Nykke (Old)

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This character no longer exists in the game in this form. She has been removed and replaced with a similar character.
Nykke Gif (Adjatha).gif
Nykke's bust, by Adjatha
Creator B
Full name Nykke Steele
Species Frostwyrm hybrid
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Title Eldest Kip
Family Captain Steele (Qal), Frosty (Qim), younger sister(s)
Nationality Uveto


Nykke is Steele's oldest frostwyrmling daughter with their frostwyrm. After reaching maturity, Nykke can be found on Uveto in her Qim's lair in her own private room where she can be interacted with. *Warning Incest Ahead!*


You get a better look at your eldest Frostwyrmling daughter, cuddling between you and Valrynn. Your daughter is extremely tall, standing at about ten feet tall from sole to scalp, not counting her wings. Similar to her Qim, she has six limbs, although they’re shaped quite differently: your daughter walks on two plantigrade feet, and she has four arms, two each sprouting from her left and right shoulders. She has five toes on each foot and five fingers on each hand. Each digit is capped with a razor sharp talon, no less lethal than her Qim’s, although they’re considerably shorter. Her body is covered in black scales that glisten in the reflective light of the icy lair; each scale is about the size of a fingernail, and each scale is as hard as metal. Along her front, going from her lower jaw to the inside of her thighs, she has softer, yielding, malleable gray scales, although you doubt many conventional weapons would be able to wound her.

She has a pair of pert-and-proud breasts atop her chest, each about the size of an F-cup, capped by a pebbly blue nipple the size of your thumb. She has a long, thick tail at her coccyx; it’s as thick as her waist at its trunk and it only tapers slightly at the tip, where it’s adorned with blunter spikes, better for bludgeoning than piercing. She has only one set of teeth in her mouth, but like her Qim, they are each sharp enough to rip apart any armor. Your daughter is the perfect hybrid combination of the svelte, flexible, stealthy humanoid form and the power and ferocity of a Frostwyrm; there are few creatures in the universe that would be able to best her in combat, if she gets some appropriate training. Focusing on her gentler features, your daughter inherited your eyes, and each time you look into hers, it’s like looking into your own. She has a humanoid face, with gentle, smooth cheeks, more similar to skin rather than scales, and an upturned, button nose and two nostrils. Your firstborn kip’s lips are thin and jet-black, capable of curling into the most precious of smiles. Growing from her forehead are a pair of horns that curve sharply over her skull, but don’t reach very far and are blunt at the tip, useless for attacks. And beneath those, she has thin, shoulder-length hair. Growing from her shoulder blades are two massive wings, with a combined wingspan of twenty feet. When they’re folded behind her, they still reach behind her by about three additional feet, and they have a vertical reach of about eight, extending well past her head. Though they’re large and intimidating, she moves with them comfortably enough, and their thick, leathery musculature easily provides more than enough lift to give her flight.

Between her two powerful legs are a pair of testicles, wrapped snuggly in a taut, leathery scrotum. Each nut is about the size of your clenched fist. Above them is a penile vent; unlike with Valrynn, it bulges rather obviously with the girth of the penis inside it, even when completely unaroused, acting more like a sheath than a vent. When fully aroused, her penis extends by about a foot from her body, with a girth as thick as your forearm. It’s covered from root to crown with pulsing blue veins, and it has several nubs and pricks all along its underside. The tip is flat and mostly featureless, save for a rim of muscle around its glans, reminding you of a tree trunk. At the base of her penis is a thick knot, bloating her already-impressive size all the larger, to properly tie and breed with whoever her partner is. Concealed behind her testicles is her vagina: the exposed labia are bluish-pink, but it otherwise looks very similar to a vagina of your own kind. It’s appropriately sized for her form, although her body is far more elastic than it appears, and she’s often more lubricated than most other species at all times: with these attributes combined, it can easily take almost any insertion, including from a pure-blooded Frostwyrm, despite them being twice your daughter’s size. Like Valrynn, she has a clitoris, extending about an inch or two when fully aroused. Though it’s usually concealed by her tail, she has a large, blue-ringed anus where her tail meets her spine, right where it belongs. As you study your daughter’s body, you notice her hands sensually drawing lines up her sides, stopping at her breasts to rub them together and tease at her nipples. You’re not being very sneaky about it, my Qal, she tells you. Her long, flat tongue snakes out, wriggling in your direction.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Nykke Steele was the first Human/Frostwyrm hybrid born from Captain Steele's copulation with the Uvetan Frostwyrm. Nykke is afflicted with the real life skin disease known as Melanism, which caused her body to produce excessive amounts of melanin turning her scales from a snowy white to black as night. Because of this she feels insecure about herself in the presence of her Qim and sisters, especially since this means that she won't be able to camouflage to hunt and hide in the frosty tundra. This has caused her to burrow away in her own separate nook in the Frostwyrm's lair. She secretly desires the PC as her mate and no one else since she doesn't feel as though she belongs on Uveto. Nykke is a very curious and loving daughter who dreams of finding the perfect mate. She is very possessive of Steele at times, especially when dealing with her younger sisters (and dealing with you in the bedroom ;p).


Besides her normal talk and sex scenes, Nykke currently doesn't have any special interactions.


Nykke can be talked to after she has built her private lair/room

  • Mates: - Ask Nykke what qualities her ideal mate should have. Should they be strong, or smart, or just cute?
  • Psionics: - Ask Nykke about her budding control over her psionic powers. You can’t say you’ve experienced what it’s like to have them first-hand, after all!
    • Requires that you have previously talked to the Frostwyrm about Psionics
  • Adventuring: - You have a life outside of [fw.name]’s lair – one that’s rather adventurous, especially compared to the domestic life that Nykke has. Maybe she’d like to hear a few stories about your travels.
  • Incest: - Maybe it’s time you reconsider your stance on ‘inner circle coupling.’
    • Toggles the ability to have incest sex with Nykke or the other kips.
  • Black Scales: - Ask Nykke about her unique melanin condition. She clearly doesn’t like talking about it, but maybe, if you help her work through her frustrations with it, she’ll have an easier time accepting herself.

She can also be spoken to from her Qim's talk menu

  • Biology: - Talk to her about her very special biology
  • Technology: - Talk to her about the technology of the outside world
  • Traditions: - Talk about the special traditions the frostwyrm race partakes in
  • Incest: - Choose to opt out of incest or not


Nykke's private sex menu can be accessed from her personal lair

  • Fuck Her: - "Let Nykke’s instincts take over, and mate with her the traditional way"
    • Requires a penis
  • In Her Ass: - "Introduce Nykke to some alternative methods of pleasuring your mate…"
    • Requires a penis
  • Take Her: - "Nykke certainly looks ready and willing to learn the pleasures of your kind. A guiding, helpful hand will certainly put her on the right track…"
    • Vagina - take her in your pussy
    • Anus - take her in your ass

Nykke also appears in the frostwyrmling clutch group sex scenes accessed from her Qim's Kips menu

  • Breed Them: - You've got a big clutch of frostwyrmlings at your disposal, why not put them to good use?
    • Requires a penis
  • Get Bred: - You've got a big clutch of frostwyrmlings at your disposal, why not have them put you to good use? ;);)
    • Requires a vagina
  • Bath Time: - You're looking a bit dirty, maybe its time for a nice tongue bath?
  • Blow Them: - What better way to pass the time to blow every last one of your daughters eh?


Nykke does not currently have any related quests.


Here is Nykke's Old Google Doc for those who want to see what she was like: [1] Fragments of her old code are still in the game, some being accessible with the Impulse dev cheat.