Karnissa Pauug

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Karnissa Pauug
Karnissa’s bust by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
Species Gabilani
Gender Female
Sex Female
Occupation Pirate
Level 4


A mischievous Gabilani pirate that can be encountered randomly when traveling through space or hunting pirates around Mhen'ga, Tarkus, New Texas, Myrellion, Dhaal, or Phaedra II.


The sassy pirate is dressed like she’s heading to a rave, not a battle. It’s hard not to notice lipstick painted on that thick, even through a hologram.


The PC will be presented with a choice of either Fight or Bribe whenever Karnissa is encountered. The amount that is selected as a Bribe will be subtracted from the credits of the PC even if the pirate declines the payoff and begins combat.


Combat will begin whenever this option is selected.


  • Bribe 1k
  • Bribe 5k
  • Bribe 50k
    This option will show special text in the button but selecting this option does not provide any special outcome at the moment.
  • Custom Bribe
    This option is not yet implemented.

Required Bribe Amount

The amount of credits required as a bribe to avoid a battle is not be displayed to the PC and will increase or decrease depending on the result of prior interactions with the gabilani pirate. Bribes that are accepted by Karnissa will decrease the required bribe amount.

Base 5000
Minimum 69
Accumulated Result
Fled Amount + (Times Fled * 500)
Paid Amount - (Times Paid * 1000)
Sexed Amount - (Times Sexed * 1000)
Reported Amount + (Times Reported * 10000)
Frustrated Amount + (Times Not Sexed after Win * 2000)


Pirate Gruss
Moondast Gruss (JassBefrold).png
Moondast Gruss by Jass Befrold
Creator Fenoxo
Type Ship
Shields 0
Armor 8060
Armor Def 60
Max Energy 300
Power Generation 30
Agility 5
Sensors 10
Systems 40
Thrust 55
Accuracy 30
Evasion 32.5
Standard Equipment
Fixed Equipment Coil Cannon (modified)
Repair Module
Capacitor Vampire
Redundant Plating
Heavy Armor

Karnissa fights in a modified Moondast Gruss spaceship.

Ship Modifications

Equipment Modification
Coil Cannon Base Damage is 600 Kinetic instead of 500 Kinetic



Emerging victorious in combat will present several options to the PC.

  • Sexual Payback
    This choice will open sexual options with Karnissa which can decrease the required bribe amount.
  • Credits Please
    This option will extort 5000 credits from Karnissa plus any credits that were taken in a rejected bribe attempt.
  • Peacekeepers
    An anonymous report will be sent to an UGC Peacekeeper station about the gabilani pirate. This option will increase the required bribe amount. This option will also cause the Karnissa encounter to enter a cooldown phase dependent on how many times the PC has reported the pirate to the authorities.
Reports Cooldown
1 2 Weeks
2 4 Weeks
3 8 Weeks
4 Encounter Permanently Disabled


The following events may occur following a loss to the pirate.

  • Payment
    The payment event has a chance to be skipped when the Loss Sex event is played. Otherwise the gabilani pirate will attempt to extort a variable amount of credits from the PC.
Current Credits Extorted Credits
Under 1000 None
Under 5000 All
Over 5000 4000 ~ 5000



  • Gooey Pleasure
    Do what goos do best and violate the gabilani pirate from every angle at once.
  • Facefuck Her
    The ears of the teeny terror look like handlebars. Take the pirate for a ride.
  • Fuck Her
    Do as nature intended: fuck.
    • Must have Penis
    • Variation if PC as more than one penis
  • Ride Tail
    Use the tail of Karnissa as a dildo.

Defeat into Sex

The following criteria must be met in order to trigger this event. Available sex scenes are selected at random.

Has Penis
Has previously sexed Karnissa.
Has previously lost to the pirate in combat.
  • Titfuck Ze Gobbullin
    Karnissa puts her jiggly gabilani titties to good use. No credits are extorted during this scene.
  • Cowgal PowWowNow
    The plump pirate straddles the PC for a sensual ride. Some credits may be extorted depending on the amount currently held by the PC.
Current Credits Extorted Credits
Under 100 None
100 ~ 1000 All
Over 1000 1000
  • Tail Play
    The ditzy criminal employs her tail-pussy to plunder the cock of the PC. Some credits may be extorted depending on the amount currently held by the PC.
Current Credits Extorted Credits
Under 100 None
100 ~ 1000 All
Over 1000 1000