Dame Xhanni

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Dame Xhanni
Dame Xhanni's busts by Adjatha
Creator Adjatha
Full name Not given
Nickname(s) Anni
Species Zaika
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Occupation Peer
Title Dame
Konno's bust by Adjatha
Creator Adjatha
Full name Konno
Alias Hollow
Species Zaika
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Occupation XO

A high ranking Peer interested in various forms of "diplomacy" with Steele. She is accompanied by her XO, known as Hollow.


The woman has a darker purple skin tone, smooth curves nearly flawless but for the vertical seam of glowing blue cybernetics on the right side of her face and a single, white freckle by her left eye. Her natural eye color is pink, her cybernetic eye, blue; both cast the vibrant glowing light of her kind’s luminescent eyeshine of her people. She wears her pale tresses long, the sweeping curtain of alabaster swishing past her hips with each movement.

The peer wears an intricate torq around her neck tight enough to be a collar, along with gold, dangling earrings and an artfully decorated tail ring under her modestly-covered bulb. In all, she stands as a 7’ tall sculpture of zaika perfection.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Dame Xhanni is a high ranking Peer on Dhaal that can be initially met during the Dhaal Party Event, and later when she invites the player to a private party. Like most Peers, she has her own XO bodyguard. Unlike most other Peers, however, Xhanni both named her XO and modified her programming to allow her original personality to show through, that of Xhanni's former superior Konno.


After encountering Feruze while on Dhaal's taxi, entering a hostile tile will trigger Xhanni's encounter. She and her XO will appear to invite the player to a private party for some political networking. Xhanni's appearance and Zaibatsu changes based on which Zaibatsu the player favored during the Dhaal Party Event. The player can attend the Private Party or Decline.

The player can be invited multiple times as a random encounter on hostile tiles with a 52 hour cooldown that is set when the player receives the invitation. As the party itself is a 36 hour event, the player should only have to wait an additional 16 hours after completion before it may trigger again. The initial chance to occur is low but increases over time.


  • The Peers - Talk about the Peers.
  • Zaibatsu - Ask about a certain zaibatsu...
    • The label and content of this option will vary based on which zaibatsu the player had the highest score with during the Dhaal Party Event
  • XOs - You simply must know more about these cybernetic doll-guards!
  • Hollow - Ask about Hollow in particular.
    • Must have done XOs talk


The player can choose one sex option each time they attend the party.

  • Educate - Things are done a little differently where you come from, and she seems like an eager learner.
  • Go Native - Let Dame Xhanni guide you through the sexual indulgences of Peerage.
  • Cybernetics - Get up close and personal with the pinnacle of zaika cybernetic technology.
    • Varies based on which zaibatsu Xhanni belongs to
      • Paragon
      • Bright Water
        • Has variations for
      • Utopian Skies
    • Additionally, if the player has talked about Hollow, the scene is extended
  • Konno - Have the XO drop her robotic act and take charge.
    • Must have done Hollow talk


Xhanni and Konno are not part of any quests. However, they were added with the intent of smoothing out the main story quest on Dhaal by taking up the period of time in which the player would normally have to wait for Feruze to email them, with the added benefit of becoming a repeatable encounter.


  • In addition to smoothing out Dhaal's story progression, Xhanni and Khonno were also Adjatha's way of reusing assets for characters that were originally one-offs and/or niche.