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Revision as of 16:32, 5 June 2024

Rimebound Grimoire
Creators Savin
Other Name(s) RimeboundGrimoire
Item Type Attire
Slot Waist
Price 1000
Has Special Effect? No
Is Unique? Yes
Stack Limit 1
Version Added 0.7.7
Spellpower 5 Spell Penetration -
Accuracy - Critical Chance 5
This is a spellbook. It's like mine, too, all personal notes instead of old rote formulas. It looks like an old church cipher, like a shorthand for traveling monks. I've seen some of this in the library back home, but it's centuries out of date. Must have come here during, or maybe right after, the Godswar.



This frost-crusted spellbook was carried to the Marches by a young Mallachite mendicant in the aftermath of the Godswar. She came to the cold north with a heart full of desert fire, intending to spread hope and joy through a land devastated by horrific war. The cold, dark forest proved an unrelenting adversary as she tended to the scattered beastfolk tribes still eeking out an existence there, until the day she found a bastion of welcoming warmth hidden in the forest that drew her in and never let her go.


This item is not directly obtained.


If the Rimebound Grimoire key item, which is purchased from Senja, is:


This item holds the same name as the Rimebound Grimoire key item.