They have plumbing built like a horse and mate like horny bunnies during breeding season.
Name (Singular): Laquine
Sexes: 33% Male, 33% Female, 33% Hermaphrodite
Height: 5’ 6” to 7’
Weight: 132 to 187 lbs (60 to 85 kg)
Hair: Covered all over in fur, but “hair” grows on the top of the head in the form of especially long, lush fur.
Eyes: Two eyes in the face, at normal human position. Laquine eyes have a fundamentally human-like structure; a visible sclera (white) surrounding a colored iris, which in turn surrounds a round black pupil. Iris colors documented include brown, varying shades of blue and gray, red and pink.
Bodily Structure: Laquines have the standard bipedal bodily configuration; a vertically orientated torso mounted atop a single pair of legs, topped with a single head and with two arms at the topmost end of the torso. Their arms are particularly human-like, each ending in a single five-fingered hand. Legs call to mind a giant rabbit’s, with powerfully developed thigh and calf muscles and elongated, paw-like feet. Laquines have an extra joint in the middle of their paws, allowing them to stand equally well on either the heel of their foot or on the ball of their foot, adopting a plantigrade or digitigrade stance at will.
Seated above their buttocks is a tail; this is fundamentally a rabbit-like “puff” of downy fur, but the fur around the edge of the tail is inclined to grow into long, downy strands, meaning an untrimmed tail resembles a horse’s at first glance. Fashion over wearing tail-fur trimmed or untrimmed varies from place to place. Long, luxurious hair grows out from the calves below the knee, with this excessive hair ending just above the ankle. This equine “feathering” can potentially grow as long as the hair on their heads, forming fluffy looking socks that partially obscure their paws, but for practicality’s sake most laquines trim it much shorter.
Facial Structure: As an anthropomorphic species, laquine faces are a weird blend of human traits and a bestial muzzle. Nose and mouth protrude in a short, fundamentally rabbit-like snout, but the muscles are strong enough to pull off all manner of human-like facial expressions - smiling, pouting, frowning, smirking, kissing, etc. Having evolved from herbivores, laquine teeth consist of cropping incisors at the front and molars at the back.
Long rabbit ears rise from the top of the skull; whilst flexible and capable of swiveling in many directions, as with Earth rabbits, these are still stiff enough that they don’t normally bend. However, approximately 1 in 3 laquines is a “lop-eared laquine”, whose ears are soft and flexible enough that they can’t support themselves upright without conscious effort on the part of the laquine and normally “flop” down the back or sides of the head. Despite common folklore, it is a naturally evolved trait amongst some laquines.
Skin & Fur: A laquine’s entire body is covered in a layer of smooth, fine fur, except for the lips, nipples and sexual organs. This fur isn’t especially dense normally, as laquines evolved in warm environments, but does respond to cold conditions by growing denser and thicker in an effort to help preserve warmth. “Woolly laquines”, who naturally grow thicker and lusher fur, are known to exist. Laquine fur tends towards dark colorations - blacks, browns, reds, navy blue, etc - but is often offset by light or even bright colors (creams, oranges, tans, etc), and contrasting patterns are seen as attractive in many laquine sub-cultures. Hair is usually a noticeably contrasting color to fur.
Sexual Organs & Erogenous Zones: Laquines have a fairly standard array of sexual features for humanoids: two nipples, a vaginal orifice, an external phallus, and a pair of external testicles, with combinations as expected for the gender. The nipples, positioned in the "normal" place for humanoids, grow into permanent breasts at puberty. The penis is the most unusual physical trait of laquines, and instantly separates them from "mere" anthropomorphic rabbits. A laquine’s phallus is "free-falling", like a human’s, and consists of a hairless sheathe of foreskin into which the phallus proper retracts when not aroused. In shape, the exposed phallus physically most closely resembles the phallus of an Earthly horse, complete with the ability to "flare", or have its edges swell upon climax.
Similarly, laquines have a “marecunt” to match their “horsedick”; their vagina is very elastic and naturally produces copious amounts of pheromone-laden lubricants. This is believed to be an evolutionary adaptation to cope with the size of the average laquine penis. Average size of penises is a length of 10 to 14 inches and a girth of 2 to 3 inches. Average testes size is golfball to apple sized, and extraordinarily productive beyond that; laquine ejaculate typically measures in terms of litres. Breast size is affected by how many offspring have been produced; upon reaching breeding age, most laquines range from large A-cups to small C-cups upon puberty, though proportions as massive as FF-cups have been reported from dedicated broodmothers.
Environs Typically Inhabited
Laquines are native to the southern biomes of their home planet, Asherah, making them most comfortable on warm to tropical grassland and forest type environments. Laquines can tolerate aridity, to an extent, but much prefer a lush environment that isn’t too damp. On other planets, laquines are drawn to regions similar to their home environments; they prefer a plentiful supply of vegetation, and so will usually be found in locations that at least have large gardens or parks, if not being well vegetated in general.
Though laquines can - and do - mate all the year around, females only become receptive to pregnancy during their twice-yearly heat-seasons. Occurring every 6 months, and lasting for a period of two weeks, it is during this time that females can conceive and experience the hormonal desire to do so. Medicinal supplements to quell these urges, and to reduce the arousing musk that they produce during this period, are now freely available, but it has had its impact on their social structure.
Hermaphrodites do feel heat, like females, but usually in a much weaker fashion. Approximately one fertile week out of every four, however, triggers an even stronger reaction than it does in females, overwhelming the laquine’s mind with the need to father and conceive offspring. In this state, they have even been known to sexually assault others in desperate search of sexual release. Hermaphrodites who feel their “burning” coming on traditionally take alleviating medicine and seek seclusion, emerging only when it is over... assuming they don’t have one or more partners that they choose to sate their lust with, of course.
Conception occurs in the ‘typical’ mammalian format, and a litter of two to eight offspring gestate internally for a period of six months before being born alive. As this time period means that offspring from the last breeding season are born during the start of the next, and laquine biologies recover quickly, it is possible for a willing female laquine to be pregnant constantly throughout the year. An infant laquine is a small creature, about the size of a Terran rabbit, and quite helpless, dependent upon its parental figures to care for it for about a decade before reaching adulthood.
Within the last thirty years, however, this reproductive system has been thrown off. Some unknown, plague-like affliction has spread throughout the species, wreaking havoc upon the laquine reproductive system.
Firstly, it causes the breeding cycle to experience disruptions; sufferers find their cycle occurring out of season, or simply not occurring at all. Disruptions can result in sufferers experiencing only a single heat a year, only once every several years, or even total sterility. Even when heat is entered, breeding success is impacted; stillbirths and miscarriages sometimes occur, but most frequently, only a small number of ova will be fertilized, usually one or two at best. In many cases, even individuals who experience heat find themselves failing to conceive at all, no matter how virile their partner is.
The effects of this disease are predominantly felt when laquines attempt to mate within their own species. Laquines attempting to crossbreed with other races have markedly greater success, with the primary difficulty being going into heat in the first place.
A relatively young species as far as the United Galactic Confederacy is concerned, the laquines of Asherah were discovered only towards the end of the last planet rush, when the human exploratory vessel Blue Orion entered a newly revealed solar system and encountered a scientific exploration vessel that had recently reached that same area and was quite surprised to encounter an alien vessel. First contact was tenuous, but swiftly proved successful, despite some diplomatic tension resulting from an incident when one of the laquine crew impregnated a female human scientist, and the laquine captain herself becoming pregnant by Captain Small of the Blue Orion. Peaceful acceptance into the U.G.C. followed quite soon thereafter.
Afterwards, the laquine population in the greater galaxy grew quite swiftly, thanks to the rather explosive breeding rate of the species. Though quick and eager to offer their services as organic crop producers, workers and even sexual operators, the speed with which the laquines colonised new lands outside of their own solar system attracted rumblings of discontent, especially from certain human organisations. Indeed, certain races have been known to openly proclaim the laquines as “pests” or “parasites”.
Within the last thirty years, however, this accelerated rate of colonisation began to severely die back, as the laquine species found itself assailed by a mysterious plague-like condition that has caused widespread fertility problems. Indeed, the laquines have become increasingly introverted as a species, as more and more attention is being devoted to pursuing possible causes for the sterility plague - and, far more importantly, seeking out potential cures. Despite decades of work, the laquines’ top minds are still trying to unravel the dark secrets of this disease. This extreme and unnatural difficulty in analysis and diagnosis has led to conspiracy theories of it being artificially engineered, which has furthered the general withdrawal of the laquine community from the U.G.C.
Medical experts have established by way of testing and observation that neither mod-transformed laquines, nor the half-breed offspring of laquines and other alien races, seem to be affected by the disease. This fact is carefully hidden from public consumption, an effort to minimize paranoia, conspiracy and xenophobia amongst an already suspicious and distrustful populace.
Other Notes
Though it is not socially enforced, traditionally, laquine culture falls under a gender-based trichotomy. Females are responsible for roles that revolve around caring for the children and adults, such as being homemakers, chefs or nurses. Males are responsible for tasks that require strength or endurance as a general rule; construction work, farming, manual labor, etcetera. Hermaphrodites, finally, tend to gravitate towards the social power and intelligence-based roles, such as scientists and politicians. As stated, these roles are not socially enforced - no one would force a female laquine to not be a scientist, for example - but they are traditional and thusly stereotyped amongst this species.
Despite, or perhaps because of, the size of their phallic organs, laquines usually associate ejaculate size with virility size instead. Semen quantity boosters are the primary subject of sexual spam amongst laquines, and semen-related mods are fairly common in their culture. Which is not to say that they don’t also tend to take pride in the size of their male members, just that cumshot size is usually more important.
Though rare, it is established fact that priapric and mammarian hyperism conditions have been documented amongst laquines.
Laquines have been confirmed as being capable of successfully crossbreeding with humans, kaithrit, kui-tan and ausars.
Laquine's name is derived from the Taxonomic Order for rabbit, Lagomorph; and Family for horse, Equine.