Munitions Factory

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Munitions Factory (Myrellion)

Munitions Factory
Federation Quest
Planet Myrellion
System Sindathu
Level Range 7+

This location is exclusive to FederationQuest.


After discussing the issues with Field Marshal Sellera and finding out that High Command desires to capture the War Queen, Captain Steele may agree to help her. Once agreed upon, Steele must meet up with Scout Lieve Thyrsa captain of the Pathfinders to begin the mission.


  • Agree to help Sellera to capture the War Queen.
  • Meet up with Lieve near the bunker of Kressia's gates.

List of characters



Areas and Encounters

There are three distinct areas Steele will traverse throughout the mission.


The above-ground, Gold-occupied city where the munitions factory is located. After shipping out from Kressia, Lieve's party will be ambushed here, resulting in a loss to about half of her unit.

Note: whether the fight is won or not Lieve sends the PC ahead and gives him the Myr Heavy Tranquilizer Dart causing the PC to move to the Southernmost square of the Main Floor.

Map of Munitions Factory Main Floor
Map of Munitions Factory Main Floor

Main Floor

The main floor of the dungeon. After the initial ambush, the player will find himself at the southernmost square of this floor.


3 squares north of the starting square the pc will find a sabotageable tank that when sabotaged allows the pc to skip the first stage of Estallia's fight


The northern square of the three eastmost squares contains a Gold Squad that needs to be neutralized to gain access to the basement.
Ways to neutralized include:

  • Vents - Send Lustoxin (Found in the Radio Tower Stairwell) through the vents in the middle square of three easternmost squares.
    • Adds 100 lust to pc (If you are wearing an airtight armor you will be protected)
    • If pc has max lust force sex scene
  • Drink Machine - ad the Heavy Tranquilizer to the ants drinks.
  • Combat defeat the Gold Squad in a fight
    • Victory by lust enables sex scene

Searching the room after having neutralized the Gold Squad will allow the PC to use the basement elevator.

Radio Tower Stairwell

The westernmost square is the entrance to the Radio Tower Choosing to investigate will cause the PC to find one Lustoxin.

Map of Munitions Factory Radio Tower
Map of Munitions Factory Radio Tower

Radio Tower

The southern square of the radio tower contains a Gold Officer that must be defeated to continue the quest. After the defeat of the Gold Officer the PC can find a Gold Myr Cipher. And take it with them or destroy it.

Choosing too use the Radio Set will cause Estallia to become aware of your intrusion and await you at the Main Floor Note: Doing this will trigger the final encounter leaving the pc unable to do anything outside of the Radio Tower for the rest of the quest.

Map of Munitions Factory Basement
Map of Munitions Factory Basement


Chemical Storehouse

The westernmost square of the basement. There is a crate that contains 4 Lustoxin.

Estallia's Room

The easternmost square of the basement. Choosing to Search the room will reveal a safe that can be opened by Smugglers and after the defeat of the Gold Officer in the Radio Tower.
The safe contains the following items:

Bad Ends

Losing in any of the combat encounters other than the initial ambush will lead to a bad end.



Upon encountering Estallia the PC can talk to her:

  • Attack - Let's get this over with
    • Start Combat
  • Go Home - Tell the myrish queen to go home. There’s no need to fight here.
    • Save Her - You came all this way to save the gold myr. You have no intention of fighting her... or letting her be captured.
    • Try Peace - You came here to try and stop this war! The Gold Myr have already lost: why keep fighting?
      • Start Combat
  • Surrender - Try and get the queen to surrender. The fight’s already lost, and she’s got a better chance with you than with the Federation commandos.
    • Start Combat
  • Why Fight? - Try and figure out why the myrish War Queen is fighting this hopeless battle!
    • Allows to choose another option
    • Disables Why Fight? talk option.
  • Leave World - Rather than fight a losing battle against the Federation, what if she simply left for greener pastures?
    • Not done Why Fight? talk scene, allows to choose another option
    • Done Why Fight? talk scene, allows the pc to give a suggestion of a planet to go too.
      • Kui-tan - The kui-tan seem to have a serious interest in Myrellion. Surely the queen and her troops would be a smash hit on the ‘nuki homeworld.
        • Estallia and her children leave for a Kui-tan world.
      • Mhen'ga - You know a jungle world that’s full of other honey-swollen yellow insect girls. Maybe the myr would fit in on Mhen’ga?
        • Choosing Mhen'ga will cause Estallia to ask how they will get there.
          • Donate - Give the myr rebels enough credits to buy their way off planet. With so many of them, and one as large as the War Queen... you doubt you could find them passage for less than 30,000 credits.
            • 30,000 Credits
            • Estallia and her children leave for Mhen'ga in several days.
          • Take Them - You have a big-ass ship. Big enough to take all these gold myr, anyway. Tell the queen to meet you somewhere safe, and you’ll evacuate them yourself.
            • This option was future proofing for Capital Ships. Capital Ships have since been postponed indefinitely
            • PC has Capital Ship with a crew capacity of at least 100
            • Estallia and her children are brought to Mhen'ga over several days.
          • Tap Kara - Kara and her smuggler buddies aboard the Ghost owe you a big damn favor, and you know they’re operating around here. Tap your favor with them to evacuate the myrmedion rebels.
            • Finished Karaquest 2 with Kara alive.
            • Estallia and her children are brought to Mhen'ga over several days.

If combat is started and the PC is the only member of the red faction to remain standing they can allow Estallia to escape or Capture her. Not being the only standing member will automatically capture her.

Afterward if the PC Captured Estallia they will recieve a Satchel of Gems from Sellera

Notable Items and Rewards

Key Items:




If Estallia left for Mhen'ga she and her daughters will reappear after several days on Mhen'ga.

If Estallia wasn't captured the next time the PC visits Lieve will give them the Myr Greatcoat. The visit after that the pc can give her the Gold Myr Cipher if it wasn't destroyed.