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Ciaran the Hellhound

Ciaran Eildean
Ciaran's bust, by Adjatha
Creator Mont Trap
Full name Ciaran Eildean
Nickname(s) Muffin Face
Species Treated Ausar
Gender Male
Occupation Game Warden
Family Celina Eildean (daughter)
Significant Other Kithran
Nationality Ausaril / New Texan
Location New Texas



Ciaran Eildean is a Treated ausar, colloquially known as a hellhound. He stands seven feet, eight inches tall without counting his unusual horns, which are far more vertical than those of most Treated humans. He has tanned skin and thick, grey-streaked onyx hair that he keeps relatively short but unstyled, his mop parted by furry jackal-like ears the same color as his hair.

His left ear has a notch missing from it, seemingly damaged at some point. A black cowboy hat with holes for his ears and horns rests on his head. His eyes are a striking, fiery shade of orange, and in darker conditions they shine thanks to bright tapetum lucidum like those of a nocturnal predator.

Whenever he speaks you can see his white teeth, seemingly sharper than most ausars'. While his neck is clean-shaven with a faded blue bandana tied around it, his face is covered in a dark five o'clock shadow, though there is a quartet of parallel scars on his right cheek where the hair will no longer grow. His ruggedly handsome features are sharply defined and a bit weathered from years spent outdoors, making him look distinctly middle-aged.

Having seen Ciaran naked, you know he has many scars on his body that speak of a life of violence. The left side of his muscular neck has a scarred-over bite wound, presumably from an animal attack of some sort. His torso, both front and back, is marred by over a dozen scars of various sorts: stabbings, clawings, gunshot wounds, even flashburns from laser or plasma weaponry. There's no doubt his arms and legs are scarred as well, but his thick fur totally conceals any imperfections.

His incredible physique speaks of many hours spent honing his body in the gym, with big pectorals and a set of perfectly-sculpted abdominals. The muscles of his arms and legs are well-defined even through the dense onyx fur covering his limbs. The claws of his fingers and toes are far more wicked-looking than a normal ausar's, though you notice that those on his right hand have been partially filed down.

Currently Ciaran is wearing an outfit straight out of a 20th century Terran Wild West film: long-sleeved crimson denim shirt, short and darkly-colored poncho, black denim pants, and trail-worn cowboy boots that appear to be made of tanned varmint hide. You see a very large bulge in the crotch of his pants which you know to be concealing a thick canine cock a few inches over a foot in length, with a knot twice as thick as one proportionate to his already-large penis would be. Hanging beneath his member is a sack almost triple the size of the human norm, filled with four testes. A tail with heavy black fur pokes out of his pants just under his belt. There's a gold ring at the base of his tail, nearly lost among the thick fur. Perhaps the only part of Ciaran that could be described as "cute", his tail wags mischievously as you finish your appraisal of the hellhound, its owner having apparently noticed your stare.

History/Personality/Information of Note


ciaran have a chance to email you about a haunted cabin and ask you to stay there for one night, this cabi is on the Big T ranch.



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  • Heat Sex
