Difference between revisions of "Crossroads(FoE)"

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Revision as of 00:56, 15 April 2016


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The rolling plains go on for miles and miles around you, the occasional farm or homestead breaking the monotonous flatlands. You are standing on an intersection of several major roads leading off into the distance. The main thoroughfare leads to a big city in the distance in one direction, and up into a rougher, hillier country in the other, snowy mountains reaching for the sky far away.

Crossing this path is a smaller, less travelled one, leading from the deep forest into a dry wasteland in the other direction. As always, you can see the immense tree at the center of the island towering in the distance, though you are so far away that the great canopy isn't obscuring the sky above.

Nearby, there is a low hill with some strange standing stones on it. The Nomad camp where you first arrived on Eden lies on the horizon, one beacon of familiarity in this strange land.

You know how to find the Burrows, should you want to.


Connects To


The Crossroads and the Plains are one of the same. When coming from the Nomad Camp, it is called the Crossroads, but when viewing a zone to explore, it gives the option to go back to the Plains (yet, the text claims that the crossroads is in the Plains).


Multiple events can occur while searching the Crossroads.

  • Find X amount of coins (X being a random number)

  • Find a note:

Walking along the beaten path, you come across a scrawled note left on the ground. Curious, you bend down and pick it up.

To be dragon or lizard, that is the question– Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The dilemmas of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of choices, And by deciding, end them? To TF, to rest– No more; and by choice, to say we stop The heart-ache, and the thousand natural qualms That mind is heir to? ‘Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To pick, to choose, To end, perchance regret; Aye, there’s the rub, For in that transformation, what doubts may come, When we have turned part lizard, part dragon, Must give us pause.

...What is this?

  • Come across some soldiers looking for bandits - You're given two options (If you've talked to them recently, you may not receive these options)
    • Adventurers - Can raise your Charisma
    • Bandits! - Pay 15g

  • Stumble upon the bandits - You're given a few options
    • Report - You receive 10g as a reward.
    • Attack - You'll fight a group of bandits (see enemies section).
    • Extort - You receive 20g and gain 1 Charisma (Max: 40)
    • Leave

  • Come across a beggar - You're given two options
    • Coins - Give him 5g (raises relationship with Kiai)
    • Luck


  • Bandits - Appear in groups of 3 - 6.
    • Bandit - Lvl 3/2

  • Catmorphs
    • Wildcats - Appear in groups of 1 - 3.
      • Wildcat - Lvl 1/1 or 2/1
    • Jaguars/Lynxes/Pumas - Appear in groups of 1 - 4. All have the same scenes.
      • Jaguar - Lvl 1/1 or 2/1
      • Lynx - Lvl 1/2 or 2/1
      • Puma - Lvl 1/1 or 2/1

  • Horsemorphs - Appear in groups of 1 - 2.
    • Mare - Lvl 2/2 or 3/2
    • Stallion - Lvl 2/2 or 3/2

  • Lagomorphs - Appear in groups of 4.
    • Alpha - Lvl 2/5 or 3/5
    • Lagomorph - Lvl 1/3 or 2/3
    • Wizard -