Pack of ‘Twink-ease’
Twink-ease |
Creator |
Lenerator |
Type |
Drug, Food |
Base Price |
1500 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Defensive Target |
Self |
With the success of JoyCo’s ‘Futazona’ transformative, JoyCo decided to further expand on edible gender-bending transformation products. This is a pack of spongy junk-food cakes with nice, creamy filling--which happens to be full of body-altering nanomachines. A picture of a soft, twinkish boy is shown on the wrapper, giving a thumbs up with a speech bubble claiming ‘it really works!’. The package guarantees that the user will retain or be pushed towards more boyish features while also accentuating their feminine ones. It’s pricier than ManUp or Estrobloom, however, due to the difficulty of balancing male and female hormones and gene-coding in such a way that wouldn’t be erroneous.
There’s a disclaimer that says its facial altering effects could be permanent with extended, abnormal usage.
A JoyCo-brand product.
Can be purchased from Sera at The Dark Chrysalis on Tavros Station or from JoyCo Vending Machines.
Up to 4 may occur at a time, rare dick/balls combo not counting against that.
- No status effect Twink-ease Doses
- Gain status effect Twink-ease Doses for 12 hours
- No penis
- And No balls
- 20-80% (20% times doses with a max of 4 doses)
- Grow a 5 inches long penis
- 7 inches long with Hung perk
- 3 inches long with Mini perk
- Gow a pair of 1 inch balls
- Height greater than 68 inches
- 33% chance
- Tone greater than 45
- 33% chance
- Penis longer than 5 inches
- 3 inches with Hung perk
- 7 inches with Mini perk
- 33% chance
- Reduce penis length by 2-4 inches
- Reduce penis length by an additional
- 36 inches when penis length is greater than 48 inches
- 24 inches when penis length is greater than 36 inches
- 12 inches when penis length is greater than 24 inches
- Reduce thickness ratio of select penis by 0.2 * doses taken (max of 3 doses)
- 2 or more Balls
- No Uniball
- 33% chance
- Lip modifier not 3
- 33% chance
- Skin does not have Smooth flag
- 33% chance
- Hip rating less than 8
- 33% chance
- Increase hip rating by 1-2
- Hip rating greater than 11
- 33% chance
- Decrease hip rating by 2-3
- Butt rating less than 9
- 33% chance
- Increase butt rating by 1-2
- Butt rating greater than 12
- 33% chance
- Decrease butt rating by 2-3
Overdose Requirements
- 3 or more doses
- And any of the following
- Height greater than 70 inches
- Tone greater than 40
- Masculinity not 20%
- Non-flat breasts
- Lip modifier not 3
- Skin does not have Smooth flag
- Has beard
- Hip rating not 8
- Butt rating not 9
- Grow a 5 inch penis
- 3 inch with Hung perk
- 7 inch with Mini perk
- Penis with length not 5 inches
- 7 inches with Hung perk
- 3 inches with Mini perk
- Select penis length becomes 5 inches
- 7 inches with Hung perk
- 3 inches with Mini perk
- Gow a pair of 1 inch balls
- Balls size less than 1 inch
- 3 or more doses
- No perk Perma-cute perk
- Masculinity at 20%
- 33% chance
- See Overdose requirements
- The name is a pun with the real life sponge cake snack Twinkies.
- This item was originally going to be called ManDown to contrast with the already existing ManUp.