Character Creation
This shit is completely outdated yo
Race Selection
Here, you select your race and name. Names must be between 3 and 12 characters.
Heirs to great Belharan Empire of ages past, humans have spread across the world in spite of their short lives. Theirs is a race that is ever expanding, ever growing and learning. It is no wonder some would come to the far reaches of the north, seeking new land and new adventures. Humanity's boundless ambitions lend to greater Presence.
Gameplay Attributes
Starting Boost: Presence +1
Affinities: Presence, Toughness, Cunning
Physical Attributes
Height Range: 4'10"(58in.) to 6'6"(78in.)
Hair Colors: Brown, Blonde, Red, Black
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Hazel, Brown
Skin Colors: Pale, Bronze, Dark
Cock Size: 4"-9"
Tit Size: B-DD
Wyld Elf
A fey race possessed of an otherworldly grace, wyld elves have a preternatural connection to nature and magic. They all have a feminine appearance, regardless of actual sex (with some males even sporting breasts), and each elf manifests a Mark of the Wild, such as animalistic ears or bestial tails. Their inherent grasp of magic grants wyld elves a bonus to Willpower
Gameplay Attributes
Starting Boost: Willpower +1
Affinities: Willpower, Agility, Cunning
Physical Attributes
Mark of the Wild: Each Wyld Elf starts the game with a free transformation. The transformation must be chosen from the list below.
- Cat Eyes, Bovine Tail, Ram Horns, Equine Anus, Furred Limbs, Cloven Legs, Fox Tail, Bunny Ears, Forked Tongue, Feather Hair, Dog Ears, Chitin Limbs, Dove Wings, Plant Skin
Height Range: 5'5"(65in.) to 6'10"(82in.)
Hair Colors: Blonde, Blue, Silver
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Hazel
Skin Colors: Pale, Dusky
Cock Size: 4-6"
Tit Size: A-C
Lithe and agile denizens of the endless forests of the north, catfolk are the most sociable of the beast-kin and were eager to join elves and men in society when they were first met in the great deserts of the Southlands. Catfolks' friendliness often underlies a cheeky mischievous streak. Their grace and dexterity gives them a naturally higher Agility.
Gameplay Attributes
Starting Boost: Agility +1
Affinities: Agility, Cunning, Presence
Physical Attributes
Height Range: 5'0"(60in.) to 6'0"(72in.)
Hair Colors: Brown, Blonde, Red, Black
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Golden
Skin Colors: Pale, Bronze, Dark
Cock Size: 4"-8"
Tit Size: A-D
Tall and powerful, the lupines of the north are descended from lycans and bear thick body fur resembling that of a grey or arctic wolf. Natives of the region, lupines spent several years fighting against the encroaching human presence before being forced to accept defeat and their new neighbors. Their physiques lend them to higher Strength than other races.
Gameplay Attributes
Starting Boost: Strength +1
Affinities: Strength, Toughness, Cunning
Physical Attributes
Height Range: 5'10"(70in.) to 7'6"(90in.)
Hair Colors: Black, White, Golden
Eye Colors: Brown, Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Cock Size: 6"-10"
Tit Size: C-EE
Towering, brawny barbarians with green skin and bestial tusks, orcs are savage raiders that hail from the craggy foothills of the north. Few of them voluntarily join civilization, preferring their tribal lives under the command of powerful warlords. Their naturally thick hides and an ingrained warrior tradition grants them bonus Toughness.
Gameplay Attributes
Starting Boost: Toughness +1
Affinities: Toughness, Strength, Willpower
Physical Attributes
Height Range: 6'0"(72in.) to 8'0"(80in.)
Hair Colors: Black, Red, Brown
Eye Colors: Blue, Golden, Red
Skin Colors: Dark Green, Light Green, Gray
Cock Size: 6"-12"
Tit Size: C-F
Class Selection
See Classes
Each class gives a +1 to their primary stat.
Background Selection
A background is the profession or job the Champion was doing prior to the events of the Tutorial. While it provides a character with an addition stat point, a character may draw upon the knowledge and experience gained from said background and apply in specific scenarios. Along with a huge number of unique lines, a background can also provide opportunities, or unlock alternative options where others can't. A majority of combat characters also have backgrounds, although its mainly just for an increase in stats.
Description |
You're the youngest child of a noble family, with all the pampering and prestige that entails — not to mention training in arts of magic or battle to your hearts' content. As the youngest child, though, you had little hope of inheriting power and so now seek your own fortunes on the frontier. Your noble upbringing imparts a bonus to Presence. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were born and raised in the wilderness of the northlands, surviving by your skill with a bow and your attunement with nature. Like you, your parents were adventurers, and left early in your life. You're used to living alone — you're quick, quiet, and fleet of foot after years of living in arboreal solitude. Your life as a hunter has given you greater Agility. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were trained in the highest institutes of education in the south, which emulate the legendary colleges of ancient Belhar. The constraints of academia grated against you, however, and eventually you had to strike out on your own. Your rich classical education covered the basics of all manner of scholarly pursuits and the secrets of magic, granting a bonus to your Cunning. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
The life of a soldier in the ruins of the Belharan Empire is hard and brutal, requiring constant physical fitness and training. You've served in conflicts against monsters and barbarians, and now bring your skills and experiences from the frontlines to the frontier. Your rigorous training has given you a bonus to Strength. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were a high-class escort in one of the up-and-coming metropolises of the south, always in demand and paid handsomely for your services. You've done it all, with everyone. However, an affair with a powerful noble whose spouse turned against you caused you to flee the city and seek the anonymity of the frontier. Your charisma and manipulative skills increase your Presence. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
Once apprenticed to one of the greatest bards in your homeland, you struck out on your own to share your songs and stories across the far frontier. Your career in showmanship has taught you to inspire people and bring them to believe your words and songs, imparting a bonus to Presence. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were apprenticed to a hedge witch, a powerful and beautiful enchantress living in the depths of the wilderlands southwest of the Frost Marches. You split on bad terms, forcing you to seek your own fortunes. Your tutelage under the witch has given you a mastery of magic, boosting your Willpower. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You're a barbarian, a savage wildling from beyond the borders of civilization. Though your tribe exemplified the warrior's code of honor and bravery, that did not save them from the orcish raiders who wiped them out. Only you survived, forced to seek out a new life beyond your clan's homelands. Your barbarian prowess grants a bonus to Toughness. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were born in the gutter. Your mother was a whore, and you've been existing in the dregs of society ever since you took your first breath. You've stolen, seduced, and fought tooth and nail to survive. Tiring of life in the city of your birth, not to mention the growing demands of the Thieves' Guild, you've set out to make your fortunes in the Frost Marches. Your thieving experience gives you a boost to Agility. |
Starting Bonuses |
Description |
You were raised in a monastery of the Living Gods, trained in religious ceremony, scholarly pursuits, and the ways of healing magics. You eventually left your order to bring your knowledge and skills to the frontier, eager to help those far from the light of civilization. Your magical training grants you a bonus to Willpower. |
Starting Bonuses |
Physical Selection
Note, none of the following has an effect on your character's stats.
Gender Selection
Most races can choose between male or female. This determines whether you start with a cock, vagina, and/or breasts. Wyld elves can choose shemale, giving them breasts and a cock.
Frame Selection
The following items below are the specific body frame/type the Champion chose during character creation. These stats are not permanent and can be increased or decreased through numerous different means.
Body Frame | Tone | Thickness | Raw Butt Rating |
Raw Hip Rating |
Raw Belly Rating |
Bodybuilder | 95 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 1 |
Amazonian | 80 | 55 | 7 | 7 | 3 |
Well-built | 75 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 2 |
Average | 50 | 50 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Thick | 50 | 65 | 9 | 7 | 6 |
Plush | 40 | 70 | 9 | 9 | 8 |
Overweight | 30 | 85 | 10 | 10 | 12 |
Bear | 65 | 75 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Slender | 30 | 20 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Lean | 50 | 10 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Thin | 20 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
//Incomplete: may need actual string data
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have (curvy|flared) sides that match your trim, lithe body, and your (|toned|nice toned|nicely muscled|fair) (butt|ass|rear end|tush|bottom|backside|derriere) contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. ... Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both."
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have ample sides that give you a graceful stride, and your muscly handful of ass fills out your clothing nicely. ... Your middle is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have (curvy|flared) hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your butt contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. ... Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have narrow hips, and your firm rump looks great under your gear. ... Your midriff is fairly well-toned.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have girly hips that give you a graceful stride, and your squeezable rear end fills out your clothing nicely. ... Your six pack is fairly average in appearance.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have girly hips that give you a graceful stride, and your ass fills out your clothing nicely. ... Your belly would just barely push past the waistband of a pair of pants. It's a little bit of a muffin-top.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have flared sides that would be much more noticeable if you weren't so wide-bodied, and your cloth-straining ass wobbles enticingly with every step. ... Your belly is pretty (decent-sized|pregnant-looking). There's no real hiding it.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have noticeable hips that blend into the rest of your thick form, and your big-but-tight butt fills out your clothing nicely. ... Your cushy belly is fairly average in appearance.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have slightly-flared sides that match your trim, lithe body, and your derriere looks great under your gear. ... Your middle is nice and smooth.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have slightly-flared hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your ass looks great under your gear. ... Your six pack is fairly well-toned.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have boyish hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your dainty yet soft butt looks great under your gear. ... Your slim belly is nice and smooth.
Hair/Eye/Skin Color Selection
Please look under physical attributes for the races.
Cock Size Selection
Please look under physical attributes for the races.
Note, only males (and wyld elf shemales) have cocks and get this selection.
Cock Size | Cock Width | Knot Size (lupine only) |
4" | 1" | n/a |
5" | 1.3" | n/a |
6" | 1.5" | 2.3" |
7" | 1.8" | 2.6" |
8" | 2" | 3" |
9" | 2" | 3.4" |
10" | 3" | 3.8" |
11" | 3" | 4.1" |
12" | 3" | 4.5" |
13" | 3" | 4.9" |
14" | 4" | 5.3" |
15" | 4" | 5.6" |
16" | 4" | 6" |
17" | 4" | n/a |
18" | 5" | n/a |
Tit Size Selection
Please look under physical attributes for the races.
Note, only females (and wyld elf shemales) have tits and get this selection.
Cup Size | Nipple Length | Areola Size |
n/a | .3" | Average |
A | .3" | Average |
B | .3" | Average |
C | .3" | Average |
D | .4" | Average |
DD | .4" | Average |
E | .4" | Coin |
EE | .4" | Coin |
F | .5" | Coin |
FF | .5" | Coin |
Special Talent Selection
update needed
Note, these do have gameplay effects, and likely give corresponding perks. If you have data, please add it. You can only pick one, or none. Note, as there are no current transformation items, Well Hung and Buxom's secondary effects have no effect. Stretchy and Size Queen need more testing. Breeder and Sterile currently have no effects as pregnancy is not yet implemented. Libidinous and Reserved need more testing. I'm uncertain if lactation has been added, so Milky may not have any effect. Messy Orgasms does increase pussy wetness.
Well Hung
You start with a larger penis, if you have one, and it's easier for transformations to increase your penis size.
Increases penis size 2". Has no effect on clits or ball size.
You start with larger breasts, if you have them, and your cupsize increases more rapidly with transformations.
Increases breast size 1 step. Will affect males, giving them A cups.
Your orfices can more easily accomodate large insertions and more quickly recover from stretching.
Size Queen/King
Your orfices become gaped more easily by large insertions and stay gaped longer
You start with higher fertility and virility and your Pregnancy Speed is higher. All three stats increase more easily with transformations.
(+2 to the stats Ferocity, Virility, and Fertility. Note: pregnancy speed isn't listed so no way to see if its working for that one.)
You start with a fertility and virility of zero, and it increases more slowly as the result of transformations.
It's easier to start lactating, you lactate more, and it takes longer for lactation to wind down.
You start with higher Libido, and it increases more rapidly over time.
You start with a lower Libido, and your lust gains over time are slower.
Messy Orgasms
Your orgasms produce a greater volume of ejaculate if you have a penis, and vaginal orgasms are more likely to end in squirting.
(+2 to Vaginal Wetness)