Zheng Shi

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Zheng Shi Station
System Herisiod


A pirate station built on the largest asteroid in the asteroid field of the Herisiod System === Entering

Upon trying to enter Zheng Shi for the first time one must Submit the password "Fuck You" or run. Submitting the wrong password results in a bad end.

After given the password and entering Zheng Shi Steele wil be challenged by Urbolg. Losing to Urbolg once allows you to try land on the asteroid again and be chaalenged by him again but losing a second time results in him taking you as his pet.

Places of Interest



List of notable NPCs that are core to the location; encounterable hostiles and the like etc. Again, probably subheading things as appropriate. If its something that doesn't warrant a page, leave it here, otherwise link to the page with some blurb action.

