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Paige Yoga (Shou).png

Paige Casual (Shou).png

Paige Lingerie (Shou).png

Paige Nude (Shou).png

Paige (JayEcho).png

Paige Casual (JayEcho).png

Paige Lingerie (JayEcho).png

Paige Nude (JayEcho).png

Paige (Moira).png

Paige Casual (Moira).png

Paige Lingerie (Moira).png

Paige Nude (Moira).png

Paige’s busts, by various artists
Creator B
Full name Paige Turner
Nickname(s) Bookworm (Kiro)
Species Modded Half-Ausar
Gender Female
Sex Female
Occupation yoga instructor
Data entry worker(former)
Photographer (former)
Pirate (former)
Family Mason (brother)
Unnamed Ausar Mother
Unnamed Human Father
Iddi (PAA)
Nationality Ausaril
Location Tavros

A blind Dog-Morph yoga teacher, ex-pirate, potential crewmate, and (estranged) best friend of Kiro.


Paige is a tall Ausar woman, standing just shy of 180 centimeters, or just below six feet. She has very little fat on her body, but she’s also not especially musclebound – the years of yoga have sheered the fat off her body and left nothing but tone and definition. That said, holding all those unique poses have done wonders for her muscle mass: the muscles on her arms and legs are quite pronounced and her abs have been sculpted into perfect six-pack abs after all those crunches. While she’s no bodybuilder and she won’t win any strongwoman competitions, she’s no doubt stronger than your average Ausar, man or woman. You’re not a slouch when it comes to muscle mass, but Paige probably still has your number.

Paige’s fur coloration is dark brown, with large pools of black, especially along her limbs and back, and long streaks of white, especially along her front, from her neck to her groin. She’s taken gene mods for her fur to cover every bit of skin, and her nose has elongated into a snout, like a true canine’s. Her fur is about three centimeters thick, or just over an inch, uniform all over her body. She has brown hair, just a touch lighter in hue, going from her scalp to her just below her shoulders. She has perky, triangular, wolfish ears that she can fold and flex, and they stand about twelve centimeters at their longest. Her tail is bushy-but-not-fluffy, covered with black fur on the top and beige-brown on the bottom, which reaches to her tendons.

Paige likes to wear a sleeveless jumper vest that hugs her torso well, bulging against her C-cup breasts and clinging to her tight abs that covers up to her neck and down to her waist. When she’s doing yoga, she wears tight yoga pants, stretched thin against the contours of her legs, but when she’s relaxing at home, she switches out for grey sweatpants. During the daytime, she prefers to have her long hair done up in a cute bun, while during the night, she lets it down. For underwear, she a white sports bra that keeps the girls from getting too wild during yoga, and she wears frilly white panties to keep her otherwise decent.

If Blind

Being blind, Paige wears an earpiece in her right ear, with a long stem going from the base to just before her eyes. Not many people know the truth about the piece: its part one-way communicator with Paige’s assistant droid, and its part projector. Paige is blind from an injury that goes across her eyes, and the projector hides the cataracts in her eyes as well as the scar that goes across the bridge of her nose. Nobody can tell when the projector is on, but it does a brilliant job of hiding the scar and displaying instead a beautiful set of deep blue eyes. When it’s off, her eyes are grey and cloudy, and her scar is so wide and deep, it still looks fresh.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Paige was born half-Ausar with an Ausar mom and human dad, but has become a Dog-Morph through gene mods. She was blinded in an accident while working with Kiro.

As a kid she had an interest in gymnastics and contortion. And for one of her teenage years she was enrolled in a gymnastics class by her mother. She later met her best friend Kiro in this class to with whom she would later enter in a sexual relationship.

As an adult, she would work a desk job at JoyCo inserting forms into computers, followed by working as a freelance photographer for a time. Later, she joined Kiro and acted as the navigator of the Tamahime. She and Kiro would use information given by Mason to raid transport ships loaded with gold. It was during one of these raids that they were attacked by the Black Void three to one. Although, they managed to defeat the Black Void raiding party, Paige was slashed across the eyes leading to the loss of her sight.

Due to the loss of her sight, she was given a helper droid named Iddi, and due to her history of piracy, she took Gene-Mods to alter her appearance. She later gained a yoga instructor license and starts a yoga studio in the apartment next door. She had her helper-droid earpiece modified to make it appear if she still has her eyes and hide her scar.


Captain Steele can learn yoga from Paige from 9:00-16:59. After 3 lessons, she will ask Steele to come to her apartment between 17:00 and 23:59 which unlocks the location.

After meeting Paige in her apartment, she will reveal that she is blind. Afterwards, she will offer to tell more about herself. But she will do so only once a day and only if Steele followed her yoga class that day or brings her Honey Wine. Upon entering her apartment after her third talk she will initiate the First Time sex scene.

Talking about Paige again after having sex with at least once, will cause her to ask Steele for a sparring match.

Asking Paige to sleep with you whilst no one is in bed will result in the cuddles sex scene.

During Halloween if Paige has been sexed a scene will occur where Paige explains that around this time every year, she hears noises from her studio and finds the place a mess the morning after. Then she will hear a sound and ask you to join her in attacking whoever is there. Joining her will cause Paige to be possessed and trigger the Ghost Sex scene.

If you have both Paige and Kiro on your crew, during threesomes, you might get the option to recall that Paige mentioned she could grow a dick. After discussing it with Kiro, she will agree to become a futa if you bring her a box of Dicksprout. If you do, she will be disabled temporarily while getting used to her new organ. Once she is available again, you will be treated to 4 rounds of sex with little break time in between. Each choice may lead to a change in possible options.


Unlocks after having had sex with Paige at least once and Kiro’s trust being at least 75, and either if Paige isn’t a crewmate on Tavros between 17:00 and 9:00 or all times if Paige is a crewmate. It is possible to bring the two old friends together by talking to Kiro about Paige ,unlocking several talk scenes.

  • Childhood - Paige and Kiro have known each other since they were younger. Ask them what kind of mischief they might have gotten up to.
  • Gossip - As long as you’re all here and you’re all acting friendly and familiar, you ask the two ladies if there’s any gossip one of them is willing to share with you about the other. This may be your chance to learn something interesting about the two!
  • Piracy - Ask the two ladies what their piratical history was like together. They’ve bound to have some interesting stories about their time together.

After talking about all of the options above it is possible to engage in a threesome with both of them.


Mode Requirment Effects
First time
  • none
  • Increase tone by 2
  • Reduce energy by 20
  • increase soreness by 4
Second and Third lesson
  • Done First Time
  • 20 Credits
  • Increase tone by 5
  • Reduce energy by 20
  • increase soreness by 4
Easy Mode
  • Done Third lesson
  • 20 Credits if Paige not crew
Medium Mode
  • Unlocked Easy Mode
  • 20 Credits if Paige not crew
  • Increase tone by 7
  • Reduce energy by 40
  • Increase soreness by 4
Hard Mode
  • Done Medium Mode 4 or more times
  • 20 Credits if Paige not crew
  • Increase tone by 10
  • Reduce energy by 70
  • increase soreness by 4
  • No Limber Perk
    • Gain Limber perk for 14 days
    • Otherwise reset Limber Perk timer to 14 days

After yoga, Paige’s shower scene will be available for 12 hours.


Paige’s Hit points for the match is her level divided by 2

  • Paige’s level is whichever is higher, her minimum level (10 if blind; 12 if sight restored) or Steele’s level.

Steele’s Maximum Hit points for the match is his/her Physique/10 rounded upwards (Hit points may be reduced if Steele is not at full health)

During the match Steele can either attack in the form of a Hook, Uppercut, or Jab or Yield ending the fight. When choosing to attack Paige will also make on of the three attacks. With the match acting as a game of rock-paper-scissors in which:

  • Lose: you take damage
  • Win: Paige takes damage
  • Draw: both take damage.

The mechanics go as follows.

  • Hook beats Uppercut
  • Uppercut beats Jab
  • Jab beats hook

Looking at Paige’s body language may reveal what her next attack will be but if her sight is restored there is a 33% chance she will hide her moves. Below is a list of Paige’s tells.
Hidden move

  • Paige shuffles cautiously, doing her best to make it impossible to get a read on her next move. You’ll have to guess!

  • Paige hops from foot to foot, changing stances by the moment in an effort to conceal her next move. Who knows what’s coming next?

  • Paige laughs, “What’s the matter, can’t handle me now that I can see?”


  • “I hope you can handle this,” Paige taunts.

  • Paige cocks her arm back.

  • Paige hops to your left, then to your right.


  • Paige crouches low, ready for the next exchange.

  • Paige seems to be looking right through you.

  • Paige’s left ear flicks in irritation, despite her smile.


  • Paige pulls her guard in tight.

  • Paige rolls her shoulders before resuming a fighting stance.

  • Paige’s right ear twitches.

Wining the fight will cause victory Sex, whilst losing will give Captain Steele the choice to pleasure Paige either Orally, Vaginally, or Anally. Yield gives no sex at all.


Most of Paige’s sex options follow a tree of decisions depending on options chosen:

General Scene Selector

Ambox important.png Ambox important.png
Due to the way that Paige's sex scenes work with a tree of choices. It is setup that in this section, you will only find links to the trees and their requirments to access.
By pressing on a scene you will be moved to the sex tree of choice
Standard Scenes

Scenes available in her standard sex menu after having sex with her for the first time

Special Scenes

Scenes that cannot be accessed through the sex menu

After going through Paige's Piracy talk under about Paige she will approach Steele with the intent of sex. It can be reenacted after Paige becomes a crewmember.


Threesomes involving Paige

First Time/Reenact

Paige First time flowchart, by B

Unique sex scene for the first time Steele and Paige have sex. Can be found under Reenact if she joins the crew. Upon which Steele can start the scene with one of three choices

  • First Time
    • Embrace Her
      • Love Her
      • Take Her
        • Requires Either primary penis that fits OR no penis at all
        • Has variations depending on
        • Grope Tits
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Grab Hips Instead
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Suck Tits
          • Has variations depending on
            • Primary penis that fits
            • Primary penis doesn't fits
          • Lover Ending
            • Has variations depending on
      • More Teasing
        • Requires either that primary penis that fits OR no penis at all
        • Finger Her
          • Has variations depending on
          • Lover Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Finger Her Butt
          • Requires either that primary penis that fits OR a vagina
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Do Nothing
    • Grab Her Ass
      • Take Her
        • Requires Either primary penis that fits OR no penis at all
        • Has variations depending on
        • Grope Tits
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Grab Hips Instead
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Suck Tits
          • Has variations depending on
            • Primary penis that fits
            • Primary penis doesn't fits
          • Lover Ending
            • Has variations depending on
      • Hotdog
        • Primary penis that fits
        • Penetrate Her
          • Casual Ending
        • Finger Her Butt
          • Casual Ending
        • Keep Going
          • Power Fuck Ending
      • 69
        • Has genitals
        • Has variations depending on
        • 69 Ending
    • Do Nothing
      • 69
        • Has genitals
        • Has variations depending on
        • 69 Ending
      • More Teasing
        • Requires either that primary penis that fits OR no penis at all
        • Finger Her
          • Has variations depending on
          • Lover Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Finger Her Butt
          • Requires either that primary penis that fits OR a vagina
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
        • Do Nothing
          • Has variations depending on
          • Casual Ending
            • Has variations depending on
      • Be Her Toy - Relinquish all control of the situation and submit to Paige...
        • Resist
          • Has genitals
          • Has variations depending on
          • 69 Ending
        • With Pleasure!
          • Has penis that fits
          • Has variations depending on
          • Power Fuck End
            • Has variations depending on


Paige Vanilla flowchart, by B
  • Vanilla - Vanilla sex
    • Requires a penis that fits.
    • Be Bottom
      • Kiss Her
        • Caress
          • Ending 1
        • Manhandle
          • Ending 2
      • Spank Her
        • Chew
          • Ending 2
        • LickN’Suck
          • Ending 3
    • Be Top
      • Doggy Style
        • Rougher
          • Ending 5
        • Gentler
          • Ending 4
      • Missionary
        • Anvil Pos.
          • Ending 3
        • KissHerNeck
          • Ending 4


Paige Anal flowchart, by B
  • Anal
    • Requires a penis that fits Paige’s ass.
    • Rim
      • Gently
        • Finger Her
          • Ending 1
        • Do Nothing
          • Ending 2
      • Keep Going
        • Gently
          • Finger Her
            • Ending 1
          • Do Nothing
            • Ending 2
        • Keep Going
          • Gently
            • Finger Her
              • Ending 1
            • Do Nothing
              • Ending 2
    • Raw
      • Wait
        • Up Top
          • Ending 3
        • Down Low
          • Ending 2
      • Pull Her Down
        • Kiss Her
          • Ending 3
        • Finger Her
          • Ending 4
    • Gently
      • Finger Her
        • Ending 1
      • Do Nothing
        • Ending 2


Paige Tribadism flowchart, by B
  • Tribadism
    • No penis
    • Use Thighs
    • Use Fingers
      • Sit Up
        • Grind
          • Ending 3
        • Spank
          • Ending 4
        • Stand Up
      • Spank
        • Comply
          • Ending 4
        • Grab Forearms
          • Ending 5

Down On You

Paige Down On You/Her flowchart, by B
  • Down On You
    • Let Her
      • Her Hair
        • Tell Her
          • Offer - It takes two to tango, after all! Ask Paige if she’s into a bit of 69 action.
            • 69 Ending
          • Climax
            • Down On You Ending
        • Show Her
          • Down On You Ending
      • Offer - It takes two to tango, after all! Ask Paige if she’s into a bit of 69 action.
        • 69 Ending
    • Take Control
      • Her Hair
        • Tell Her
          • Offer - It takes two to tango, after all! Ask Paige if she’s into a bit of 69 action.
            • 69 Ending
          • Climax
            • Down On You Ending
        • Show Her
          • Down On You Ending
      • Her Ears
        • Show Her
          • Down On You Ending
        • Jackhammer
          • Down On You Ending

Down On Her

Paige Down On You/Her flowchart, by B
  • Down On Her
    • Tease
      • In Her Cooch
        • Get Aggressive
          • Down On Her Ending
        • Nice & Easy
          • Climax
            • Down On Her Ending
          • Offer - Ther's nothing saying only one of you has to cum tonight...
            • 69 Ending
      • Offer - It takes two to tango, after all! Ask Paige if she's into a bit of 69 action.
        • 69 Ending
    • Dive In
      • In Her Cooch
        • Get Aggressive
          • Down On Her Ending
        • Nice & Easy
          • Climax
            • Down On Her Ending
          • Offer - Ther's nothing saying only one of you has to cum tonight...
            • 69 Ending
      • In Her Ass
        • Get Aggressive
          • Down On Her Ending
        • Push The Button
          • Down On Her Ending

Body Worship

Paige Body Worship flowchart, by B

  • Body Worship
    • No requirements.

Paige Spar Sex

The PC can also spar with her for other scenes:


  • Loss - Lose to her in a fight
    • Oral
    • Vaginal
    • Anal

Paige Post Spar Victory flowchart, by B
  • Win - Win against her in a fight.
    • Oral - What better way to assert yourself over Paige than to have her service you?
      • Cock Path
        • Has penis
        • Congratulate
          • Enjoy It
            • Oral Ending
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
        • Berate
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
          • Titfuck
            • Oral Ending
      • Pussy Path
        • No penis and has vagina
        • Congratulate
          • Enjoy It
            • Oral Ending
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
        • Berate
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
          • Titfuck
            • Oral Ending
      • Neuter Path
        • No penis and no vagina
        • Congratulate
          • Enjoy It
            • Oral Ending
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
        • Berate
          • Reciprocate
            • Oral Ending
          • Titfuck
            • Oral Ending
    • Vaginal - Paige has already taken a beating; let’s see if she can take a pounding.
      • Has primary penis that fits or has vagina
      • Has variants for the following
      • Cock Path
        • Has primary penis that fits
        • Gently
          • Kiss Her
            • Vaginal Ending
          • Own Her
            • Vaginal Ending
        • Rougher
          • Don’t Care
            • Vaginal Ending
          • Own Her
            • Vaginal Ending
      • Pussy path
        • Primary penis doesn't fit
        • Has vagina
        • Gently
          • Kiss Her
            • Vaginal Ending
          • Own Her
            • Vaginal Ending
        • Rougher
          • Don’t Care
            • Vaginal Ending
          • Own Her
            • Vaginal Ending
    • Anal - Knowing Paige, this would be a reward for her too. You’re okay with that.
      • Has had anal sex with Paige
      • Has penis that fits Paige's ass
      • Get Ready
        • Act Casual
          • Anal Ending
        • Own Her
          • Anal Ending
      • Raw
        • Own Her
          • Anal Ending
        • Just Give ‘Er
          • Anal Ending

Paige x Kiro Threesome

Kiro Paige Threesome flowchart, by B

After doing all the talk scenes of the Kiro and Paige reunion it is possible to start a threesome focused on:

  • You - Make this threesome about you.
    • Stand Still - Let the girls fawn over you a bit longer
      • Has slight differences based on genital configuration (penis and no vagina, vagina and no penis, or penis and vagina)
      • Cock path
        • Has penis and no vagina
        • Or 50% Chance if herm
        • Let Them - Let them take the iniative
        • Get Ridden - Command the girls to ride you
      • Pussy/Ass path
        • Has no penis
        • Or 50% Chance if herm
        • Let Them - Let them take the iniative
        • Get Ridden - Command the girls to ride you
    • Get To It - Have the girls get to the main dish a bit faster
      • Cock path
        • Has penis and no vagina
        • Or 50% Chance if herm
        • This Is Fine - Continue letting Paige ride your cock, whilst Kiro fucks your face.
        • Buck Back - As great as it is getting double-ended by these ladies, you’re not fond at the prospect of taking such a passive role beneath them. Time to change that.
      • Pussy path
        • Has vagina and no penis
        • Or 50% Chance if herm
        • This Is Fine - Continue being fucked by Kiro while Paige sits on your face
        • Buck Back - As great as it is getting double-ended by these ladies, you’re not fond at the prospect of taking such a passive role beneath them. Time to change that.
  • Paige - Make this threesome about your favorite yoga instructor.
    • Kiss Her - Let Kiro go first at Paige's muff
      • Cuddle Up - Share Kiro's monster with Paige
      • Double P. - Share Paige's hole(s) with Kiro
        • Has Penis
        • If Paige is an anal virgin
          • Steele and Kiro will take her pussy simultaneously
        • If Paige has had anal sex
          • Steele will take Paige's ass whilst Kiro takes her pussy
      • Sandwich - Use Paige's yoga skills to better share her with Kiro
    • Eat Her Out - Go at Paige's muff first
      • Sandwich - Use Paige's yoga skills to better share her with Kiro
      • CargoLift - Lift Paige in the air and fuck her with Kiro
        • If Steele has a penis
          • Steele and Kiro will share Paige's pussy
        • If Steele doesn't have a penis, but does have a vagina
          • Steele will grind their pussy against Kiro's cock whilst she is fucking Paige
  • Kiro - Make this threesome about your favorite pirate captain
    • Service Her - Service Kiro's cock with Paige
      • Continue - Continue servicing Kiro's balls whilst she fucks Paige
      • Go First - Take Kiro's mighty member first
    • Line Up - Line up with Paige so Kiro can choose who to fuck first
      • 50% Chance for Paige is getting fucked first
        • Your Turn - Take your turn getting fucked by Kiro's behemoth
        • Reposition - Reposition yourself to make it more pleasurable for all parties involved
          • Diffent variants for if (Steele has a penis; Steele doesn't have a penis, but does have a vagina)
      • 50% Chance for Steele is getting fucked first
        • Do Nothing - Continue being pounded by Kiro
        • Reposition - Reposition yourself to make it more pleasurable for all parties involved
          • Diffent variants for if (Steele has a penis; Steele doesn't have a penis, but does have a vagina)

Paige Ghost Sex

Paige Ghost Sex flowchart, by B
  • Ghost Sex
    • Suckle
      • Oral
        • Your Mouth
          • Ending 1
        • Your Face
          • Ending 2
      • Vaginal/Anal
        • Pull Out
          • Ending 2
        • Take Her Knot
          • Ending 3
    • Lower Pants
      • Buck Back
        • Relax
          • Ending 4
        • Take It
          • Ending 5
      • Lay Down
        • Submit
          • Ending 3
        • Say Nothing
          • Ending 4

Paige Sleepy Time

Paige Sleepy Time flowchart, by B

Asking Paige to sleep with you will result in:

  • Sleep
    • Sleep
      • Actually Slepp
    • Boop Nose
      • Hold Her
        • Tell Her
          • Actually Sleep
        • Kiss Her
          • Actually Sleep
      • Tickle
        • Spoon Her
        • Roll Over
          • Sex
          • Sleep
            • Actually Sleep
    • Pinch Thigh
      • Caress
        • Fantasize
          • Sex
          • Sleep
            • Actually Sleep
        • Take Her
          • Sex
          • Sleep
            • Actually Sleep
      • Grab Her Ass
        • Let Her Lead
          • Sex
          • Sleep
            • Actually Sleep
        • Second Base

Paige Shower

If the PC is not a taur then Paige can be found in the ship’s showers for 12 hours after yoga, choosing to join her will result in sex.

  • Shower
    • Sex - Have some shower sex with a crew member.
      • Paige
        • Penetrate her
          • Requires a penis that fits Paige’s vagina.
        • Anal
          • Requires a penis that fits Paige’s ass
          • Requires to have had anal sex with Paige before.
        • Tribadism
          • Requires a vagina.
        • Down On Her
        • Get Laid
          • Requires a penis that fits Paige’s vagina.
        • Double-Dicked
          • Requires a 2 penises that fit Paige’s ass.
          • Requires a penis that fits Paige’s ass


Getting to know Paige

After doing Yoga with Paige three times, Steele will confront Paige about her handiness, to which Paige will ask to continue the conversation at a later point in her home. Her apartment can be accessed from 17:00 to 23:59.

Visiting her apartment will have Paige reveal that she is actually blind, with her offering to tell you the story one piece at a time. Although she will require you to either do some yoga that day or bring her Honey Wine.

After learning her story over the course of 4 visits, your next visit will have Paige approach you in lingerie before engaging in sex.


After having had sex with Paige it is possible to pay the 500,000 Credits needed for her new eyes. Choosing to do so will have her be out of commission for 3 days (although Steele can wait these days out by her side).

Halloween Event

During Halloween, after having had sex with Paige, when entering her apartment Steele will find her listening for noises in her studio. She will explain how this happens every year and is hoping for some help in stopping them. Right on cue the noises start up and Paige asks for help.

Refusing to do so gives Steele 7 days to help Paige before the event ends.

Agreeing to help results in Paige being possessed by a horny ghost. Who after some talk, will ask that Steele help relieve her horniness. If Steele agrees to fuck the ghost. After the sex Paige will make a deal with the ghost allowing permanent access to the scene.