Gabilani Chemist

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Nusha's busts by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
Species Gabilani
Gender Female
Sex Female
Location Dhaal
Level 11
Shields 250
Health 210
Initial Lust 10
Maximum Lust 100

A crazy Gabilani scientist that seeks to use Rushers to test her drugs.


Toting an exotic weapon that looks like a blend between a gigantic doctor’s needle and a light machine gun, this green-skinned shortstack dresses with the sensibilities of a native. Her long, sweeping coat hangs open to leave her breasts fully uncovered aside from a set of collar-connected straps too narrow to hide the barbell piercings embedded in her pudgy violet nips. Her bottom is no better. The ink-black garment flosses into her cuntlips and prodigious ass as she moves, no thicker than a g-string and glossy with dampness along the edges. Her streetwalker-tier fishnets lead your eyes still lower, lending sensuous texture to the supple meat of her thighs.

Behind the gabilani chemist, a mechanized tail whips back and forth, an artificial parody of standard-issue zaika anatomy. It even carries a vagina at the tip, though this plush, emerald pussy is more clearly of the vat-grown variety. It’s inner lips fade to rich purple in the center, glistening faintly with natural lubricants that make you question how recently she’s made use of it.

If it wasn’t for the faint outline of her shields and the deadly weapon in her hand, you’d think she was here to proposition you.

History/Personality/Information of Note

She works at a milk bar.


When Steele has 4 consecutive submission/losses she will give Steele the "Cum Thirsty" perk. And each of her loss scenes other than Slaking The Thirst will result in at least some minor transformation.

When she is impregnated for the first time she will inform Steele she knows their identity and not to worry about knocking her up, as she will just put the offspring into a synthwomb and ship them off to Tavros when they are "born". Lastly, she asks Steele if they are ready for more tests. Choosing to fight her this time will result in her starting with 50 lust instead of her normal 10.

All subsequent times she informs you she was impregnated result in her letting Steele leave without a fight unless they want to volunteer for some more experiments.

90 Days after impregnations she will send her offspring to the Tavros Nursery.

Steele can learn her name during the following scenes

  • LHD loss scene
  • Chemist first encounter after being impregnated for the first time
  • Submitting whilst having the "Cum Thirsty" perk and no Thirsty status effect
  • Chemist giving birth for the first time


Phase 1
During the first phase of the fight she is highly resistant to all forms of lust attacks, so she is best dealt with using physical attacks.

Phase 2
As soon as her health fall below 157.5 she will use some combat stims to heal herself and augment her physical abilities (which she never uses). Although as soon as she does she leaves herself vulnerable to all manners of lust attacks.

Move Set

State moves

These moves will change the state of the chemist.

  • Combat Stims - She takes some stims to turn the fight in her favor
    • Occurs when her HP falls below 157.5
    • Has ammo
    • Changes the chemist's stats to post-combat stims variant
    • Heals the chemis back to full health
    • Increases the chemist's lust by 10
  • Reload comment - She comments on her lack of ammo
    • Her Ammo has reached 0
    • Not commented this fight
    • She realizes picking a fight with you may have been a mistake
Pre-combat stim

Moves the chemist uses when she hasn't taken her Combat Stims

  • Courage in a needle - Let's Fix the cowardice with the power of alcohol
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Steele tried to flee this fight and failed
    • Steele isn't smashed
    • Uses 2 ammo
    • If the attack hits
  • Yellow Sticky: The prelude - She covers you in the first half of her explosive compound.
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has at least 20 ammo
    • Steele doesn't have the Yellow Sticky! status effect
    • 20% Chance
    • Uses 10 ammo
    • Unavoidable
    • Steele gains the Yellow Sticky! status effect
      • Can be removed by
        • Cleaning it off
        • Having Yellow Sticky 2: Explosive Boogaloo occur
        • Ending or fleeing the fight
  • Yellow Sticky 2: Explosive Boogaloo - The second half arrives and explodes
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Has Yellow Sticky! status effect
    • Uses 10 ammo
    • Unavoidable
    • Deals ~110 raw burning damage
  • Soporific Jab - Drains Steele of energy and health
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Steele isn't above immobilized or paralyzed
    • 20% Chance
    • Uses 2 ammo
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~15 raw kinetic damage
      • If Steele has energy
        • Reduce Steele's energy by 20
      • If Steele does not have energy
        • Steele becomes paralyzed for 1 turn
  • Poison Jab - Needle delivery of poison
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Steele isn't Poisoned
    • Has at least 4 ammo
    • 33.33% Chance
    • Uses 4 ammo
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~15 raw kinetic damage
      • Steele becomes poisoned for 4 turns
        • Deals ~15 raw poison damage each turn
  • Acid Spray - She spray her acidic load on top of you
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Unavoidable
    • Uses 5 ammo
    • Deals ~35 raw corrosive damage
  • Low blow - A low blow indeed
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • Low blow not on cooldown
    • 50% chance
    • Low blow enters cooldown for three turns
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~15 raw kinetic damage
        • Raw damage is increased by
          • 15 when Steele has a penis and their crotch is exposed
          • 30 when Steele has ball(s) that have a diameter of 7 inches or more
      • If Steele isn't stunned
        • And fails the following physique check Physique/2 + 10 vs 15 + 1d20
          • Become stunned for 2 to 3 rounds
  • Back hand - Desperate times call for desperate actions
    • None of the above Pre-combat stim moves triggered
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~25 raw kinetic damage
  • Bonus Tail Strike - She has given a will
    • Bonus attack that occurs every time a Pre-combat stim move is use
    • Unavoidable
    • Steele is not flying
    • Deals ~12 to 18 raw kinetic damage
Post-combat stim

Moves the chemist uses when she has taken her Combat Stims.
The Chemist will randomly choose one of the available attacks.

  • Insta rut - Needle attack that puts you in rut.
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Steele is not in Rut or Heat
    • Steele has penis
    • Steele is virile
    • Uses 2 ammo
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~5 raw kinetic damage
      • Deals ~12 raw drug lust damage
      • Steele enters rut for 20 days
      • Steele's taint increases by 1
  • Insta heat - Needle attack that puts you in heat.
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Steele is not in Rut or Heat
    • Steele has vagina
    • Steele is fertile
    • Uses 2 ammo
    • If the attack hits
      • Deals ~5 raw kinetic damage
      • Deals ~12 raw drug lust damage
      • Steele enters rut for 20 days
      • Steele's taint increases by 1
  • Aphro Gas - She drops a aphro gas
    • The chemist is not disarmed
    • Has ammo
    • Steele is not wearing airtight armor
    • Uses 10 ammo
    • Steele gains Aphro Gas status effect for 4 turns
      • Deals ~11 raw drug damage to Steele each turn
    • Chemist gains Aphro Gas status effect for 4 turns
      • Deals ~5 raw drug damage to the Chemist each turn
  • Cunnilingate tail - She cunnilingates her own tail
    • If Steele fails the following Willpower check willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 30
      • Deals ~25 raw tease damage
  • Tiddy tease - Give in for the tiddy
    • If Steele fails the following Willpower check willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 30
      • Deals ~25 raw tease damage
  • Ass Slap attack - Give in for the tiddy
    • If Steele fails the following Willpower check willpower/2 + 1d20 vs 30
      • Deals ~15 raw tease damage
  • Undercarriage fun - Below your tauric body she plays with your tool, and enjoys it a bit too much
    • Deals ~20 raw tease damage to Steele
    • Deals ~30 raw tease damage to the Chemist
  • Cock Snuggle Attack - She plays with your giant tool, and enjoys it a bit too much
    • Deals ~20 raw tease damage to Steele
    • Deals ~30 raw tease damage to the Chemist


Lust Resistances

Pre-combat stim

  • 50% immunity to Psionic attacks
  • 75% immunity to Drug attacks
  • 50% immunity to Pheromone attacks
  • 50% immunity to Tease attacks

Post combat stim

  • -100% weakness to Psionic attacks
  • -25% weakness to Drug attacks
  • -100% weakness to Pheromone attacks
  • -50% weakness to Tease attacks
Damage Resistances

Pre-combat stim

  • 40% immunity to Kinetic attacks
  • 20% immunity to Burning attacks
  • 20% immunity to Corrosive attacks
  • 50% weakness to Electric attacks

Post combat stim

  • 100% immunity to Poison attacks
  • 75% immunity to Kinetic attacks
  • 75% immunity to Electric attacks
  • 50% immunity to Burning attacks
  • 50% immunity to Corrosive attacks


She is assigned 3 to 5 random preferences when first encountered


Upon defeat she drops


Victory Scenes

Scenes that Steele can choose from when they beat the goblin

  • Get Oral - Time to see if that clever mouth of hers can solve the all-important equation...
    • Dick - Gabilani are expert spear polishers. Goes back centuries, don't'cha know.
      • Has penis
      • Has variations for
        • Is taur
        • Not a taur
          • Height is
            • 6 feet 10 inches or more
            • Less than 6 feet 10 inches
        • Has penis length of
          • 8 inches or less
          • 16 inches or less, but more than 8 inches
          • More than 16 inches
        • Has multiple penises
          • 3 or more penises
          • Selected penis is less than 16 inches and Biggest penis is more than 16 inches
        • Has ball(s)
        • Is bro or Personality is hard, or Steele is neither
        • Penis type is
          • Equine or not
          • Suula, or has Stinger tip or stinger base flag
        • Penis has flag
          • Nubby
          • Flared
          • Knot or not
        • Has tail cock or not
        • Cum ejaculation quantity of
          • Less than 2,000 mLs
          • 2,000 mLs or more
            • 10,000 mLs or more
    • Pussy - Get her addicted to your pussy. Or try to. Either way, it'll be hot watching her slobber on it.
      • Has vagina
      • Has variations for
        • In Heat or not
        • Vaginal looseness of
          • Less than 3
          • 3 or more
        • Is Squirter
      • Clit length of
    • Ass - Give her a taste of the rim - a bit dominantly.
  • Face Sit - Sit on her face and get some relief. Those ears would be the perfect handlebars...
  • Mating Press - Every shortstack's wettest dream.
    • Has Penis that fits (585.33 inch³ or less)
    • Has variations for
      • Done this scene before or not
      • Has ball(s)
      • Has penis length of
        • 9 inches or more
        • 18 inches or more
        • 9 inches or less
        • 18 inches or less, but more than 9 inches
        • More than 18 inches
      • In Rut or not
      • Has tail cock
      • Penis has flags
        • Flared
        • Knot
      • Cum ejaculation quantity of
        • Less than 5,000 mLs
        • 5,000 mLs or more
        • 20,000 mLs or more
    • Boost Cum 3 times
  • Hyper-Cock - You're too big for comfortable normal sex, but you can probably figure something out. She's more than eager enough to experiment...
    • Biggest penis doesn't fits (More than 485.33 inch³)
    • Has variations for
    • Science! - Put your knowledge and the chemist's drug synthesis weapon together to create something to render her temporarily super-stretchy.
    • Lazy Dicking - Why worry about penetration when you can let the goblin saddle up on your dick for a good time? Of course, her tail might go somewhere unexpected..."
  • Dock Tails - She has a cunt-tail, you have a cock-tail. You won't find a more perfect partner on this side of the milky way!
    • Has tail cock or not
    • Quick Nut - Focus on taking your tail to completion.
    • Kiss - Sex is always better when you get mouths involved.
    • Suck Tit - She's got big milky tits, and you've got a mouth.
  • GravCuffs - Apply a little frontier justice - see what you can really do with a mouthy, back-alley slut.
    • Has Penis that fits (585.33 inch³ or less)
    • Has Grav-Cuffs
    • Has variations for
    • Move On - Nah, you’ve had your thrills. Cut her loose
    • Public Sex - This is your chance to show the Zaika the hedonisms lying in wait beyond their polluted atmosphere, if you don’t mind being exposed.

Loss Scenes

Scenes that can occur when Steele loses or submits to the Goblin chemist.

Override Loss scenes

If the conditions for these scenes are triggered they will play.

  • Slaking the Thirst - She feeds the slut of her own making
    • Steele has Thirsty status effect
    • Has variations for
      • Submitted to the Goblin Chemist
      • Lost to the Goblin Chemist
        • Lost by lust
        • Lost by health
      • Tongue is long or not
      • Next - ends the sece
        • Steele recieves some girl cum
      • Call Zaika - Have your throat plowed by all kinds of mystery aliens!
      • Randomly select 3 of the available scenes
        • Sabrae straddling
          • Always Available
          • Has variations for
            • Met Sabrae or not
            • Has penis
            • No penis
              • Has vagina
        • Exhausted MILF
          • Always Available
          • Has variations for
            • Has penis
            • No penis
              • Has vagina or not
        • Zaika Maiden
          • Always Available
        • Hydra
          • Always Available
          • Has variations for
            • Tongue has long flag or not
            • Has penis
            • Has vagina
          • Has dick nipples
          • Does not have dick nipples
        • Futa Penny throat fuck
          • Available when Penny
            • Is crew
            • Has a penis
            • And she is not a bimbo
          • Has variations for
            • Penny's penis has a length of
              • 14 inches or more
              • Less than 14 inches
            • Penny has a horsecock or not
        • Bimbo Penny fountaining
          • Available when Penny
            • Is crew
            • Has a penis
            • And is a bimbo
          • Has variations for
            • This being the last scene or not
Randomized loss scenes

A random one of the available scenes will play, as long as no Override scene is triggered. Each of these scenes results in at least some minor transformation.

  • Priapism Pranku - A fun little test for priapism drug
  • Exgartuan - Massively balloons your cock to absurdly hyper size, toys with it till the drug wears off, and apologizes that only an inch of growth is permanent.