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Man’s best fuckbuddy.

Name (Singular & Plural): Ausar

Sexes: Male and female.

Height: Varies, usually similar to humans; they commonly range from five feet to just over six, with rare specimens reaching around seven feet in height.

Weight: Ausar are lithely built, weighing less than a human — often from just over 100 lbs, and rarely over 200.

Hair: Color varies, with gray, black, and a dark gold being the most common. Some rare specimens have snow-white hair, or a fiery red mane.

Eyes: Ausar eyes are primarily white, with darkly colored irises formed as a vertical slit across the middle of the eye. Coloration ranges from dark blue or green to black.

Ears: The race’s most distinguishing feature are a pair of tall, perky wolf-like ears that extend from eight to twelve inches above the head, and are often quite bushy. They are extremely sensitive, able to hear well outside the human range, which makes ausar both keen hunters and acutely vulnerable to sonic attacks.

Tails: Ausar have long, bushy tails of an exceptionally pleasant, soft fur. These tails usually display their emotional state, wagging when happy or tucking when sad -- though their owners have some measure of control over the tail’s movements. They often brush it against those they hold in great affection.


Ausar naturally have a soft, velvety fur covering their arms and legs, though this serves as poor protection against anything besides of the environment. As such, the race has strongly invested in personal shield technology, producing some of the most advanced in the galaxy. Due to their high physical agility, most Ausar shun heavier armors such as that worn by human Marines, instead relying on linked shields across fighting formations to guard against attacks. The staff was, in ancient times, the primary weapon of their race, and the staff is the basis for their current weapons technology, with both shock-pikes and crook-shaped railguns being the favored armaments of the day.

Gender Differences

Ausar genders are largely divided as in humans, with males having broader chests and shoulders while females have wider hips and milk-producing breasts. Male Ausar are known to possess knotted phalluses, which can sometimes cause copulation to take hours once it’s lodged in a lover. To compensate, females of the race have exceptionally well lubricated, often quite elastic vaginas, which also to help in the birthing of litters.

Typical Environments

The Ausar homeworld is a vast, arid desert spotted with great shimmering oases and vast temple-cities dedicated to the god-kings of old. Most of the world is uninhabited, occupied by deadly scorpion-like creatures the size of a horse as well as huge worms which have been the race’s primary source of food for aeons. After taking to the stars roughly 1000 years before contact with humans, the Ausar have come to adapt to many different environs, though most worlds they terraform retain the hot, dry desert conditions of the homeworld.


As mentioned above, Ausar copulation is often an hours-long affair thanks to the male knot, and rapid recovery periods on both sides. Though not overly libidinous, the race is known for being more sexually forward than humans, as marriage and long-term sexual relationships are rarer among the race, though by no means unheard of. Once impregnated, an Ausar female will carry a “litter” of up to six children for a period of six months before giving birth. Ausar are born blind for the first few weeks and need a mother’s milk, but naturally grow and mature somewhat faster than humans, reaching adulthood at fifteen years.

Due to the long standing friendship between Ausar and Mankind, the two are perhaps the most common of xeno-romantic entanglements. Halfbreeds produced by Ausar-Human relationships are somewhat taller and heavier than an Ausar, often losing arm and leg fur, though they retain the tails of their alien parent, and smaller, floppier and less sensitive wolf ears. Half-ausar are born usually in pairs, can see at birth, and come of age as humans do. As one of the most common hybrid races in the galaxy, half-ausar has recently become a primary option in the U.G.C. census, rather than being filled in under “Other/Hybrid race.”


Unlike most modern civilizations, the Ausar have not unified into a central government. Rather, their planets are ruled by independent kings and queens, who convene to decide matters related to the race; it was, indeed, humanity’s gift of quantum communication that allowed the fragmented Ausar society, spread across the stars, to tighten and present a strong, united front to the galaxy. However, the local kings are still relatively free to act as they choose, though the King of Ausaril, the homeworld, is considered the “King of Kings,” and is generally deferred to by lesser despots, and holds the only post able to call the entire Ausar to war or countermand planetary kings (in large part thanks to a crushingly huge fleet and more advanced technology produced on the homeworld). In times of trouble or war, the Joint Ausar Fleet can be called on, with each world in the federation contracted to supply a certain number of ships and soldiers to the joint defense each decade.


The Ausar are known to be an exceptionally friendly and peaceful race. They are slow to anger, though they are quite territorial, and have rarely warred with other races. In interactions with humans, the Ausar are known to be outgoing and affectionate, readily making friendships that last a lifetime. Indeed, some have commented that most Ausar get along better with humans than their own kind, and thanks to their wolf-like appearance, are occasionally called “Man’s best friend among the stars.” As humanity’s first contact with alien life, and longest and staunchest ally, the saying has thus far rung true.


The Ausar invented the Warp Gates, and therefore firmly placed themselves at the forefront of galactic technology. While they have yet to field an invention to overshadow the gates, the Ausar are still renowned as brilliant scientists, especially in regards to interstellar travel and ships. Ausar shields are second to none, and their ships are exceptionally quick, equipped with advanced LightDrive engines (a refinement on the human invention). Their technology, being exceptionally complex and prone to gaps in electronic defenses, is well-known to be vulnerable to security breaches. More than once, a powerful Ausar fleet or financial institute has been decimated by a skilled hacker.



Huskar - a subspecies of the ausar created to better live on extremely cold worlds such as Uveto.






Amara Faell - Anno - Astra - Ausar Agent - Ciaran - Corona Flamer - Dane - Demon Queen Syri - Dr. Calnor - Eimear - Emmy - Erra - Fadil - Forgehound - Ilaria - Infected Crew Members - Kaede - Liamme - Nerrasa - Nykke - Paige - Perdita - RK Lah - Saec - Saendra - Sam - Shourya Mokuzai - Stella - Syri - The Twins - Vahn - Valden - Vivi - Walt


Huskar - Anno - Corona Flamer - Corona Lord Pilot - Erra - Galina - Green - Hana - Luna - Marina - Myrra - Ziresh
