Lieutenant Jennavieve

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Lieutenant Jennavieve-Moira-Full.png

Lieutenant Jennavieve-Moira-Full-Nude.png

Lieutenant Jennavieve-RattlePool-Full.png

Lieutenant Jennavieve-RattlePool-Full-Nude.png

Artwork by Moira & RattlePool
Creator Bubblelord
Full name Jennavieve Galanis
Alias One-Eyed Lancer
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Mercenary Leader (temporary-commander)
Title Lieutenant
Height 5'2"
Bust Size A
Family Commander Leofric (mentor)
Leo (trusty steed)
Faction Marked Merk Mercenaries
Nationality Tronarii
Location Foothills (North and South)
Level 3
Health 230
Strengths Lieutenant Jen has 2 action points

"If you are truly of their number then you should know I am the second-in-command of the mercenaries! My name is Jennavieve Galanis, the lieutenant of the Marked Mercs and their acting, temporary-commander! My foes know me as the One-Eyed Lancer, pride of its cavalry regiment! I shall not repeat myself so speak quickly and tell me who you are before I run your through!"

"Y-You!" Lieutenant Jen sweeps down from her high ground and circles wide around you, leveling her spear at you and trying her best to seem intimidating despite her reddened cheeks at the memories of your last encounter.

"Y-You! You and I will battle, here and now! I'll have my revenge a thousand-fold upon you so come and face fate before I give you Tira's peace!"

Jen is a Lieutenant and currently acting temporary-commander of the Marked Merk Mercenaries. She has been in active search for her commander and mentor Commander Leofric as the mercenaries had been originally hired to restore order to the region, however after the disappearance of their commander the majority of their soldiers are not large enough nor experienced enough these days to take on the unorthodox foes.


Atop a black, silver-dapple steed similar to a Shire-breed horse, you can clearly identify the female commander of the Marked Merk Mercenaries. A short woman coming around 5'2", Jen sits atop it with a bronze-tipped spear clasped in her right hand and her her horse's reins held tightly in the left. The muted, bronze glimmer of her heavy armor worn over her puffy orange pantaloons and a black undershirt provides ample protection; albeit without helmet, she gets the benefit of an intimidating snarl and perfect opportunity to glare at you with her good eye.


Ogrish's Smithy

The Champion may come across Jen in a one-time scene in Hawkethorne, where she is delivering damaged equipment in need of repairs to Ogrish at his smithy. The Champion will not be able to interact with her, but they will learn more about the mercenaries and will also unlock the Tronarii Codex entry (if they have not already). To encounter this scene, the following conditions must be met:

First Encounter

The Champion will encounter Lieutenant Jen for the first time while roaming the Foothills (North and South regions) when they are at least level 2 and have won against the Marked Mercenary Band at least 5 times. She will approach the Champion on horseback and state that she is looking for the one who has been harassing Leofric's mighty legion known as the Marked Merk Mercenaries. She will introduce herself as the faction's lieutenant and acting temporary-commander as well as her title of the One-Eyed Lancer, pride of the Mercenaries' cavalry regiment. The Champion will reply to her their name and occupation to which she ask if they are the ones responsible for hindering her mercenaries and their search. The Champion is given two options to reply with:

  • Admit - Might as well own it.
  • Deny - Why would you admit to something like that? That is like the worst thing you could ever do.

Denying the allegations will anger Jen and will proceed with a combat encounter. However if the Champion were to admit fighting the mercenaries albeit they did start it, Jen will apologize for their behavior and explain to the Champion a bit of history about the group. She will then peacefully part ways with the Champion and their party but not before stating that if she or her mercenaries would cross paths with the Champion again, they will fight the Champion.

Subsequent Encounters

Subsequent encounters with Jen will result in combat encounters. If the Champion were to run at any time during the fight, she will mock the Champion for fleeing and it will cause a slight change in dialogue if the Champion were to encounter her again. This is reset each time the Champion does encounter her in combat. If the Champion is defeated by Jen she will be happy to remove a blemish on the mercenaries pristine record, and will steal up to 200 EC. Depending on the number of times the Champion has fucked Jen before (1st and 5th time), it will cause a change in some of the Champion's victory dialogue. If the Champion had sexed Jen the last time they encountered her, there will be a slight variation in her encounter dialogue.

If the Champion is victorious, the following options will become available:

  • Sex - You're horny and mercenary girl is on the menu!
  • Relax - Sometimes a (guy/girl) just wants to chill.

Relaxing with Jen will allow the Champion to get to talk with her, in which they can learn about:

  • Mercenaries - Ask Jen about the mercenaries; why are they here and where did they come from? (unlocks the Tronarii codex entry)
  • FrontBelt - So... what's up with her chastity belt only covering her vagina? (sexed Jen at least once)
  • Commander - With how much they keep mentioning the man, you might as well ask about the mercenary's commander.
  • Feelings - She sure seems to have some feelings about Leofric... (has seen Commander)

Special Victory

After being defeated for at least 5 times there is a special one-time scene in which, Jen will break down and lament on why she is such a failure, however before she can continue a booming voice will shout her name and a near-etheral figure blocking out the sun/moon light will swiftly sucker punch that the Champion which will cause them to pass out. Upon waking they will find Jen nearby with restored vigor as she explains to them that who they encountered was Leofric and that he told her that she was strong, that he was going to return soon and that the Champion is lame. She gives a bit of backstory about Leofric, that he was one of Tira's finest paladins and that he nearly spent twenty years of his life with the goal to become strong and follow alongside her before she trots off. On the other hand, if the Champion has high Toughness or Agility they will dodge or block the punch and Leofric will congratulate the champion and say that the champion is the one Leofric was sent to face, but for now the battle will not happen.



Attack Power: 39 Spellpower: 21
Sexiness: 25 Temptation: 13
Armor: 98 Physical Resist: 16
Warding: 11 Magic Resist: 6
Focus: 32 Mental Resist: 17
Evasion: 11 Crushing Resist: -10
Penetrating Resist: 25 Tease Resist: 100
Drug Resist: 100 Pheromone Resist: 100



  • 100 XP
  • 70 EC


If the Champion is victorious in combat:

  • Facefuck - Time to fuck that pouty face properly; as hard as you can. (requires a cock)
  • Anal - You've got an idea; how about getting a piece of that cavalier ass? (requires a cock)
  • FingerKissing - Since you can't get in her pants, why not let her in yours? Some kissing and fingering will be her loser's tax! (requires a vagina)
  • Tit Fun - She might not be very well-endowed but you're sure you can have some fun with that chest of hers!