Kirkite Crystal

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Type Gem
Base Price 2000
Usable No

Kirkite Crystal

An uncommon crystal formation that is rarely found in the galactic core, kirkite deposits seem to increase in size and quantity the farther one gets from Terra. Some scientists have also found a correlation between kirkite density and the color of a planet's dominant sapient. Planets rich in greenskins always seem to have denser deposits of these curious gems. No suitable explanation for this phenomenon has been postulated.



  • Can be sold for credits or held in the inventory.
  • Can be used in Emmy's quest if no other crystals were used to obtain Emmy's Lava Saber or Emmy's Salamander Rifle.
  • Can also be used to ward off Mining Robots on Zheng Shi.
  • Can be given to Qailla while building a weapon.
    • As a Focus Gem, it causes the weapon to do Kinetic damage.
    • As a Resonance Gem, it grants extra Crit Chance.
    • As a Trick Gem, it adds Stagger Chance.


Kirkite is named after the Star Trek character James Tiberius Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise in the original series in 1966.