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"The only things a man needs to be successful is a strong arm, keen mind, and a taeleer slave. Wrestle your opponents down and use your wit to instill trust... because after that, your pleasure bunny can convince them that they'd be unwise to refuse to join you."
—Dragovic Flanders, Ancient Belharan General

Writer Credit

  • Taeleer Codex Entry


Name: Taeleer

Sexes: Male and Female

Height: Ranges from between 4'0" and 6", with males standing slightly larger than females.

Weight: Identical to traditional humans, sometimes leaning on heavier due to their muscle percentage and varying ear length's additional weight.

Skin: Taeleer have human-typical skin; additionally they grow soft, thick fur along their arms and legs.

Hair: Taeleer hair can be many colors while their fur ranges traditionally between darker shaded colors (brown, grey, and black) or bright colors (cream, reddish-brown, and white). Their hair and fur are typically the same color.

Eyes: When a taeleer is born, they have black-colored eyes. Within a month, their eyes will become a bright color; the most common colors are red, blue, and green human-styled eyes.

Ears: All Taeleer are born with either the shorter, expressive ears found on most rabbits or lengthy, floppy ears that can dangle at various lengths.

Tails: Taeleer can have short stubby tails but are best known for puffy, spherical tails that are extremely fluffy.

Lifespan: About 130 years.

Maturity: 18 years.


The epitome of bunny girls and rabbit men, the taeleer can pass for humans until one spots their fur and ears. Slim to thick waists or plump butts to flush cunts, the common taeleer 's body can be commonly matched to human proportions and features. Most taeleer are lean-built and enjoy thick fur along the length of their limbs — sporting either brush or spherical-fluffy tails. While all taeleer have bunny ears, their women will often maintain pregnancy weights in their ass and thighs to make them thicker and suited to long breeding sessions. Their close connection with humanity, many of the traits found in humans across the known world pop-up in local groups of taeleer in the form of various skin tones, eye colors, and body markings; in particular, this showcases in various sizes of humanlike pricks out to the average of 1 foot and heavier-than-average ballsacks to facilitate their more ramped up libido. Many taeleer physically are superior to humans, with greater running speeds and a jump that allows some to leap vertically up to 10 ft. high.

Although not considered a different species entirely, their most well-known divisionary physical trait is the difference in ear length. The most common trait is said to have originated from lackadaisical lifestyles: lop ears. Floppy and long, these ears can run to the middle of a taeleer's back or even all the way to inches above the ground — shorter taeleer have even been known to wrap their ears around their neck or waist to keep them from bumping into things as they walk. Their ears' massive sizes and weight make moving them with emotions minimal or not possible. Short-eared taeleer however can have their ears reach a foot in length but often they reach out six inches. These dramatically smaller ears will perk, fall, wiggle and utilize various movements and behavioral tells to sync with a taeleer's emotion. Unlike their longer eared cousins, many of these taeleer's ears are sensitive to the touch.

Unusually, however, a taeleer can be born with ears so long that they drag. This is one of the few appearance defects found in floppy-ear families. Shorter eared taeleer as a result is considered more healthy or from more active lineages.


Commonly believed to have been part of the expression "breeding like rabbits," taeleer enjoy a promiscuous and well-established libido a notch above standard humans. Coupled with a common attraction to become adventurers — and their ancestral history as pleasure slaves — young taeleer will actively hook up with fellow adventuring taeleer and other races to keep this under control. Many communities featuring adventurers that pass through or even retire find themselves stacked with handfuls of taeleer that normally knocked up a partner and settled down to raise their children. As one might expect, a taeleer is highly compatible with other races, allowing many "half-taeleer" to be born.

A taeleer pregnancy — as the mother — often lasts 6 months and will commonly result in twins or triplets when between two taeleer. An interspecies coupling will result in twins rarely but never triplets; barring goblin pregnancies and races that generate litters, this has been consistently proven. Pregnancies for taeleer women are exhausting but relatively safer than other species, thanks to their stronger lower body. Their pregnancy attributes have led to taeleer becoming prominent surrogate parents and greatly desired for rebooting populations in the waning periods of wars or disaster.

Childhood is traditionally standard in comparison to humans for a taeleer; the sole exception is that puberty and their budding leg strength causes them to become profoundly more active. Many taeleer parents call this the "jump-off point," as non-taeleer parents are grieved at the sight of their children launching themselves into the air when happy, flopping over when they get a nice gift, or crashing into things before bouncing away while playing. Various scholars associate this in comparison to a "rabbit binky," observed in the wild when younger rabbits simply throw themselves around in joy. This is the highest recorded reason that interspecies relationships end, as the non-taeleer parent doesn't find this normal or acceptable whilst most taeleer simply consider it as "kids being kids." Oddly enough, taeleer do not find it mocking but rather a testament to their streaks of happiness. Suffice to say, this commonly betrays when they have their first sexual experience.


Originating in the land of Taelia near the heart of the long-defunct Belharan Empire, taeleer were one of the first races to fall into servitude beneath ancient humans. Many suggest they may have been far more animalistic but their softness and number made them ideal for the fledgling empire's expanding borders to turn into pleasure slaves, scouts, and personal servants. Regardless of whether or not you subscribe to this idea, taeleer were enslaved until the collapse of Belhar. Taelia itself remained as part of its remnants for centuries with many taeleer residing deep within the heart of the nation with no other options of their own. It wasn't until a group of taeleer on the fringes of Taelia left their nation behind that the first lop-eared taeleer showed up in the fledgling and the much smaller nation of Taelineya. A war broke out between the two for a short time but ultimately ended when Taelia and Taelineya brokered a peace to combat the other successors of Belhar. Their bloody war sounded one of the first disgraces of the failing Belhar in what led to the creation of the modern Tael Alliance with both kingdoms promising their military might to both defend and retaliate against any who would enslave them.

Since those days, modern taeleer are often proud of both nations and seen across most of the known world. Though the Tael Alliance is old, taeleer often consider it young in comparison to less modern and more ancient lands such as those still claiming to be Belhar or its servant states. Swathes of taeleer searched for something to do with their newfound respect but many still turned to become brothel owners; this all changed when a century ago the Tael Alliance created the Taelian Adventurer's Guild. In almost one-hundred years, countless taeleer have set off taking on fantastical adventures and expeditions to help various races both explore and chart the world. Many new maps — rather than ancient ones long-established and maintained since Belhar's collapse — are the product of a taeleer-escorted researcher's work. Though their history was more based in laying on their backs and tending to the interests of Belhar, their name drifts faster and faster toward one of respect.

Society & Culture

Culture to taeleer is often a direct mirror of Belhar but their societies and minor communities are family driven — parents enjoy pumping out kids regardless of the amount and almost always want to live in big hovels. One of the few cultural enigmas as a result of this was the creation of burrows in Taelineya when the lop-eared taeleer wanted to make the most out of their flat spaces — by digging down. A burrow or home's safety and well-being are highly valued by taeleer that settle down and as a result, many taeleer will choose to never move once they've found and lived somewhere long enough. This leads to them being highly nomadic and trying to find a "perfect home" to attract others.

Taeleer may not be too difficult or different than their ex-masters but many of them have found these little differences and are proud to be taeleer. Prides in their features and their decisions can lead to them being either a source of profound good in their communities or a source of disaster; it's simply a matter of ensuring a taeleer has a nice home and kids to keep them busy.

Codex Acquisition

Only one of the conditions below must be met to unlock the Taeleer Codex entry:

  • Met and saved Quintillus from the cultists chasing him

Other Information

Reading the Taeleer Codex Entry will unlock minor scene variety when:

  • Bunny
  • Rabbit
  • Rabbit (masculine)
  • Bunny (feminine)
Cute Adjectives
  • Bunny


Gameplay Attributes



Byvernia Quintillus Ranna Sariel
Byvernia Quintillus Ranna Sariel