Oxonium Crystal

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Oxonium Crystal
Type Gem
Base Price 600
Usable No

An oxonium crystal

This small Oxonium crystal is nearly pure, pitch black yet oddly reflective, like a mirror made of volcanic glass. While some subcultures prize these gems for jewelry and adornment, their main use is industrial; Modern holographic techniques cannot be accomplished without an Oxonium diffraction mirror. Hardlight tech is even more dependant on these inky crystals. Man-portable shield generators would be little more than a dream.


  • Can be encountered instead of combat in the South Jungle of Mhen'ga. It will stay in the same space for two hours after, with a twenty-minute cooldown after being picked up.


  • Can be given to Qailla while building a weapon.
    • As a Focus Gem, it causes the weapon to do Electric damage.
    • As a Resonance Gem, it grants extra Shields.
    • As a Trick Gem, it adds Draining.
  • Can be sold for credits.


Oxonium is probably named after the Fenoxo, the lead developer of Trials in Tainted Space.