Jack-o-lantern dress

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Code Name JackolanternDress
Type Armor
Slot Armor
Base Price 10000
Sexiness 4
Resolve 1
Evasion 18
Bonus Resistances 50% Psionic
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self

A jack-o-lantern dress

This lovely halloween-themed dress comes covered patterned with jack-o-lanterns of every shape and size, their mouths agape in everything from abject horror to euphoric joy. Pale orange light spills from their eyes and mouths, shimmering across the breezy fabric.


During Halloween, enemies have a 2% chance to drop one of eight Halloween items, including this one.

  • Will not drop if one is already in the player's inventory


Can be equipped as armor or be sold to a vendor for credits.