LeithaChrm |
Type |
Accessory |
Slot |
Accessory |
Base Price |
25000 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Defensive Target |
Self |
A Leitha Charm Necklace
A cosmetic transformative released by Xenogen, this amulet slowly releases nanomachines and gene splices over several hours that will modify you into one of the huge, tauric reptilians from Alpha Centauri -- and keep you one so long as you wear it.
A Xenogen-brand product.
Can be purchased from Nevrie at the Xenogen Biotech Outpost on Myrellion.
Can be found on Uveto on the surface inside the Icy Thundra
Can be equipped as an accessory or be sold to a vendor for credits.
When equipped, the charm will induce the "Leitha Charm" status effect which will permanently change the player character every 36-60 minutes while the necklace is still worn. Once the necklace is removed, the "Leitha Charm" status effect will automatically be lost. The changes will be randomized and will be based on certain conditions:
- Gain Leitha Charm Status effect
- Causes a transformation every 36 to 60 minutes
- Tail count becomes 1
- Lose all previous tail flags
- Gain the following tail flags
- One of the follwing
- Leg type not Lizan
- Leg count of 1
- If leg count is 1
- Leg count becomes 2
- Genital location becomes waist
- Leg type becomes Lizan
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the following leg flags
- Leg type is Lizan
- Leg count less than 4
- Leg count becomes 4
- Genital location becomes hind legs
- Leg type is Lizan
- Leg count is 4 or greater, but less than 6
- Ear type becomes Leithan
- Lose all previous ear flags
- Gain the Long ear flags
- Ear length becomes 2 to 6 inches
- One of the following
- Face type not human
- Face has Muzzled flags
- Face type becomes human
- Lose all previous face flags
- Tongue type becomes Leithan
- Lose all previous tongue flags
- Gain the following tongue flags
- Arm type becomes Leithan
- Lose all previous ear flags
- Gain the Chitinous ear flags
- One of the following
- Any penis that isn't type naga
- Any penis that is less than 36 inches long
- All penises
- If penis type is not naga
- Penis type becomes naga
- Lose all previous penis flags
- Gain the following penis flags
- Color becomes purple
- If penis length is less than 36 inches
- Penis length increases by 6 inches, up to a maximum of 36 inches
- If Steele has "Hung" perk
- Increase penis length by 1/3rd of total length (rounded to an inch (2-12 inches)), up to a maximum of 48 inches
- Milk type not Leithan Milk
- Milk type becomes Leithan Milk
- Any vagina that isn't type leithan
- Increase height by 6 inches, up to a maximum of 108 inches