Virection Pill
Virection |
Type |
Drug |
Base Price |
12000 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Virection was originally developed and marketed by a small company as a phallic enlargement and virility enhancer, but due to a glitch in production it caused some of its consumers to spontaneously grow disfigured penises. In order to survive the subsequent legal action by disgruntled customers it sold the patent to Tamani Corp. They reworked the product and stabilized the glitch so that penile growth became a feature rather than an error. This product is in constant high demand, suffering through many changes in price and name, like CockUp, Penismightier and the BigD.
The microsurgeons and chemicals in this blue pill are advertised to solve a myriad of problems related to male genitalia or a lack thereof. This product will always grow a penis if its consumer lacks one, a feature so potent that it can cause supernumary penis. Otherwise it will increase the length, thickness, or virility.
A Tamani Corp-brand product
Can be purchased from Busky at Straps on New Texas
This item will be consumed on use. In doing so, the pill will have immediate permanent effects on the player character.
- Grow a 4-inch long penis
- If has "Hung" perk, lengthen penis by 2 to 6 inches
- If has "Mini" perk, shrink penis by 1 or 2 inches
- 10% chance to grow a second penis.
- Second penis is a copy of the first penis.
- Has penis(es)
- Less than 10 Penises
- 10% chance to grow a new penis.
- New penis is a copy of the last penis.
- Has penis(es)
- At least one penis 4 inches or shorter.
- Random penis shorter than 4 inches doubles in length
- If has "Hung" perk, length increases by 2.2 times
- If has "Mini" perk, length increases by 1.8 times
- Random penis shorter than 4 inches thickness increases by 1.05 times
- If has "Hung" perk, length increases by 1.15 times
- If has "Mini" perk, length increases by 1.1 times
- Has penis(es)
- Penis(es) greater than 4 inches long
- Penis thickness ratio less than 1.8
- Chance for penis thickness ratio to:
- If has "Hung" perk, increase by 0.15
- If has "Mini" perk, increase by 0.1
- Otherwise, increase by 0.05
- Has penis(es)
- At least one penis between 4-30 inches
- Random 4-30 inch penis inch, length increase by 2-3 inches.
- If has "Hung" perk, increase length by 3-5 inches.
- If has "Mini" perk, increase length by 1-2 inches.
- Has penis(es)
- Penis(es) greater than 4 inches long
- Penis thickness ratio less than 1.8
- Chance for penis thickness ratio to:
- If has "Hung" perk, increase by 0.15
- If has "Mini" perk, increase by 0.1
- Otherwise, increase by 0.05
- Has penis
- Penis(es) greater than 4 inches long
- Virility less than 5000% (cum quality less than 50)
- Chance to increase virility by 100% (cum quality increase by 1)