Akkadi Security Robot

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Akkadi Security Robot
Akkadirobots (Adjatha).png
an Akkadi Security Robot, by Adjatha
Creator Savin
Species Automaton
Gender None
Location Uveto
Level 8
Shields 215
Health 120
Initial Lust 0

A common enemy found throughout Syriquest: The Genetic Opera, if Steele overpowers the back up generators.


As you're running down the sterile corridor, you suddenly hear a shuddering creeeak of metal grinding on metal. You spin around, watching panels slide open on the walls behind you. From hidden alcoves, several quadrupedal security robots -- each not much bigger than a trash can, and plated with shiny Akkadi-blue armor -- stomp out. They've got angled blast shields in place of faces, and between the plates, each robot has the all-too-familiar shape of a gun barrel peeking out, scanning around for targets.

And they settle on you!


You're fighting Akkadi security bots!


If Steele overloads the backup generators then they will appear randomly in nearly every room in the facility. Regardless of that fact though, if you at any point in the Quest side with Dr. Calnor, Valden will take control of a group and attack you boosting the one he possesses.


Robots have medium Health, lots of Shields. Immune to Lust. Regenerate a small amount of Health each turn they are up due to repair protocols. Additionally, losing to them will result in you losing 1000 credits per each robot still alive in the team. You will always fight them in teams of 3-5 with a chance for additional ones to join the fray if one is defeated and the fight is prolonged. If you already confronted Calnor in the Starship Labs, losing to them after that point will result in a Bad End.


Valden possessed
Valden (Adjatha).png
a Valden possessed Security Robot, by Adjatha
Shields 300
Health 120
Initial Lust 0

When Valden is in the fight the drone he possesses is the only drone that needs to be destroyed.

Move Set

Lead drone is Either Valden or first Drone

Drone AI
  • Net Blast - Shoots a net to grapple Steele
    • Drone is the lead drone
    • Once per fight
    • 25% Chance to be used
    • No other Drone can attack that turn
    • Fails if one of the following conditions is met
      • Steele's Reflexes are greater than 14 + 1d25
      • Lead Drone is blinded
      • Steele's Evasion is greater than 1d100
    • If the attack lands Steele becomes grappled
  • Target Link - Increased accuracy
    • Drone is the lead drone
    • Once per fight
    • 25% Chance to be used
    • No other Drone can attack that turn
    • Increases Accuracy of all drones by 8
    • Ends if Steele blinds a drone, or uses stealth field generator
  • Bean bags - Basic attack that shoots bean bags
    • None of the above moves used
    • If the attack lands
      • Deals ~26 (40.25 if drone is Valden's host) raw kinetic damage

Bonus moves

  • Repair protocols - minor healing at the end of every turn
    • Every turn
    • Heals 5 to 20 hp damage
Valden AI
  • Jump bots - Valden jumps to a new drone
    • Valden will Jump if his host drone has one of the following Status effects
      • Stunned
      • Tripped
      • Paralyzed
      • Grappled
    • Valden will Jump if there is a better drone available and his host drone has either of the following
      • Health is less than 40
      • One of the following Status effects
        • Blinded
        • Sundered
        • Staggered
    • Desirability for each drone is determined as follows
      • Base desirability is 100
      • Health is less than 40
        • -100 desirability
      • + (Shields/10) desirability
      • + (Health/5) desirability
      • -10 desirability for every one of the following status effects the drone is
        • Stunned
        • Tripped
        • Paralyzed
        • Grappled
      • -50 desirability for every one of the following status effects the drone is
        • Stunned
        • Tripped
        • Paralyzed
        • Grappled
      • +15 desirability if the drone currently hosts Valden
    • Old host loses 40% of shields
    • New host shields increase by 40%

Every turn that Valden didn't jump has a 50% chance to use one of these 2 moves

  • Shield Heal - Heals some shields
    • Heals for the lower of the 2 following
      • Effective healing (between 45 and 150)
      • 301 - Host drones current shields
  • Tracer Round - Valden uses a tracer round to make it easier to shoot at you
    • Steele does not have Tracer round Status effect
    • If the attack lands
      • Deals ~40.25 raw kinetic damage and 15 raw burning damage
      • Steele gains "Akkadi Tracer Rounds" Status effect for 2 rounds
        • Increase accuracy for all enemies by 5
      • 20% for Steele to get Burn Status Effect
  • Otherwise
    • If none of the above moves were triggered Valden uses a move from the Drone AI

Bonus moves

  • Repair protocols - minor healing at the end of every turn
    • Every turn
    • Has health damage
    • Heals 5 to 20 hp damage


Lust Resistances

Immune to lust damage

Damage Resistances

With Shields
  • 25% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • 35% immunity to burning attacks
  • 60% weakness to electric attacks
Without Shields
  • 40% weakness to electric attacks


Information about the creatures drops, drop chances, maybe anything of note regarding their actual equipped items used to implement their combat.