Ass Slap Patch

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Ass Slap Patch

Ass Patch
Creator Foxxling
Type Pill
Base Price 200
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self

A small black square-shaped packet with a shiny metallic butt on the front. The back has a set of instructions, a list of side effects, a standard medical legalese and other legal jargon.

A recent addition to the Xenogen line, The Ass Slap Patch actually started as a running joke between two Xenogen executives. One day an enterprising member of the R&D team misheard them and decided to develop such a product. Similar to their boobswell line of products, as long as the patch is worn it will slowly massage the glutes while feeding nanomachines and synthetic tissue into the buttocks, causing them to increase in size over time. The nanomachines go so far as to even reshape the ass once plenty of the synthetic material is available for reconstruction. A single patch lasts for three full days. May also cause hole tightening, increased elasticity and even self-lubing of the anal cavity as a side effect to the chemical composition of the synthetic material.



This item is applied on use. In doing so, the patch will trigger a temporary effect that gradually increases the butt rating as well as causing other anal enhancements over 3 days' time.

Because of how the effect works, the item is single-use only and must be removed via the Masturbation menu (under the "Rem. A.Slap" option), or wait for the effect to wear off and the pads automatically removed, before a new patch can be applied.

Condition Change
  • Butt rating less than 20
  • Increase butt rating by 1
  • Hip rating less than 20
  • Increase Hip rating by 1
  • Anal looseness greater than 1
  • 33% chance
  • Decrease Anal looseness by 1
    • Capped at minimum 1 looseness
  • Anal wetness less than 4
  • 25% chance
  • Decrease anal wetness by 1
    • This is very likely a bug, as the description implies an increase in wetness
  • Ass does not have Lubricated flag
  • 12.5% chance
  • Ass gains Lubricated flag