- Body is not gooey
- Skin type is not feathers
- The following are non-permanent and will be immediately overridden unless the player is somehow prevented from growing feathers:
- Change skin to smooth, plain skin
- Change skin tone to white, gray, brown, tawny, black, light brown, brown and white, black and white, or straw
- Change skin type to 'feathers'
- Change feather color to the skin tone above
- If previously had fluffy fur, feathers will be fluffy
- Will not overwrite Foxfire or Frostfire colors
- Change skin tone to yellow, gray, or black
- Has tail
- Non avian tail
- Non-equine tail if equine legs
- Non-feline tail if feline legs
- Grow a feathered avian tail
- If body is gooey, tail will be goo as well.
- Has wings
- Non-avian or dove type wings
- Grow two large Avian wings
- Non-Naga body
- Legs not avian, equine or feline
- Change legs to digitigrade, prehensile, pawed, and furred avian legs
- If skin is Fluffy, legs are fluffy and feathers are described as extending down to ankles rather than knees
- If body is gooey, legs are gooey
- If only one leg, increase leg count to 2 and reset genitals to waist
- Change arms to pawed, feathered avian arms.
- If skin is Fluffy, arms are fluffy and feathers are described to reach down to wrists instead of elbows
- If body is gooey, arms are gooey
- Not bald
- Non-feathered hair
- Hair changes to a feathered plume
- Hair style is reset
- Will not change goo hair, unlike most Amber Seed TFs
- Non-avian ears
- Non-equine ears if legs equine
- Non-feline ears if legs feline
- Ears change to avian
- If legs are equine or feline, ears change to match legs instead
- Change face to muzzled, beaked avian face
- Lip color becomes ivory
- Will not override Foxfire or Frostfire colors
- Lip size is set to -10
- Femininity set to 50
- Non-avian eyes
- Non-feline eyes if feline legs
- Change eyes to avian eyes
- Change eye color to yellow, hazel, brown, dark yellow, pale yellow, amber, red, or black
- Weighted towards yellow, hazel, or brown over the other colors
- Change tongue to a long, prehensile avian tongue
- Has penis
- No genital slit
- Legs not equine or feline
- Has balls
- Has genital slit
- Has very large balls for character height
- Larger than roughly 13% of height
- Target size is specifically height times π divided by 24
- No genital slit
- Equine or feline legs
- Shrink testicles to target size
- At least one non-avian penis
- Non-naga body
- Legs not equine or feline
- Change all penises to smooth, tapered red avian cocks
- Any existing avian penises are unaffected and will retain previous attributes
- Orgasm
- At least one penis that isn't both avian and knotted
- Feline legs
- Change all penises to sheathed, knotted, smooth, tapered, nubby, black avian cocks
- Described as Chimeric Griffin Cocks
- In the unlikely event there was already an avian penis with a knot of at least 1.5, it is unaffected
- Orgasm
- At least one non-equine penis
- Equine legs
- Change all penises to sheathed, flared, and blunt black equine cocks
- Any existing equine penises are unaffected and will retain previous attributes
- Orgasm
- If breasts are not flat
- Non-lactating
- Reduce breast size until flat
- If thickness greater than 10
- If hip size lower than 15
- Increase hip size to 15
- Alternatively, if leg type is feline or Equine, increase hip size to only 10
- If butt size higher than than 0
- Decrease butt size to 0
- Alternatively, if PC legs are feline, decrease butt size to 3. If Equine, decrease to 7.
- If lactating
- If PC has milk-related perks (Mega Milk, Milk Fountain, Honeypot or Treated Milk and Milky)
- Non-Avian vagina
- Does not meet griffin, hippogriff racial requirements
- Change vagina type to avian
- Non-Avian vagina
- Meets griffin or hippogriff racial requirements
- If PC race is Griffin, vagina type changes to feline
- Alternatively, if PC race is Hippogriff, vagina type changes to a equine
- Non-Avian vagina
- Naga body
- Does not meet griffin or hippogriff racial requirements
- Vagina type changes to Naga
- If Avian, Feline, Equine, or Naga vagina
- Elasticity lower than 2
- Non-Avian or snake penis
- Naga body
- Penis type changes to Naga (smooth, tapered)
- Penis color becomes purple
- If PC has 10 thickness
- If PC has 70 tone
- Has avian wings
- Has avian, feline, or equine legs
- No 'Hollow Bones'
- Has an avian racial score of 4
- Not sterile
- No 'Oviposition'