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== Status Effects ==
== Status Effects ==
Additional cosmetic effects to the look and/or function of the chest/breasts can also be attained.
Additional cosmetic effects to the look and/or function of the chest/breasts can also be attained.
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Latest revision as of 05:55, 15 August 2024

The chest is a body part that Captain Steele can customize. The parameters of this body part that can be currently altered are the breast size, number of breast rows and number of breasts per row.

Breast Rating Value Guide

  • 0 - No Breasts
  • 1 - A-cup
  • 2 - B-cup
  • 3 - C-cup
  • 4 - D-cup
  • 5 - DD-cup
  • 6 - big DD-cup
  • 7 - E-cup
  • 8 - big E-cup
  • 9 - EE-cup
  • 10 - big EE-cup
  • 11 - F-cup
  • 12 - big F-cup
  • 13 - FF-cup
  • 14 - big FF-cup
  • 15 - G-cup
  • 16 - big G-cup
  • 17 - GG-Cup
  • 18 - big GG-Cup
  • 19 - H-cup
  • 20 - big H-cup
  • 21 - HH-cup
  • 22 - big HH-cup
  • 23 - HHH-cup
  • 24 - I-cup
  • 25 - big I-cup
  • 26 - II-cup
  • 27 - big II-cup
  • 28 - J-cup
  • 29 - big J-cup
  • 30 - JJ-cup
  • 31 - big JJ-cup
  • 32 - K-cup
  • 33 - big K-cup
  • 34 - KK-cup
  • 35 - big KK-cup
  • 36 - L-cup
  • 37 - big L-cup
  • 38 - LL-cup
  • 39 - big LL-cup
  • 40 - M-cup
  • 41 - big M-cup
  • 42 - MM-cup
  • 43 - big MM-cup
  • 44 - MMM-cup
  • 45 to 99 - Large (large MMM-cup to large ZZZ-cup)
  • 100 to 143 - Hyper (hyper A-cup to hyper MMM-cup)
  • 144 to 198 - Hyper Large (hyper large MMM-cup to hyper large ZZZ-cup)
  • 199 - Jacques00-cup


Most race-transformations may also have the effect to change the breast size, altering the breast proportions to conform to that particular race. Some of these transformations are very particular in comparing size limits.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Deeps Queen
  • Flat chest
  • Increase top breast row to B-cup
  • While incubating her young
Dr. Badger
  • Top breast row size less than big E-cup
  • Increase breast size between big E-cup and F-cup
  • When choosing to Be Hero
  • Choosing Helmet
  • Increase all breasts by 12 cup sizes
  • Choosing Armor
  • Top breast row size less than big G-cup
  • Increase top breast row size by 5 cup sizes, up to big G-cup
  • Top breast row size less than C-cup
  • Increase top breast row size to C-cup
  • While under the "Faux Treament" during the milking session.
  • Largest breast size is flat or A-cup
  • Increase top breast row by 1 to 3 cup sizes
  • While incubating her young
  • Breast size is less than
    • DD-cup for lite
    • G-cup for classic
    • I-cup for plus
  • Increase breast size by
    • 1-3 cup sizes till DD-cup for lite
    • 2-4 cup sizes till G-cup for classic
    • 3-5 cup sizes till I-cup for plus
  • Breast size at least A-cup
  • Overdose
  • Increase breast size by 6-8
Ausar Treat
  • Has vagina
  • Biggest breast size is less than D-Cup
  • Increase top breast row by 1 Cup size
Big Green Potion
  • Increase all breast rows by 1 to 3 cup sizes
  • Primary breast row size less than M-cup
  • Primary breast row size less than EE-cup
    • Primary breast row becomes EE-cup
  • Increase primary breasts row size rating by 1
    • If primary breasts row size less than big H-cup
      • Increase primary breasts row size rating by an additional 1
Boobswell Pads
  • Has at least one breast row
  • Gradually increase breast size of selected row (if multiple)
  • Effect lasts for three days while the pads are worn.
  • Femininity at 50% or more
  • Smallest breast size less than big GG-Cup
  • Increase breast]] size by 1-5
  • Smallest breast size is less than C-cup
  • Increase all breast rows by 1 cup size
    • Increase by an additional cup size, if 2nd or greater dose in 5 hours
  • All breast rows are flat
  • Has breasts
    • Smallest breast size less than H-cup
  • Chance
    • 50% If smalles breast row is less than DD-Cup
    • 25% If smalles breast row is DD-Cup or greater
  • All breast rows smaller than H-cup
    • Increase breast size by 1
Gold Pill
  • Has vagina
  • Smallest breast row less than big GG-cup
  • Increase smallest breast row by 1 or 2 cups
  • Increase other breast rows by 1 cup
Gush Spraypen
  • (on use)
  • Biggest breasts smaller than Big HH-Cup
  • Increase each breast row's breast size by 1 to 3 cups
Horse Pill
  • Breast size at E-cup or more
  • All breast rows
    • Reduce breast size by
      • 4-6 Cup-sizes if breast row's size is greater than big EE-cup
      • 1 Cup-size if breast row's size is at big EE-cup or less
  • All breast row after the first
    • Reduce breast size by 3-5 cup-sizes
Huskar Treat
  • Has vagina
  • Biggest breast size is less than D-Cup
  • Increase top breast row by 1 Cup size
Naleen Nip
  • Has vagina
  • Top breast row size less than DD-cup
  • Chest is flat
    • Grow B-cup breasts
  • Chest isn't flat
    • Increase top breast row by 2-4 sizes
Naleen Nip
  • Has vagina
  • Is Naga
  • Top breast row size less than F-cup
  • Increase top breast row size by 3 to 5 cups
  • Has Penis
  • Top breast row is flat
  • Top breast size becomes A-Cup
  • No Penis
  • Top breast row is flat
  • Top breast size becomes B-Cup
  • No Penis
  • Top breast row not flat
  • Top breast row less than C-Cup
  • Increase breast size by 1-3 sizes
  • Breast size between C-Cup and Big E-Cup
  • Increase breast size by 1-2 sizes
Orange Pill
  • Has vagina
  • Smallest breast row less than big GG-cup
  • Increase smallest breast row by 1 to 4 cups
  • Increase other breast rows by 1 or 2 cups
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Has penis
  • Top breast row size less than EE-cup
  • Increase top breast row size until EE-cup
Pandaneen Pill
  • Has vagina
  • Breast size is less than JJ-cup
  • Increase breast size by one cup or 25% or thickness
Panda Pro
  • Has vagina
  • Breast size is less than JJ-cup
  • Increase breast size by one cup or 25% or thickness
Red Pill
  • Has vagina
  • Smallest breast row less than DD-cup
  • Increase all breast rows by 1 cup
Siren's Bounty
  • All breast rows less than target size increase by 1 cup size
Sky Sap
  • Top breast row is flat
  • Increase top breast row to A-cup
  • Has flat chest
  • Increase top breast row size by 1 to 3 cup sizes
  • Top breast row size less than big H-cup
  • Increase top breast row size by 1 to 2 cup sizes
  • Increase breast size by 1-3 cup sizes
  • Breast size is less than JJ-cup
  • Increase breast size by 0.5 or 1 every third hour
  • Female variant only
The Treatment (Amazon variant)
  • Has The Treatment status effect
  • 49th treated hour and beyond
    • Every 3 hours
  • Breast size is less than target (Big FF-cup to HHH-cup)
    • Target is randomly set when taking the treatment
  • If breast size is less than A-cup
    • Increase breast size by 0.5
  • If breast size is A-cup or greater
    • Increase breast size by 1
The Treatment (Bimbo and Cum-Cow variants)
  • Has The Treatment status effect
  • 48th treated hour and beyond
    • Every 3 hours
  • Breast size is less than target (Big EE-cup to JJ-cup)
    • Target is randomly set when taking the treatment
  • If breast size is less than A-cup
    • Increase breast size by 0.5
  • If breast size is A-cup or greater
    • Increase breast size by 1
The Treatment (Faux Cow variant)
  • Not at all breast row are flat
  • Treatment hours
    • 53
    • 58
    • 73
    • 78
    • 93
    • 98
    • 113
  • If breast size is at big EE-cup or more
    • Reduce breast size by half (rounded down) + 0-2 cup sizes
  • If breast size is less than big EE-cup
    • Reduce breast size by 2-4 cup sizes till flat
Zil Ration
  • Has vagina
  • Top breast row size less than B-cup
  • Increase top breast row size by 1 cup
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Dr. Lash
  • Buy “Rack” Removal or Pure Purge
  • Decrease all breasts to flat
  • Breast size greater than
    • DD-cup for lite
  • Decrease breast size by
    • 1-3 cup sizes till DD-cup for lite
Amber Seed
  • If any breast row is not flat
  • Cannot lactate
  • Skin type is one of the following
    • Feathers
    • Scales
  • All breast rows become flat
Ausar Treat
  • Top breast row rating at least Big F-Cup
  • Decrease breast size of each row by
    • (1+1/4th of current breast size) cup sizes if breast size at I-Cup or greater
    • 1-3 cup sizes if Big G-Cup or greater
    • 1 Cup size if less than Big G-Cup
  • Breast bigger than max size
  • Decrease size of all breastrows.
    • Any breast rows bigger han the row above them become equal in size to the row above them
  • Max size is
    • B-Cup if player has vagina
    • A-Cup if player has no vagina but is lactating
    • Flat chest if player has no vagina and isn't lactating
Container labeled 'ReductPro'
  • (single)
  • Breast row at least A-cup
  • Decrease 1 -2 Cups
  • 25% for an additonal 1-2 Cup decrease
  • +1 additional cup size reduction at big EE-cup and Big H-Cup
Container labeled 'ReductPro'
  • (All)
  • Biggest Breast row at least A-cup
  • Decrease 1 -2 Cups
  • 25% for an additonal 1-2 Cup decrease


  • Any breast row greater than E-cup
  • For all breast rows larger than E-cup
    • Reduce breast size to the larger of the two
    • All lower breast rows not smaller than the one one above it
      • If breast row is not at minimum size (A-Cups if lactating, flat otherwise)
        • Breast row size becomes one smaller than the one above it
Horse Pill
  • Has multiple breast rows
  • Lower breast rows not flat
  • Decrease all but top row breasts by 3 to 5 cups
Horse Pill
  • Largest breast size at E-cup or more
  • Decrease all breasts by extra 1 cup, or by 4 to 6 cup sizes if larger than big EE-cup
Huskar Treat
  • Top breast row rating at least Big F-Cup
  • Decrease breast size of each row by
    • (1+1/4th of current breast size) cup sizes if breast size at I-Cup or greater
    • 1-3 cup sizes if Big G-Cup or greater
    • 1 Cup size if less than Big G-Cup
Kerokoras Venom
  • Has non-flat breasts
  • Decrease all breast rows by 2 to 8 cup sizes
Laquine Ears
  • Reduce biggest breast row by cup sizes
  • Has non-flat breasts
  • Decrease all breast rows by one cup size
Mino Charge
  • Has non-flat breasts
  • Decrease all breast rows by 1 to 3 cup sizes
Mousearella Cheese
  • Biggest breast size greater than max boob size
    • C-Cups for hermaphrodites and females
    • No breasts for males
  • Breast size decreases by the following amount of cup sizes for each breast row
    • 1 for breasts less than DD-Cup
    • 2 for breasts that are DD-Cup or greater and less than JJ-Cup
    • 3 for breasts that are JJ-Cup or greater and less than QQ-Cup
    • 4 for breasts that are QQ-Cup or greater
Naleen Nip
  • No vagina
  • Has breasts
  • Decrease all breasts by 1 or 2 cup sizes
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Has vagina
  • Any breast row size greater than B-cup
  • Decrease all breast rows' size until B-cup
Pandaneen Pill
  • Has penis and no vagina
  • Has breasts
  • Decrease all breasts to flat
Panda Pro
  • Has penis and no vagina
  • Has breasts
  • Decrease all breasts to flat
  • Decrease breast size by 1
  • Largest breast row at C-cup or more
  • Decrease all breasts by 1 to 15 cups
Shark Bites
  • Biggest breast row greater than B-Cup
  • Reduces all breasts by 1 cup size
Siren's Bounty
  • All breast rows greater than target size decrease by 1 cup size
Terran Treat
  • Primary breast row big F-cup or greater
  • Decrease all chest rows by
    • If breast row is I-Cup or greater
      • Decrease breast row by 1+ 1/4 of breast]
    • If breast row is big G-cup or greater but less than I-Cup
      • Decrease breast row by 1-3
    • If breast row is less than big G-cup
      • Decrease breast row by 1
  • Breasts greater than A-cup
  • Decrease all breasts to flat
  • If breasts are not flat
  • Reduce breast size by 1 to 3
Zil Ration
  • Has vagina
  • Any breast row size greater than EE-cup
  • Decrease all breast rows' size until EE-cup
  • Breasts above E-cup
  • Decrease breast size towards E-cup
  • Decrease every other breasts row size to be slightly smaller than row above
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Has breasts
  • Breast size becomes B to D-Cup

Honeypot Size Bonus

Honeypot bonus is added to breast size after the fact

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
"Honeypot" perk honeypot bump
  • Reduce thickness by 10
  • If thickness is at 60 or more
    • Reduce thickness by an additional 10
  • Increase Honeypot size bonus of all breast rows by 2 (3 If thickness was/is at 60 or more) cup-sizes
  • If Milk Fullness is less than 100%
  • Honey pot bump is triggered whenever one of the following is met
    • Every 3rd in game day
    • Drinking milk (additional triggers when consuming more than 500, 1000 and 2000 mLs of milk)
    • Drinking cum (additional triggers when consuming more than 500, 1000 and 2000 mLs of milk)
    • Drinking girl-cum (additional triggers when consuming more than 500, 1000 and 2000 mLs of milk)
  • Increase Honeypot size bonus of all breast rows by 1 cup-size
Gold Pill/Orange Pill
  • Increase Honeypot size bonus of all breast rows by ((thickness - 20)/10) cup-sizes
  • Increase Honeypot size bonus of all breast rows by 1 cup-size
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Dr. Lash
  • Buy “Rack” Removal or Pure Purge
  • Set honey pot size bonus to 0-cups
  • Remove all but the top row of breasts
Brothel Mistress
  • Trapification
  • Set honey pot size bonus to 0
Red Pill
  • Set honey pot size bonus to 0
Steele's breasts are milked
  • Reduce honey pot size bonus by a percentage equal to Milk Fullness
    • If Milk Fullness is 50%, size bonus will be reduced by 50%
  • Not all instances of Steele's breasts being milked have been tested to account for this

Lactation Size Bonus

If Steele can lactate breast size will increase and decrease according to their current Milk Fullness.

Milk Fullness Change
  • 0% - 74%
  • No change
  • 75% - 99%
  • If chest size is DD cup or larger, +1.5 cup size
  • Else, +1 cup size
  • 100% - 149%
  • If chest size is DD cup or larger, +2.5 cup size
  • Else, +1.5 cup size
  • 150% - 199%
  • If chest is DD cup or larger, +3.5 cup size
  • Else, +2 cup size
  • 200%
  • If chest size is DD cup or larger, +4.5 cup size
  • Else, +3 cup size


By default, the top-most row is the default row of breasts.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Gold Pill
  • Has one breast row
  • Grow a second row of A-cup breasts
  • Less than 4 breast rows
  • Skin type is fur
  • One of the following
    • Breast size of A-Cup or greater
    • Has vagina
  • Grow new breast row
    • breast size is
      • A-Cups if lactating
      • Flat otherwise
FrontRack Cream
  • Less than maximum rows of boobs
  • Add another row of breasts below current row
    • If not all breast rows are flat
  • New breast row is A-Cup
    • If all breast row are flat
  • New breast row is flat
Pupper Popper
  • Breast rows less than 5
  • 25% Chance
  • Increase breast rows by 1
  • New breast row is a copy of lowest breast row
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Dr. Badger
  • Multiple rows of breasts
  • Remove all but the top row of breasts
  • When choosing to Be Hero
Dr. Lash
  • Buy “Rack” Removal or Pure Purge
  • Remove all but the top row of breasts
Amber Seed
  • If any breast row is not flat
  • Cannot lactate
  • Skin type is one of the following
    • Feathers
    • Scales
  • Lose all additional breast rows
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Has more than one breast row
  • Remove lowest breast row
  • Has more than one breast row
  • Remove all but the top breast row
Uthra Sap
  • Has non-flat breasts
  • Reduce all breasts by
    • 1 if breasts less than DD-Cup
    • 2 if breasts DD-Cup or greater
      • If FF-Cup or greater add 1/10 of breasts rating to reduction
  • Any additional breast row that becomes flat is removed
Xhelarfog Plus Pill
  • Has more than one breast row
  • Remove all but the top breast row


Specifically, the number of breasts in a breast row.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Endowment Immobilized
  • Top-most breast row has less than 3 breasts
  • Largest breast size at A-cups or more
  • Increase number of breasts to 3 for the top-most row
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Has flat chest
  • Breast number changes to 2 for the top-most row

Status Effects

Additional cosmetic effects to the look and/or function of the chest/breasts can also be attained.

Status Effects
Effect Gaining Removing Notes
  • "Honeypot" is actually a listed perk, rather than a status effect.