Ring of Fate

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Ring of Fate
Creators Savin
Item Type Equipment
Slot Ring
Price 250
Has Special Effect? Yes
Is Unique? Yes
Tags Unsellable
Stack Limit 1
Version Added 0.4.39
Armor Ward Focus
- - 10
- - 10
She fasted for seven days, alone on the windy peaks, before finally collapsing from exposure. While she was unconscious, the legend goes, Persenne received a vision from Tira herself. The shamaness was offered a bargain: to accept Tira as her one and only goddess, that she must renounce her druidic faith, and in exchange Tira would give her the means to heal broken souls. Of course, she accepted, and Tira imbued Persenne's wedding ring with godly power. She returned to the tribe a changed woman, full of cold confidence, and healed her husband. I imagine she did the other Minos folk, too, because they made her the first High Priest of the city. Built themselves a Tiran temple over the old druids' circle at her command.

The Ring of Fate was buried with her and her husband, out in the Grave of Saints, per Tira's dictate.

Isadora, to the Champion and Calise


A midnight-black ring, so dark that no light reflects from its surface nor glint of the precious metal beneath its shadowy coloration. The only flaw in its smooth black surface, if you could call it so, is a single tear-shaped indentation on its outer band.

Special Effect: Halves all Corruption you would gain, and Corruption cannot go over 99.

Special Effect

While equipped, the ring will half all Corruption gain and will set maximum to Corruption to 99, instead of 100. If the wielder is already at 100 Corruption, when they equip the ring, it will be reduced to 99.


While the Ring of Fate is equipped or in the Champion's inventory, there are instances where specific mentions of the ring is used:

  • If the Champion is Romantic with Kasyrra, they can attempt to give the ring to Vacia & Bruno during the events of The Ring of Fate (Will cause the ring to end up in players possesion sooner than usual)
  • It's secret can be unlocked by combining it with the Jade Teardrop during the events of The Ring of Fate
    • This combination is done by simply equipping the ring while having the Jade Teardrop
    • Sleeping with said combined ring will result in a dream meeting with Talsenne, as well as unlocking the Summon Talsenne power
  • Talking to Calise:
    • About The Assassin and The Ring of Fate, within one week after the events of The Ring of Fate
    • About My Soul, The Right Thing, and What's With the Ring? during the Champion's date with her
    • An attempt can be made to give it to her in Give Her the Ring of Fate during the Champion's date with her


Acquired after attempting to give the ring to Vacia, while romantic with Kasyrra, or after defeating the Faceless Blade during the events of The Ring of Fate if the former was not done.