Strange Egg

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Egg (Adjatha).png
Psychic Tentacle's bust, by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
Type Drug
Base Price 1500
Usable No

This egg is larger than most you’ve heard about and warm to the touch. Whatever is inside there, it’s still alive and moving. Your Codex identifies it as species UHS-1045. There’s no real data aside from a warning of danger and a high value for living eggs on less reputable markets.


Can be randomly found in the jungles of Mhen'ga (1/100 chance, limit one in inventory) or in the deep caverns of Myrellion (1/200 chance, no limit).


This item cannot be used directly, but if Captain Steele holds onto the egg in the inventory or in storage, there may be a chance it can hatch while traveling between planets.

If Steele has any non-pregnant orifice (vagina or ass) and is not impregnated by a strange egg already, the egg will hatch, revealing a spawn of a psychic tentacle beast. The beast will then impregnate one of Steele's orifices with its own spawn. The pregnancy will last about 18 days before giving birth to a psychic tentacle beast.