Hardlight Bodysuit

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HL Bodysuit
Type Armor
Slot Armor
Base Price 281250
Defense 4
Bonus Shields 65
Sexiness 5
Evasion 14
Bonus Resistances -25% Electric
-25% Burning
25% Freezing
25% Corrosive
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self
Additional Flags Ablative
Body Conforming

Hardlight Bodysuit

This stylish shoulder mantel projects a layer of hardlight that conforms perfectly to the user's body and, in fact, even enhances their curves, drawing attention to all the right places. The light's color is adjustable, and the mechanism accommodates changes in the user's physique - a dire necessity when your breasts can grow over the course of just a few minutes.

This particular model has been configured into a bodysuit: while resistant enough to provide basic defense, the material is so flexible that it barely restricts the user's movements.


Can be bought from Rivet on Dhaal.


Can be equipped as armor or be sold to a vendor for credits.