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=== Dropship ===
=== Dropship ===
{{Infobox Character
|Akkadi Dropship
|location = Uveto
| level = Level 9
| shields = 500
| health = 0
| initlust = 0
| maxlust = N/A
| lustresets = 0
==== Move Set ====
==== Move Set ====
List all move options available in the following format
List all move options available in the following format

Revision as of 21:10, 21 November 2021

Alyru Schora
Schora's Busts, by Adjatha
Creator Savin
Alias Commander Schora
Species Dzaan Alpha
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Occupation Head of Security
Title Commander
Level 10
Shields 200
Health 150
Initial Lust 0
Maximum Lust 100
Lust Reset(s) 0

Commander Schora is a charachter and potentially the final boss of Syriquest: The Genetic Opera. She wears TS-T Armor Plating Mark II and a Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator and is armed with an Aegis Light Machinegun and Tonfas.


"The cheap plastic curtain’s thin and almost transparent, letting you see the dark outline of a large woman inside: statuesque and tall, not thick like a huskar but shapely in all the right places, with large breasts from which water cascades down onto the shower floor.

She’s moaning softly, and you can see one of her hands moving sensually up and down her body, stopping to grope one of her meaty bosoms before delving down between her legs or reaching around to grope the plump mounds of assflesh swaying behind her.

She hasn’t noticed you yet, if you want to sneak away..."


Schora will briefly appear when boarding the drop ship by hiding in the barrels or using the Stealth field as a Smuggler. It is later possible to encounter Schora in the Showers of the Staff Quarters where she will be having a cold one, talking about wanting to be treated like a slut before you meet Valden. The PC has the option to Approach or Leave. If the PC approaches her she will sheepishly ask how much they hear. Later she will appear at the end of the quest. If the PC sided with Dr. Calnor and elected to kill Valden she will escort you from the premises. If you help Valden get a new body she will appear as the Final Boss and losing to her will result in a Bad End.

When meeting Schora in the shower:

  • What's Up - She's the first actual person you've seen since you got here. Shouldn't there be an entire staff here... and security... and researchers?
  • Yeah I Did - You sure heard something. Maybe something you could get in on...
    • Leads to sex


Special combat information such as increased lust, pattern changes, and special defeat conditions.


Location Uveto
Level Level 9
Shields 500
Health 0
Initial Lust 0
Maximum Lust N/A
Lust Reset(s) 0

Move Set

List all move options available in the following format

  • Move - Descrtiption of the move
    • Requirements for Move.
    • Secondary effects for Move
Override Moves

Moves that occur when a condition is met

Random Pool Moves

Moves added to the random pool when their conditions are met. A move from the random pool is used when no override move is used.


Lust Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks
Damage Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks


Only show preferences that are always present.


Information about the creatures drops, drop chances, maybe anything of note regarding their actual equipped items used to implement their combat.

Alyru Schora

Move Set

List all move options available in the following format

  • Move - Descrtiption of the move
    • Requirements for Move.
    • Secondary effects for Move
Override Moves

Moves that occur when a condition is met

Random Pool Moves

Moves added to the random pool when their conditions are met. A move from the random pool is used when no override move is used.


Lust Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks
Damage Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks


Only show preferences that are always present.


Information about the creatures drops, drop chances, maybe anything of note regarding their actual equipped items used to implement their combat.



  • Treat Her Right - A beauty like this needs to be treated like a lady... a dirty, slutty dickgirl of a lady, but still.
  • Treat Her Bad - Treat this chunky dickgirl like the big, slutty half-puppy she is.
    • If the PC selects this option, and Valden isn't in Calnor, then it is possible to flirt with Schora before the second phase of her fight, allowing you to bypass it.


Bad end



In Syri Quest, Schora is potentially the final boss of the quest:

Location Uveto
Level Level 9
Shields 500
Health 0
Initial Lust 0
Maximum Lust N/A
Lust Reset(s) 0


Phase 1 of the encounter.


You're fighting an Akkadi dropship, strapped with laser cannons and god knows what else!

The sleek blue hovercraft is swaying in the blizzard, melting through the continual snowfall with a pair of vulcan lasers that never seem to stop firing. The craft's shields are still up, flickering constantly as the screaming wind of the Uvetan pole blasts it, threatening to bear the ship down at any moment.


Boss has ultra-heavy shields and LOADS of Health -- like, way more than the PC could ever reasonably chew through at Level 10. She also has high Energy DPS via a pair of Vulcan laser cannons, which make a flurry of low-damage attacks each round. While in the gunship, Schora is immune to Lust (has 0, can't gain it) and cannot be Stunned or Knocked Prone and is considered a flying enemy, making her immune to melee attacks. It is built with a series of Vulcan Laser Cannons, Ship Plating, and a Reaper Armaments Mark II Shield Generator.

Move Set

  • Vulcan Cannon - Makes six low-accuracy, low-damage attacks.
    • Used every turn, on top of any other ability.
  • Evasive Maneuvers! - Rare. Increases Evasion by 25% for 3 turns.
  • Strafing Run - Reduces the PC's evasion, deals moderate energy damage.
    • Chance to blind if the PC fails a Reflex save.
  • Concussion Launcher - Rare. Does massive Kinetic damage. Physique save for half damage.


Lust Resistances
  • 100% immunity to Lust attacks
Damage Resistances
  • 40% weakness to electric attacks




Phase 2 if you fail to flirt your way out.


You're fighting Commander Schora, the woman in charge of security here at the Akkadi facility, and previously the pilot of the shielded dropship. She's a tall, curvy dzaan that flaunts her hermaphroditism under her skin-tight jumpsuit pants, hugging her plump balls and thick dick. The ballistic vest that marks her as part of the station's security detachment must have been heavily altered to accommodate her prodigious bust, barely held back by all the bullet-proof material she's wearing. She's currently wielding a bulty machine gun, pressed tight to her shoulder and ready to sling lead with a tap of the trigger.


Schora has lots of health and decent armor, some shields, cripplingly low Lust resistance. She deals high Kinetic damage with her basic attacks, and can drop some sicknasty debilitating effects on the player. She fights like a PC Mercenary in a lot of respects.

Move Set

  • Low Blow - Same as Kaska.
  • Chaff Grenade - Rare. Sets PC's Accuracy bonus to 0 for 3 turns.
    • AIM is unaffected.
    • Any drone the PC has is shut down for the duration.
  • Underslung Shotgun - Uncommon. Can't miss. Inflicts heavy Kinetic damage.
    • Sunders the PC's armor if their Shields are down.
  • Incendiary Round - Rare. Deals Thermal damage, causes Burning if the PC fails a PHYS save.


Lust Resistances
  • 15% weakness to tease attacks
  • 10% weakness to drug attacks
  • 25% weakness to pheromone attacks
Damage Resistances
  • Defense value of 3
  • 35% immunity to Kinetic
  • 15% immunity to Burning
  • 20% immunity to Freezing
  • 25% immunity to Corrosive
  • 30% immunity to Poison
  • 35% immunity to Psionic
  • 30% weakness to electric attacks


  • Random


  • Schora was originally considered a Half-Ausar. Scenes featuring her described her having canine ears and a tail. This was changed due to the contradicting depiction of her official bust.