Jerky bag of Shark Bites
S. Bites |
Type |
Drug |
Base Price |
2700 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Defensive Target |
Self |
This is a simple white pack containing three brown coloured jerky-esque bits. The bottom of the pack has a stylized depiction of some "very" scantily clad shark-morphs worshipping the jerky bits as if they were some great deity. Certainly an odd bit of marketing, if you do say so yourself. The pack promises the the consumer will gain the glorious body of a shark in humanoid form. A long, tiny print list of possible side effects on the back, lost in all the shark worship that covers the pack. You guess the creators must have had a real shark fetish...
This item will be consumed on use. In doing so, the fishy snack will have immediate permanent effects on the Player Character, with up to 4 shark-related mutations total, or none at all.
Note: Shark scales are counted as scales with a lubricated flag
- Skin type is neither of the following
- Skin type becomes Regular Skin
- Skin type Regular Skin
- Skin type not scales
- No lubricated skin flag
- Skin type not scales
- Lose all previous skin flag
- Gain lubricated flag
- Scale color and Skin Color become one of the following
- silver
- blue
- gray
- brown
- copper
- bronze
- white
- black
- Gain Shark Markings status effect
- 40.98% Chance
- 32.79% Chance
- 26.23% chance
- Gain Frontal Blotch marking
- Tone less than 80
- 33% Chance
- Biggest breast row greater than B-Cup
- 25% Chance
- Face type not shark
- 25% Chance
- Face type becomes shark
- Lose previous face flags
- Gain the following face flags
- Ear type not shark
- 25% Chance
- Ear type becomes shark
- Lose all Previous ear flags
- Ear length becomes 4 inches
- Eye type not shark
- 25% Chance
- Wing type not shark
- 25% Chance
- Arm type not Shark
- 33.33% Chance
- Leg type becomes Human
- Leg count becomes 2
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the Plantigrade leg flag
- Leg type becomes Shark
- Leg count stays 1
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the following leg flags
- Leg type not Shark
- Leg count is 2
- 33% Chance
- Leg type become Shark
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the following leg flags
- Tail count becomes 1
- Tail type becomes shark
- Lose all previous tail flags
- Gain the following leg flags
- Tail count becomes 1
- Tail type becomes shark
- Lose all previous tail flags
- Gain the following leg flags
Gender specific transformations
- Any penis of which type isn't shark
- Select Penis
- Type becomes Shark
- Thickness Ratio becomes 1
- Penis Color becomes Skin Color
- Lose previous penis flags
- Gain the following penis flags
- Smooth
- Tapered
- Prehensile
- Lubricated
- Increase libido by 1
- Any vagina of which type isn't shark
Shark Bites are named after a brand of fruit snacks of the same name.