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Nessa Gif (Adjatha).gif
Nessa’s busts, by Adjatha
Creator Savin
Species Kaithrit
Gender Female
Sex Female
Occupation Scout Authority
Nationality Tarkus


The scout running the taxi station for the U.G.C. on Tarkus.


Behind the chief’s desk sits a buxom kaithrit with her bright orange hair pulled back into a long ponytail.

History/Personality/Information of Note

She is noted to be rather picky about her sexual partners refusing to have sex with people that don't meet her standards most important of which is a high cum volume for her cumflation fetish.


After fixing the comms to activate the transportation service, Captain Steele may try to get to know Nessa by inviting her To Bed as one of the desired destinations. Nessa will play along, which may lead to sex.

Nessa will reject Steele's advances for sex if Steele has:

  • Has any type of parasite.
  • Smallest penis over 30 inches.
  • Longest penis is 7 inches or shorter.
  • Cum quantity less than 3000mL

Note: After successfully qualifying for the first time, the player will automatically be able to have sex with her as long as they still have a penis.


Aside from slight introductions, Nessa does not have any extended talk scenes.


Nessa is only interested in lovers who have a penis. Each time she is fucked, she will be filled with Steele's cum. She may be inflated without limit.

  • Fuck Her - "Plow Nessa and give her a bellyful of warm [pc.cumNoun] just like the first time."
  • Oral - "Get Nessa on her knees to earn her meal a different way."


Currently, Nessa does not have any related quests.


Nessa is an Offbeatr character.