Liresh & Syrish

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Bust of Liresh by DCLzexon
Creator SomeKindofWizard
Nickname(s) Lirlir
Species Half-Leothran
Gender Female
Occupation Alchemist
Family Syrish (twin sister)
Vari (mother)
Location Frostwood
Bust of Syrish by DCLzexon
Creator SomeKindofWizard
Species Half-Leothran
Gender Dickgirl
Occupation Ranger
Family Liresh (twin sister)
Vari (mother)
Location Frostwood

"Brrr, gets freezy-weasels out there, huh?" Liresh asks, nuzzling into your neck and gently nibbling on your shoulder. "Don't worry. The world is cold and hard, but in our cabin it's always warm and soft."

"Yeah, come grab a seat. I'll make you drinks!" Syrish adds, making for the little stove with a sway of her massive hips.

Liresh and Syrish are half-Leothran twins who live in the Leothran village. They are two of Vari's children and by all accounts keep her very busy when they're not wandering in search of ruins. Liresh and Syrish got more than their share of Leothran wanderlust and will often return to the village with souvenirs or more practical goods. They used to be full Leothran, but dabbled in self-taught alchemy to make some changes. They're able to do the same for anyone who's interested as well.

Liresh is the 'brains' of the pair. She taught herself to read by reading books, however that works, and is responsible for the pair's alchemical transformations. She knows magic and claims to be the superior wrestler of the pair, although she's had trouble picking up cooking. Syrish picks up the slack for her in this regard, and is also the brawn. She's a warrior-turned-ranger who protects her sister on their travels and greatly enjoys the penis her sister helped her grow. She is the older sister by two minutes, and also claims to be the superior wrestler of the pair.

"Professional troublemakers, twins, and my pride and joys... It does my heart good to see them return to the village, ever the capricious duo. A mother does worry. Be careful about getting caught up with them though; they're grown girls, as are their appetites."


The first thing that stands out is that they aren't leothran... not entirely, at least; be it by a quirk of breeding, or alchemy, there is no doubt that the two girls are half-leothran. Their arms and legs are fluffy up to the shoulders and thighs, and soft collars of fur line their necks and shoulders. But the rest of their bodies consist of soft flesh, bound up in the barest of underwear much like the massive woman hoisting them like misbehaving kittens. As far as their build, both girls are shockingly similar; bright blue eyes, happy faces, soft thighs and plush tits, and roughly the same height... from there a lot of the similarities are the inverse.

On the left one of the cats has dark grey fur that bleeds closer to white as it travels towards her body, along with the familiar snow-leopard spots of coal-black. While the other is of a far-darker hue, with white rings to mark her fur. Where the brighter is all squish and softness, the darker appears to be a little leaner and tougher. You would've expected the darker-fur to be the 'muscle' to the 'brain' of these two half-leos, but you're pretty sure she's eyeing you up just as carefully. Their fluffy tails wiggle enticingly, and their peaked kitty-ears are tilted directly on you before they turn their attention on Vari.


First Encounter

Upon your second visit to the Leothran village with Vari, she will sigh and say she didn't know they had returned again. The next thing you know, you and one of your companions are half-hugged, half-attacked by two sizeable half-Leothrans who want to meet the new friends. Vari quickly rescues you, hoisting her two kittens in the air and chastising them. They invite you back to their cabin and are added to Vari's village menu.

Subsequent Encounters

TFing Cait

