Glutes Gains

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Glutes Gains
Type Combat Implant
Slot Combat Implant
Base Price 3000
Usable No
Combat Usable No
Defensive Target Self

A Glutes Gains implant

Whether an adventurer goes looking for it or not, it isn't difficult to end with a belly full of alien jizz while exploring recently discovered planets. It'd be a shame to waste such a source of nutrients, right? Gluteus Gains uses the protein-rich substance in two ways: as a resource to restore energy, and as an aid to physical development. Individuals with bigger butts may experience better results.

  • Getting anally-filled restores Energy.
  • Taking a big load up the ass while not anally-filled increases either Reflexes or Physique, whichever is lower. The process takes some time to complete.


Purchased from Sabrae in implant station at Dhaal


Can be installed by Sabrae to take its effect. Cannot be retrieved after installing.