Flaming Axe

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Flaming Axe
Type Weapon
Slot Melee weapon
Base Price 60500
Damage 9 Kinetic
30 Burning
Damage Type Energy Weaponry
Burn DoT Chance
Crit Bonus 8
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Hostile
Additional Flags Energy Weapon

Flaming Axe

Electric guitars may be known as axes, but that doesn’t mean this one comes with a cutting edge. It was shaped from a heavy piece of scrap metal, too blunt to cut but too stiff to mind a little percussive maintenance. The hyrax built this flame-belching instrument for heft and durability, the better to accompanying their roaring war-march to a pillaging victory. Portable plasma jets allow it to belch flame on command.


Dropped by the Shalin Psi-Skald in the Shineglass Train on Phaedra.


Can be equipped as a melee weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.