Grenade Launcher

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Grenade Launcher
Type Weapon
Slot Ranged weapon
Base Price 7000
Damage Variable
Damage Type Variable
Accuracy -2
Evasion 5
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self
Additional Flags Launcher

A 42mm grenade launcher

This 8-round, 42mm grenade launcher once served a hyraxi raider well. Now it and its bandolier of various specialty grenades serve you. The grenade type can be cycled in the [Special Abilities] menu with the [Cycle Grenade] button while in combat, or in the [Interact] menu while in the Inventory.

As the description implies, the damage type and value depends on which Grenades are loaded.

  • Shrapnel: 45 Kinetic, Explosive
  • Incendiary: 36 Burning, Burn DoT Chance
  • Cryo: 36 Freezing, Freeze Chance
  • Flash: 10 Kinetic, 13 Electric, 13 Burning, Blind Chance
  • EMP: 25 Electric, 25 Accuracy, Targets Shields
  • Beanbag: 42 Kinetic, Crushing, Trip Chance



Can be equipped as a ranged weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.
Unlike the EMP Grenade item, the EMP ammo type does not Stun robots.