20 vs 30)
        • Deals 11 raw psionic lust damage
  • Exhale lust gas - The fuckdoll breathes an aphrodisiac cloud towards you
    • Steele does is not wearing airtight armor
    • Or the fuckdoll is unaware of it
    • If Steele is wearing Airtight armor
      • No damage is dealt
      • Fuckdoll become aware of Steele wearing airtight armor
    • If Steele is not wearing Airtight armor
      • Deals 12 to 14 raw drug lust damage
  • Dick tease - The fuckdoll tries to seduce you with her cock
    • Regular fuckdoll version
      • 100% Chance to occur if fuckdoll is not the vulpatra variant
      • 50% chance to occur if fuckdoll is the vulpatra variant
      • If Steele fails the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
        • Deals 8 to 9 raw tease lust damage
    • Vulpatra fuckdoll version (face humper version)
      • 50% chance to occur if fuckdoll is the vulpatra variant
      • If the attack misses
        • Deal 1 raw tease lust damage
      • If the attack lands
        • If Steele is wearing airtight armor
          • Deal 7 tease lust damage
        • If Steele is not wearing airtight armor
          • And fails the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
            • Deal 7 tease lust damage
            • Deal 7 pheromone lust damage
          • And passes the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
            • Deal 3 tease lust damage
            • Deal 3 pheromone lust damage
  • Tiddy Tease - The fuckdoll tries to seduce you with her tiddies
    • If Steele fails the following willpower check (Willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 25)
      • Deals 8 to 10 tease lust damage


Lust Resistances

  • 50% immunity to drug attacks
  • 25% weakness to tease attacks
  • 25% weakness to pheromone damage

Damage Resistances

  • 50% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • 100% weakness to freezing attacks


  • Sexjuice coatings: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Hermaphrodites: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Big masculine endowments: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Wet vaginas: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Lactation: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Long hair: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Feminine faces: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Masculine faces: Kinda likes! or Really likes!
  • Petite masculine endowments: Dislikes! or Dislikes a lot!
  • Narrow hips: Dislikes! or Dislikes a lot!
  • Small butts: Dislikes! or Dislikes a lot!
  • Small breasts: Dislikes! or Dislikes a lot!


Note: These items will only drop whilst not doing the fight through the Mindwash Visor


WARNING: The Sexdoll Sentries are authorized to begin the indoctrination process to turn people who visit Dr. Po's hideout into Fuckdolls. Coming in contact with one of their tainting loads is likely to have lasting consequences (effects are reduced to taint increases in VR).
Note: that each variant has a different volume for their cock:

    • 5.82 inch³ for vulpatra
    • 91.59 inch³ for laquine
    • 36.65 inch³ for goth
    • 293.22 inch³ for demonic.
Victory Scenes

Scenes that are available after defeating a fuckdoll

  • Fuck Her Pussy - Classic sex never goes out of style, even in the far flung, space-faring future.
    • Has a penis that fits (970 (1322 for vulpatra) inch³ or less)
    • Has minor variations for
  • Ride Her Cock - The purpose of this fucktoy is in her name.
    • Has a vagina
    • Has variations for
    • Inside - Let it happen...
      • Note: that only the laquine Fuckdoll can currently get Steele pregnant with their offspring
    • Outside - The last thing you need is to be swollen with some mind-broken doll’s kids!
    • Post sex changes
      • If Steele is not fighting in the Mindwash Visor
  • Hyper Fuck Her Pussy - Cram your plus-sized pillar into the fucktoy’s cock-holster!
    • Has a penis that doesn't fits (of more than 970 (1322 for vulpatra) inch³)
    • Has minor variations for
  • Sixty-Nine - That dick is the centerpiece of temptation incarnate, and it’d be a shame to let it wilt a single inch.
  • Earfuck - Walk on the wildest side of all.
    • Vulpatra fuckdoll only
    • Has a penis that fits (1322 inch³ or less)
    • Has variations for
    • Cum - One cumshot is plenty.
      • Has variations for taint score of
        • Less than 33
        • 33 or more, but less than 66
        • 66 or more
      • Post sex changes
    • Cum+Finger - A single cumshot is plenty, but a finger in the horny minx’s other ear might be a bit of fun...
      • No Changes
    • Cum Twice - She’s got two holes. Why not try both?
Loss scene

Scenes that can occur after being defeated by a fuckdoll

  • Lose To Fuckdoll - Beaten by the fuckdoll followed by her using you and bringing you to Po for testing
    • Requires the player to lose to the Fuckdoll they are fighting
    • If Steele is fighting in the Mindwash Visor
    • If Steele is not fighting in the Mindwash Visor
    • Has variations for Fuckdoll type
      • Vulpine
      • Laquine
      • Goth
      • Demon
    • Part 2: Po's Test
      • Has variations for


  • The Vulpatra fuckdoll is the first Vulpatra to appear in the game.
  • When Silly Mode is active, the Demonic Fuckdoll will be referred to as the Lethice Cosplayer. This is a reference to Lethice, the demon queen and main antagonist of Corruption of Champions. Even without that, in her loss scene she refers to the player as a "Champion".