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Evening (Aceinthehole).gif
Evening's bust by Ace in the hole
Creator Aceinthehole
Full name Evening Everly
Gender Female
Sex Female
Occupation Mercenary
Relatives Unnamed father (deceased)
Unnamed mother status (unkown)
Harry and James (estranged brothers)
Unnamed sister
2 unnamed nieces
Nationality Terra

A terran born merc with a tomboy streak, a distaste for mods, and a love of guns. She can be initially found in the Crash Landing, where she can be talked to, played darts with, and fucked.


Evening is a young Terran woman, and looks to be around your age. She stands at 5' 4", not particularly tall nor short for a human. Her black, somewhat scruffy hair falls to just above her shoulders, in stark contrast to her pale skin. She has equally scruffy bangs that stop just above her eyes. Though her irises are an average shade of brown, they spark with a mischievous glint. Her gaze is a knowing and careful one, ever observant of the tiniest of details. Even now, she can tell that you're giving her a once-over, and she doesn't hesitate to do the same to you.

Her body is thin and wiry, but rather than appearing frail, you get the impression of surprising strength being compacted into her diminutive form. Her chest is on the smaller side, and can't be much larger than a B-cup, while the line of her waist and hips is visible but not too pronounced. Though her body isn't as traditionally curvy as most other women's, her face is unmistakably feminine. The girlishness of her features stand out even without any makeup.

Her jacket is made of a tough, leathery looking material, colored a surprisingly soft shade of mauve. Though cropped at the waist, its sleeves are full length, albeit pushed up to just below her elbows. It features a stiff, wide collar that juts straight up. The entire jacket itself is covered in various zippered pockets, big and small. They look like they're filled with all sorts of useful things. Underneath the jacket is a charcoal-colored v-neck t-shirt. You know from experience that underneath that is a lacy black bralette, which can be easily pushed away to reveal two perky pink nipples.

Her pants are made of black leather and skintight, held in place with a pair of overlapping belts, one of which hangs a little more loosely on her hip than the other. On the upper belt hangs a series of pockets and various tools, much like how her jacket seems to be stuffed with goodies. A third belt encircling her leg is equipped with a holster containing a large pistol. The right leg of her pants has been cropped short to show off a sliver of thigh, only for the rest of the limb to be covered by a thigh-high stocking. Both feet are laced up in well-worn combat boots with a sensible inch-high heel.

"Enjoying the show?" Evening asks, already done with her own inspection. "My eyes are up here, buddy." They're scolding words, but she's clearly joking.

History/Personality/Information of Note

She hails from Terra and it clearly shows, with her being a little more reserved and sensible when it comes to sex. Of course, doesn't stop her from having it. Easygoing and playful, she’s more than willing to swap stories, get smashed with you, get the other kind of smashed with you (bar some exceptions), and otherwise have a good time. She's got a tomboy streak and can come off a little bro-y. As a mercenary, she has no shortage of stories of interesting places or amusing jobs (although her low rankings give her a minor two-bit merc vibe). She also loves her guns a lot.

Evening lost her father at a young age. And her mother got addicted to mods some time after, causing her to go deep into debt, forcing a young Evening to get a job, and Evening's sister to drop out of university. One day Evening's mother just dissapeard and never came back. It later turned out that addiction runs in the family as both her brothers became alcoholics and her sister a junkie. Although the later was forced to kick the habit when she got pregnant, due to Evening threatening to stop her financial support.


Evening will comment on Steele's race changing between meeting when she is approached.


  • Herself - Ask Evening about herself.
  • Dhaal - Ask her how she likes Dhaal as a fellow newcomer.
  • Hobbies - What does she like to do in her free time?
    • Unlocks Show Gun, Gunplay, and "Gunplay" talk
  • Drinking Stories - Ask Evening if she knows any good stories, preferably ones that pair well with alcohol.
    • Evening randomely tells one of the following
      • Her first landing on Dhaal
      • Her participating in a planet race
      • What is in her utility belt
      • Her hunting a white collar rich guy
      • Her hunting for gems on Uveto
      • Her doing a security job for an indie musician.
  • Mods - It's not every day you meet someone who doesn't use any mods, especially in her line of work. Maybe there's a special reason for it.
    • Done Herself talk
  • Gunplay - Evening sure seems enthusiastic about guns. Really enthusiastic about guns… you kind of want to know how far that passion extends.
    • Done Hobbies talk
  • "Gunplay" - Evening sure seems enthusiastic about guns. Really enthusiastic about guns… you kind of want to know how far that passion extends.
    • Done Hobbies talk
  • Family - You have to admit, the curiosity is getting to you. It might be a touchy subject, but maybe Evening is willing to fill you in a little more now that you've gotten to know each other…
    • Done Herself talk
    • Done Mods talk
    • Done either of the following at least three times
      • Sex with her
      • Drinking Stories talk
  • Sex - Ask if she wants to get to know each other in a more private setting.
    • Requires genitals
    • If Steele is not a taur, naga, goo, and taint does not exceed 20%


Evening will play darts at the Crash Landing with a 1000 credit bet. Each type of board relies on different kinds of stat for it's chance.

  • Terran Darts
    • Steele's aim + 1 to 30 VS Evening's 60 aim + 1 to 30
      • If Evening's score - Steele's score exceeds 50: Evening will not take Steele's credits and instead give them some pointers
        • Increase aim by 1
        • Decrease Self esteem
  • Gryvain Darts
    • Steele's aim + intelligence + 1 to 60 VS Evening's 60 aim + 10 intelligence + 1 to 60
  • Zaika Darts
    • Steele's aim + reflexes + 1 to 60 VS Evening's 60 aim + 47 reflexes + 1 to 60


Having sex with Evening requires less than 20 taint, a non-gooey bipedal body, and genitals.

After any sex scene Steele will go to sleep, wake up in the morning (and potentially see her cooking wearing only an apron) to be served pancakes by Evening.

  • Desk Sex - See if you can't make good use of your surroundings.
    • Has penis that fits (48 inch³ or less)
    • Has variations for
      • Height of
        • Less than 64 inches
        • 64 or more, but less than 72 inches
        • 72 inches or more
      • Is not naked
        • Is wearing lower undergarments or not
      • Is naked
      • Has emote ears or not
      • Personality is
        • Nice
        • Mischievous
        • Hard
      • physique score of
        • less than 20
        • 20 or more, but less than 30
        • 30 or more
      • Smallest penis] volume is
        • Less than 43 inch³
        • 43 inch³ or more
      • Smallest penis has Knot flag or nor
      • Cum ejaculation quantity variations of
        • Less than 500 mLs
        • 500 mLs or more, but less than 10000 mLs
        • 10000 mLs or more
  • Thigh Fuck - Get between those legs!
  • Has penis
    • Has variations for
      • Is not naked
        • Is wearing lower undergarments or not
      • Is naked
      • Volume of first penis is
        • 48 inch³ or less
        • More than 48 inch³
      • Personality is
        • Nice
        • Mischievous
        • Hard
      • First penis has ribbed flag
      • First penis does not have ribbed flag
        • First penis has Knot flag or nor
      • Cum ejaculation quantity of less than 500 mLs
  • Get Ridden - Let Evening take charge.
    • Has variations for
      • Height of
        • Less than 60 inches
        • More than 68 inches
        • Less than 64 inches
        • 64 or more, but less than 72 inches
        • 72 inches or more
      • Personality is
      • Physique of
        • Less than 30
        • 30 or more
      • Smallest penis has the following flags
        • nubby
        • knot or not
  • Tribbing - Rub pussies. You get the feeling Evening will want to top.
    • Has variations for
      • Has penis or not
      • Personality is
        • Nice
        • Mischievous
        • Hard
      • Breast size of
        • Flat
        • A-cup or more, but less than D-cup
        • D-cup or more but less than big E-cup
        • big E-cup or more
  • Exchange Oral - Tooltip: Scratch each other's back. Metaphorically. Also sexually.
    • Has variations for
      • Has penis
        • Smallest penis has length of
          • 8 inches or less
          • More than 8 inches
        • Has vagina or not
          • Vaginal looseness of
            • 2 or less
            • 4 or less, but more than 2
            • More than 4
          • Vaginal wetness of
            • 2 or less
            • 3
            • 4
            • 5
        • Cum ejaculation quantity variations of
          • Less than 500 mLs
          • 500 mLs or more, but less than 10000 mLs
          • 10000 mLs or more
      • No penis
        • Vaginal looseness of
          • 2 or less
          • 4 or less, but more than 2
          • More than 4
        • Vaginal wetness of
          • 2 or less
          • 3
          • 4
          • 5
      • Personality is
        • Nice
        • Mischievous
        • Hard
      • Has hair or not
      • Has tongue flags
        • Long or not
        • Aphrodisiac Laced
      • Physique of
        • Less than 30
        • 30 or more
  • Cuff Her - You want a bit of revenge…
    • Done either Get Ridden or Tribbing sex scene
    • Sixty-Nine - Get on top of her while you service each other orally. The catch is, she doesn't get to touch you.
      • Has variations for
        • Has tongue flags
          • Long or not
          • Aphrodisiac Laced
        • Personality is
          • Nice
          • Mischievous
          • Hard
        • Breast size of
          • Flat
          • A-cup or more, but less than D-cup
          • D-cup or more but less than big E-cup
          • big E-cup or more
        • Height is
          • Between 60 and 68
          • Less than 60
          • More than 68
        • Has penis or not
    • Standing Mating Press - Pin her against the wall and fuck her with her legs in the air.
  • Missionary - It's an ordinary enough position, but you could always spice things up if you wanted to…
    • Has penis
    • Gentle - Take her gently
      • Increase nice personality by 3
    • Rough - Take her roughly
      • Increase hard personality by 3
      • Has variations for
        • Personality is
          • Nice
          • Mischievous
          • Hard
        • Smallest penis has knot or not
          • Volume of first penis is
          • 48 inch³ or less
          • More than 48 inch³