Psi-Noise Generator

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Psi-Noise Generator
Type Accessory
Slot Accessory
Base Price 22000
Bonus Shields 5
Fortification 5
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self
Additional Flags Psionic Recovery (Lesser)

Psi-noise generators use an array of carefully cut and tuned psi-reactive crystals to generate a telepathically-perceptive field of soothing vibrations. Psionically-attuned individuals - like human kineticists - often carry such devices to aid in recovering from the rigors of intense psychic activity. This one appears to be of slyveren make - possibly forgotten in the aftermath of disciplining a particularly stubborn slave.

(Energy Recovery +25% when equipped)


Can be found by Kineticists in the South-West corner of the Geddanium Mine on Zheng Shi.


Can be equipped as an Accessory or sold for credits.