Hureya's Claw

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Hurya's Claw
Type Weapon
Slot Melee weapon
Base Price 120000
Damage 40 Electric
Damage Type Energy Weaponry
Accuracy 5
Crit Bonus 5
Evasion 5
Fortification -20
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Hostile
Additional Flags Energy Weapon

Hureya's Claw

This fearsome claw was once wielded by the hyrax warlord, Hureya. Resembling a huge paw with sickle-sized claws, this fist weapons crackles with enough electrified current to barbecue a varmint. A weapon for those who like to be up close - at any cost.


Dropped by Hureya in the Shineglass Train raid on Phaedra.


Can be equipped as a melee weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.