Geddanium Crystal

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Geddanium Crystal
Type Gem
Base Price 15000
Usable No

A Geddanium crystal

Geddanium's crystalline form is extremely rare, owing to its propensity for elegantly alloying with other materials. While this property may have it highly sought-after for industrial and military uses, it also makes its pure crystalline form a treasured scarcity. Raw crystal Geddanium focuses laser beams cohesive enough to burn a target over a light year away, fearlessly bond with noble gasses in the right conditions, and even siphon exotic energies at high efficiencies.



  • Can be given to Qailla while building a weapon.
    • As a Focus Gem, it causes the weapon to do Corrosive damage.
    • As a Resonance Gem, it grants extra Defense.
    • As a Trick Gem, it adds Vampiric.
  • Can be sold for credits.


Geddanium is named after Gedan, the lead coder of Trials in Tainted Space.