Nepeta |
Type |
Drug, Pill |
Base Price |
500 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Defensive Target |
Self, Lerris |
These small bags of drugged-up treats were produced by Xenogen shortly after first contact with the cat-like kaithrit. When eaten, the treats release a potent cocktail of transformative nanomachines to re-work your body into a pleasingly feminine, feline form.
A Xenogen-brand product.
Can be purchased from Nevrie at the Xenogen Biotech Outpost on Myrellion.
This item will be consumed on use. In doing so, the treat will have immediate permanent effects on the player character, with up to three possible mutations total, or none at all. The changes will be completely random and will depend on what stats/anatomy are present upon consuming the item.
- Either of the following
- Arm type not feline
- Arms have furred flag
- Skin type not regular skin
- Skin type becomes regular skin
- Tail count becomes 1
- Tail type becomes feline
- Remove all previous tail flags
- Gain the following tail flags
- Long
- Furred
- Prehensile
- If PC has Fluffy skin flag
- If tail count greater than 2
- Tail type becomes feline
- Remove all previous tail flags
- Gain the following tail flags
- Long
- Furred
- Prehensile
- If PC has Fluffy skin flag
- Either of the following
- Leg count not 2
- Leg type not human
- Leg count becomes two
- Leg type becomes Human
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the following leg flags
- Genital location changes to waist
- All non feline type penises
- Penis type becomes feline
- Penis color becomes pink
- Lose all previous penis flags
- Gain the Nubby flag
- Any Penis with length greater than 4 inches
- Any Penis longer than 4 inches
- Decrease penis length by
- 25% (50% with "Mini" perk) of length with
- A minimum decrease of 1 (2 with "Mini" perk) inches
- A maximum decrease of 3 (6 with "Mini" perk) inches
- Increase breast size by 1-3 sizes
- Breast size between C-Cup and Big E-Cup
- Increase breast size by 1-2 sizes
- Lacking either of the following
- Height less than 66 inches
- Lacking either of the following
- Height greater than 87 inches
This item can also be used on Lerris.
Nepeta is also the name of the genus of plants that most that most species of Catnip belong to.