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Illumorpheme Case

Type Drug, Medipen
Base Price 12000
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self

A pitch black, ergonomic, high quality box with an artistic moth-shape on the front. Opening it reveals five items held in cream colored padding: An injector of clear liquid and four vials of colored liquid. The vials are labeled ‘Venal’, ‘Verdant’, ‘Voltaic’, and ‘Vatic’.

There’s a small bit of whimsical instruction inside the lid: “Pick a shade, plug it in, peer into your potential.”

A warning label that comes with the box implies that this would only be safe to use when you’re on the ship.



On use, this item will have a menu with four choices. After a selecting an option, the drug will be applied and will have permanent effects on the player character. This item can only be used if the player character is in the ship.

The choices include:

  • Venal - A pink and black color scheme.
  • Verdant - A greenish blue color scheme.
  • Voltaic - A red and orange color scheme.
  • Vatic - A white and gold color scheme.
Transformations: Color Schemes
Transformation Choice Skin flag Wing Texture Wing Color Fur Color Chitin Color Nipple Color Eye Color Fur Color
Venal Smooth Chitinous black and pink pink onyx onyx black pink
Verdant Smooth Furred emerald turquoise jade emerald cyan cyan
Voltaic Furred Chitinous orange crimson crimson orange white crimson
Vatic Furred Furred white white white gray gold silver
Transformations: General
Condition Change
  • (On Use)
  • Chest size becomes B to D-Cup
  • All penis(es) become type Motherine
    • Smooth
    • Tapered
    • Prehensile
    • Ovipositor

These changes are applied regardless of the choice selected.