Urtanium Gemstone

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Urtanium Gemstone
Type Gem
Base Price 20000
Usable No

A gray-black striped urtanium gem

Urtanium: a mineral recognizable for its alternating stripes of matte gray and glossy back. Fur-bearing races often prize this stone, leading some to theorize that it produces a kind of latent, psychic radiation. Most scholars have dismissed this supposed effect as mere superstition. It has few industrial uses if any. Were it not for its natural luster and widespread cultural superstitions, it might have been left in the ground as mining waste.

The bustling jewelry market has kept its value high, as has the lack any industrial synthesis.



  • Can be given to Qailla while building a weapon.
    • As a Focus Gem, it causes the weapon to do Kinetic damage.
    • As a Resonance Gem, it grants extra Critical Chance.
    • As a Trick Gem, it adds Blind Chance.
  • Can be sold for credits.


Urtanium is named after Urta, a character from Corruption of Champions, the team's previous game.