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The penis is a body part that Captain Steele can customize. The parameters of this body part that can be currently altered are the type, length, thickness ratio, knot multiplier, number and color.

This body part is strongly tied to pregnancy and reproduction.


Penis Types
Type Default Flags Transform Notes
  • Smooth
  • Tapered
  • Knotted (Griffin path)
  • Nubby (Griffin path)
  • Sheathed (Griffin path)
  • Smooth
  • Foreskinned
  • Knot Multiplier becomes 1
  • Color on creation is one of the following
    • amber
    • black
  • Knotted
  • Sheathed
  • Tapered
  • Half-ausar will start with this type (non-sheathed).
  • The following transformatives will not give the Sheathed flag
  • Has a Knot Multiplier of 1.25 on creation
  • Color is bright red on creation
  • Knotted
  • Nubby

Has a Knot Multiplier of 1.4 on creation

  • Tapered
  • Knotted
  • Ribbed

Has a Knot Multiplier of 1.25 or 1.3 on creation

  • Blunt
  • Flared
  • Sheathed
  • Nubby
  • Sheathed
  • Tapered
  • Half-kaithrit will start with this (without Sheathed and tapered flags)
  • Feline type penises obtained through the following items will only have the nubby flag
  • Blunt
  • Nubby
  • Color of pink on creation
  • Double Headed
  • Knot Multiplier becomes 1
  • Color on creation is one of the following
    • pink
    • olive
    • purple
  • Sheathed
  • Thickness Ratio becomes 0.75 on creation
  • Penis color becomes one of the following
    • red
    • pink
    • cherry red
  • Tapered
  • Knotted
  • Scaled
  • Ribbed
  • Half-gryvain will start with this type.
  • Color becomes scale color
  • DracoGuard
    • Knot Multiplier becomes 1.10
  • Foreskinned
  • Flared
  • Prehensile
  • Smooth
  • Lubricated
  • Color is a luminous version of skin color on creation
  • Knotted
  • Sheathed
  • Tapered
  • Half kui-tan will start with this type.
  • Has a Knot Multiplier of 1.3 on creation
  • Smooth
  • Tapered
  • Prehensile
  • Ovipositor
  • Smooth
  • Tapered
  • Flared
  • Knotted
  • Ovipositor
  • Smooth
  • Blunt
  • Ribbed
  • Sheathed
  • Length becomes 20 inches if penis is shorter than 20 inches prior to creation
  • Thickness Ratio becomes 1.5 if less than 1.5 prior to creation
  • Color becomes pink
  • Blunt
  • Ribbed
  • Sheathed
  • Length becomes 8 inches if penis is shorter than 5 inches prior to creation
  • Color is one of the following
  • Color is copied from an already existing saurmorian penis or becomes one of the following
    • black
    • dark blue
    • dark red
    • purple
  • Thickness Ratio becomes 1.125 if less than 0.8333 prior to creation
  • Smooth
  • Tapered
  • Prehensile
  • Lubricated
  • Aphrodisiac Laced
  • Stinger Based
  • Stinger Tipped
  • Penis color becomes one of the following
    • Blue
    • Aquamarine
  • Corkscrewed
  • Sheathed
  • Color of pink on creation
  • Prehensile
  • Flared
  • Lubricated
  • Smooth
  • Lubricated
  • Knotted
  • Sheathed
  • Tapered
  • Has a Knot Multiplier of 1.25 on creation
  • Penis color becomes red on creation
  • Foxfire/Frostfire will manually adjust the penis type and flags if previous type is canine resulting in:
    • No color change
    • Retaining flags other than
      • Flared
      • Blunt
      • Double Headed
    • Gaining any lacking flag(s) of the following
    • If penis lacks tapered penis flag
      • Gain tapered penis flag
      • Lose the following penis flags
      • Flared
      • Blunt
      • Double Headed


Below is a list of flags that may be affected by a transformative without changing the penis type. Items on this list may be able to change penis types as long as the flag transformation is not dependent on penis type or changing the penis type.

Penis Flags
Penis flags Gaining Removing Notes








Most race-transformations that have the ability to change the penis type may also have the effect to change the penis length as well. These will not be counted here since they are altering the penis proportions to conform to that particular penis type.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Has a penis
  • Chose Dick as injection site
  • Chose Lengthen or Both
  • Increase length of the chosen penis by 1 to 2 inches
  • If Both was chosen
    • Increase thickness ratio of the chosen penis by 0.1
  • Ball transformations occur if chosen to change balls
Dr. Badger
  • Primary penis length less than 11 inches
  • Increase primary penis length to 11 inches
  • When choosing to Be Hero
  • Choosing Armor
  • Any penis less than 12 inches
  • Increase penis 4 inches, up to 12 inches
  • Penis length less than
    • 10 for lite
    • 14 for classic
    • 18 for plus
  • Increase length by 2(4 With "Hung" perk)
  • Has penis
  • Chose Futazona
  • Overdose
Big Green Potion
  • Has penis
  • Length of primary penis less than 18 inches long
  • Increase length of primary penis by 3 to 6 (4 to 12 with "Hung" perk)
  • Has penis
  • Penis with length less than 17 inches
  • Increase penis size by 1-3 (3-5 with "Hung" perk)
  • Has penis(es)
  • Any penis that is shorter than 17.2 inches
  • Random penis that is shorter than 17.2 inches
    • Increase penis length by 0.8-2 inches
  • Has penis(es)
  • Any penis(es) less than 16 inches long
  • Penis at 10 inches or more
    • 25% Chance
  • Penis at less than 10 inches
    • 75% Chance
  • Random penis less than 16 inches long
    • Increase penis length by
      • 1 to 3 inches, up to 16 inches without "Hung" perk
      • 1.5 to 4.5 inches, up to 24 inches with "Hung" perk
Gold Pill/Orange Pill/Red Pill
  • Has penis(es)
  • Shortest penis is less than 18 inches long
  • Increase length of shortest penis by 3-6 (4-12 with "Hung" perk) inches
Horse Pill
  • Increase length of shortest penis by 0.25 inches
  • Has penis(es) that meet(s) the following conditions
    • Type not equine
    • Has Sheathed flag
  • First none-equine type penis with Sheathed flag
    • Length increases by 3-7 inches
  • Penis type becomes equine
Leitha Charm Necklace
  • Any penis that is less than 36 inches long
  • All penises ahorter than 36 inches
    • Penis length increases by 6 inches, up to a maximum of 36 inches
      • If Steele has "perks by source#Hung" perk
        • Increase penis length by 1/3rd of total length (rounded to an inch (2-12 inches)), up to a maximum of 48 inches
  • All non-naga type penises
    • Become type naga
Korgonne Snacks
  • Has penis(es)
  • Any non-canine type penis
  • 33% Chance
  • Penis length less than 6 inches
  • Increase penis length by 2-4 inches
Laquine Ears
  • Increase penis length by 0.2 inches
  • Random non equine penis type
    • Penis type becomes equine
      • Lose all previous Penis flags
      • Gain the following penis flags
        • Blunt
        • Flared
        • Sheathed
  • Slow stat gain of 20 for Libido
  • Penis length less than 14 inches
    • Increase penis length by 3-5 inches
  • Has "Hung" perk
    • Increase penis length by 2
  • Has "Mini" perk
    • Decrease penis length by 2
  • Has a single canine type penis
  • Penis length less than 10 (18 "Hung" perk) inches
  • Penis length increases by 1-2 (2-4 "Hung" perk) inches
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Penis length less than
    • 4 inches with "Mini"" perk
    • 8 inches without perks
  • Increase penis length by 4 inches.
Milk Thief Loss
  • Chosen penis is either
    • Biggest penis with volume of 600 or lower
    • Smallest penis if all penises have volume exceeding 600
  • Increase chosen penis length by
Mino Charge
  • Has penis(es)
  • All penises are equine with sheath
  • Shortest penis length less than 24 inches
  • Increase shortest penis length by
    • 4 (8 with "Hung" perk) inches if less than 5 inches long
    • 3 (6 with "Hung" perk) inches if less than 12 inches long
    • 2 (4 with "Hung" perk) inches if 12 inches or longer
Naleen Nip
  • Shortest penis length less than 10 inches
  • Increase penis length by 1 (2 with "Hung" perk) inches
  • Shortest penis length less than 16 inches
  • Has "Genital Slit"
  • 16.66% Chance
  • Increase penis length by 1-3 (2-6 with "Hung" perk) inches
Nyrean Candy
  • Penis length less than 14 inches
  • Increase penis length by 3 inches, until 14 inches
Orefish Shard
  • Penis length less than 10 inches
  • Increase penis length by
Pandaneen Pill
  • Shortest penis length less than 150% height as inches
  • Increase shortest penis length by 1/4 inches
Panda Pro
  • Shortest penis length less than 150% height as inches
  • Increase shortest penis length by 5 to 10 inches
Red Rocket
  • Longest penis length less than 10 inches
  • Increase length of all penises by 1 inch (2 with Hung perk)
  • Increase Libido by 0.5
  • Boost Cum by 1
  • Longest penis length less than 26 inches
  • Increase length of all penises by 2 inches (3 with Hung perk)
  • Increase Libido by 0.5
  • Boost Cum by 1
  • If longest penis length longer than 18 inches
  • Longest penis length less than 48 inches
  • Longest penis length 48 inches or more
Siren's Bounty
  • Penis length less than 14 inches (28 with "Hung" perk)
  • No [[vagina]
  • Increase penis length by 1 inch until target length
  • Will round penis length to closest natural number
  • Increase penis length by 1 inch until target length
  • Will round penis length to closest natural number
  • Has penis(es) that meet the following conditions
    • Hassheathed flags
    • Penis type not swine
  • Random penis meeting the conditions
    • If penis length is less than 20 inches
      • Increase length by 3-6 inches
  • Penis type becomes Swine
  • Has penis(es) that meet the following conditions
  • Increase length by 0.5-1.5 (1-3 with "Hung" Perk) inches
Taurico Venidae
  • Penis is shorter than max growth
    • Max growth is 18 inches and can be increased /decreased by the following
      • Max growth increases by 8 inches with Hung Perk
      • Max growth decreases by 8 inches with Mini Perk
      • Max growth increases by 2 inches with Brute Speech Perk
      • Max growth increases by 1 inch if height greater than 6 feet
      • Max growth increases by 2 inches if height greater than 7 feet
      • Max growth can become up to 31 inches
  • If select penis is equine
    • Increase libido by 1
    • If no Mini Perk 25% chance to
      • increase penis length by 6 inches
    • Mini Perk or 75% chance otherwise to
      • Increase penis length by 1-2 inches
        • +1 additional inch if penis length more than 5 inches less than max growth
The Treatment (Amazon variant)
  • Has penis
  • Treatment hours
    • 132
    • 138
    • 150
    • 162
  • Treated status effect
    • Has Treatment cock growths left
  • All penises
    • If penis is longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 1 inches
    • If penis isn't longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 2 inches
  • Treated Status effect
    • Reduce Treatment cock growths by 1
The Treatment (Bull variant)
  • Has penis
  • Treatment hour 51
  • Treated status effect
    • Has Treatment cock growths left
  • All penises
    • If penis is longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 2 inches
    • If penis isn't longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 3 inches
  • Treated Status effect
    • Reduce Treatment cock growths by 2
  • Has penis
  • Treatment hours
    • 60
    • 66
    • 83
    • 100
    • 125
  • Treated status effect
    • Has Treatment cock growths left
  • All penises
    • If penis is longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 1 inches
    • If penis isn't longest penis
      • Increase penis length by 2 inches
  • Treated Status effect
    • Reduce Treatment cock growths by 1
The Treatment
(Bull, Amazon and Faux Cow variants)
  • Treatment hour
  • Has penis(es)
  • Has penis(es) that isn't target penis type
    • Target penis type is one of the following
      (Randomly chosen at start of transformation)
      • Equine (40%)
      • Canine (40%)
      • Feline (20%)
  • 80% Chance (40% Chance if multiple penises)
  • First penis that isn't target penis type
    • If target penis type is Equine
      • Increase penis length by 5 inches
      • Penis type becomes Equine
  • Treatment hour
  • Has multiple penises
  • Has multiple penises that aren't target penis type
    • Target penis type is one of the following
      (Randomly chosen at start of transformation)
      • Equine (40%)
      • Canine (40%)
      • Feline (20%)
  • 40% Chance
  • All penises that aren't target penis type
    • If target penis type is Equine
      • Increase penis length by 5 inches
The Treatment (Cum-Cow variant)
  • Treatment hour 57
  • Has penis(es)
  • Increase length of all penises by 3-4 inches
  • Treatment hour 64
  • Has penis(es)
  • Has balls
  • Increase length of all penises by 2-3 inches
  • Treatment hour 80
  • Has penis(es)
  • Increase length of all penises by 1-2 inches
  • Treatment hour 125
  • Has penis
  • Genital position is waist
  • Repeatedly increase Steele's biggest penis's by 2-5 inches until at least
    • 1/3 of height (penis doesn't have Prehensile flag)
    • 1/6 of height (penis has Prehensile flag)
  • Treatment hour 130
  • Has penis
  • Has Balls
The Treatment (Faux Cow variant)
  • Treatment hours
    • 63
    • 80
    • 103
    • 120
    • 140
    • 150
  • Treated Status effect
    • Has treatment cock changes left
  • No "Mini" perk
  • All penises
    • Increase length by
      • 1-2 (2.5-4.5 with "Hung" perk) inches if select penis isn't longest penis
      • 0.5 (2 with "Hung" perk) inches if select penis is longest penis
  • Treated Status effect
    • Reduce treatment cock changes by 1
  • Has penis(es)
  • Select penis length at 8 inches or less
  • Increase length by 2.3-5.2 (4.6-10.4 with "Hung" perk) inches
  • Has penis(es)
  • Select penis length at 20 inches or less but greater than 8 inches
  • Increase length by 1.5-4.4 (3-8.8 with "Hung" perk) inches
  • Has penis(es)
  • Select penis length greater than 20 inches
  • Increase length by 1-2.9 (2-5.8 with "Hung" perk) inches
  • Select penis length less than 20 inches
  • Increase penis length by 0.1 inches
Virection Pill
  • Has penis(es)
  • At least one penis 4 inches or shorter.
  • Random penis shorter than 4 inches gets it length increased by
  • Random penis shorter than 4 inches thickness increases by
Virection Pill
  • Has penis(es)
  • At least one penis between 4-30 inches
  • Random 4-30 inch penis increase length by
    • 3-5 inches with "Hung" perk
    • 1-2 inches with "Mini" perk
    • 2-3 inches otherwise
Zil Ration
  • Any penis with length greater than 8 inches
  • Randomly selected penis with length greater than 8 inches
    • Decrease penis length by (cannot decrease more than 11(22 with "Bulgy" perk inches))
      • 1 inch + (1/4th to 1/2nd of (Excess penis length))
        • The above calculation is rounded to 1 inch
        • "Bulgy" perk doubles reduction
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Has penis(es)
  • Any penis length greater than 4 inches
  • Shorten all valid penis(es) by 2-6 inches
    • With "Mini" perk
      • If penis length is 12 inches or great
        • length loss is doubled
      • If penis length is greater than 6 inches but 12 inches or less
        • Length loss is increased by half
  • Cock longer than max size
  • Decrease penis length
  • Max size is
    • 4 Inches (12 inches if taur)
    • 6 Inches (18 inches if taur) with "Hung" perk
    • 3 Inches (9 inches if taur) with "Mini" perk
Container labeled 'ReductPro'
  • Select penis length greater than 3 inches
  • Decrease penis length by 1/3 to a minimum of 3inches
  • Select penis length greater than 5 inches
  • Decrease penis length by 0.1 inches
Condensol Pill
  • Has penis(es)
  • Penis length greater than 4 inches
  • Has status effect "Condensol-B"
  • Decrease Penis length by
    • 1 inch
    • 1-3 inches if Penis is still greater than 10 inches after all above reductions
    • 2-4 inches if Penis is still greater than 20 inches after all above reductions
    • 3-6 inches if Penis is still greater than 20 inches after all above reductions
    • If Steele has mini perk "Mini" perk
      • 1/4th of remaining penis length
Dong Designer
  • Has used the designer before
  • Length of select penis will decrease by half after splitting the penis into two
  • Conservation of mass
  • Penis length greater than 4.5 inches without "Hung" perk
  • Or penis length greater than 8 inches with "Hung"' perk
  • Penis length greater than 20 inches
    • Lose 1/4 of penis length
      • With "Mini" perk Lose another 1/4 of penis length
  • Penis length 20 inches or less
    • Decrease penis length by 2-4 inches till 4.5 inches (8 inches with "Hung"' perk)
  • Any Penis(es)
  • Decrease length of all penises by 2-4 (3-6 with "Mini" perk)
  • Any penis that becomes less than 3 inches is lost
  • If all penises are lost
  • Any Penis with length greater than 4 inches
  • Any Penis longer than 4 inches
    • Decrease penis length by
      • 25% (50% with "Mini" perk) of length with
        • A minimum decrease of 1 (2 with "Mini" perk) inches
        • A maximum decrease of 3 (6 with "Mini" perk) inches
Nyrean Candy
  • Penis length greater than 14 inches
  • Decrease penis length by 3 inches, until 14 inches
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Penis length greater than
    • 22 inches with "Hung"" perk
    • 11 inches without perks
  • Dencrease penis length by 2 inches.
The Treatment (Faux Cow variant)
  • Treatment hours
    • 63
    • 80
    • 103
    • 120
    • 140
    • 150
  • Treated Status effect
    • Has treatment cock changes left
  • Has "Mini" perk
  • Has penis(es) longer than 4 inches
  • All penises longer than 4 inches
    • Reduce length by 1-3 inches to a minimum of 4 inches
    • If select penis isn't shortest penis
      • Reduce length by an additional inch to a minimum of 4 inches
  • Treated Status effect
    • Reduce treatment cock changes by 1
  • Penis length greater than 4.5 inches without "Hung" perk
  • Or penis length greater than 8 inches with "Hung"' perk
  • Penis length greater than 20 inches
    • Lose 1/4 of penis length
      • With "Mini" perk Lose another 1/4 of penis length
  • Penis length 20 inches or less
    • Decrease penis length by 2-4 inches till 4.5 inches (8 inches with "Hung"' perk)
  • Penis longer than 5 inches
    • 3 inches with Hung perk
    • 7 inches with Mini perk
  • Reduce penis length by 2-4 inches
  • Reduce penis length by an additional
    • 36 inches when penis length is greater than 48 inches
    • 24 inches when penis length is greater than 36 inches
    • 12 inches when penis length is greater than 24 inches
  • Has penis
  • Penis length greater 6 inches
  • Penis length greater than 10
    • Decrease penis length by (1/4 of cock length + 0-0.5 (0.5-1.5 with "Mini" perk) inches)
  • Penis length of 10 or less
    • Decrease penis length by 0.5-0.1 (1-2 with "Mini" perk) inches

Thickness Ratio

Most race-transformations that have the ability to change the penis type may also have the effect to change the penis thickness ratio as well. These will not be counted here since they are altering the penis proportions to conform to that particular penis type.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Big Green Potion
  • Increase length of primary penis by 3 to 6 (4 to 12 with "Hung" perk)
  • Penis thickness ratio less than 3
  • Increase penis thickness ratio by 0.1
  • Has a penis
  • Chose Dick as injection site
  • Chose Thicken or Both
  • Increase thickness ratio of the chosen penis by 0.1
  • If Both was chosen
    • Increase length of the chosen penis by 1 to 2 inches
  • Ball transformations occur if chosen to change balls
Orefish Shard
  • Penis thickness ratio less than 0.833
  • Penis thickness ratio less than 0.833
    • Penis thickness ratio becomes 1.25
Orefish Shard
  • Thickness ratio less than 1.8
Pandaneen Pill
  • Penis thickness ratio less than 1.7
  • Increase penis thickness ratio by 0.1
Panda Pro
  • Penis thickness ratio less than 1.7
  • Increase penis thickness ratio to 1.7
  • Has penis(es)that meet the following conditions
    • Hassheathed flags
    • Penis type not swine
  • Penis type becomes Swine
  • Has penis(es) that meet the following conditions
  • 33.33% Chance
  • Select penis thickness ratio less than 2
  • Increase penis thickness ratio by 0.1
Virection Pill
  • Has multiple penises
  • All penises are 4 inches or longer
  • Any penis with a thickness ratio less than 1.8
  • Increase thickness ratio of a random penis with thickness ratio less than 1.8 by
Zil Ration
  • Any penis with Thickness Ratio greater than 8 inches
  • 50% Chance
  • Randomly selected penis with Thickness Ratio greater than 8 inches
    • Increase Thickness Ratio by 0.1
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Select penis thickness ratio greater than 0.8
  • Decrease penis thickness ratio by 0.1
  • Has a single canine type penis
    • Penis thickness ratio greater than 1
  • Reduce thickness ratio by 0.5 to 1
Orefish Shard
  • Select penis thickness ratio greater than 1.5
  • Decrease penis thickness ratio by
    0.2 * doses taken (max of 3 doses)
  • Select penis thickness ratio greater than 1.5
  • Taken at least 3 doses of Twink-ease
    • With less than 12 hours in between doses
  • Select penis thickness ratio becomes 1.5


Volume is a calculated measurement essential for making comparisons between the penis "size" and the vagina/anus capacity. The volume is the combination of the volume of the penis shaft and the penis tip, both modified by the various cock flags.

By default, the volume calculations are as follows (where π is 3.142) :

Volume Variables
Variable Default Equation
Total Length Length + Additional Modded Length
Thickness Total Length / 6 * Thickness Ratio
Shaft Volume π * ( Thickness / 2 )2 * ( Total Length - ( Thickness / 2 ) )
Tip Volume 2/3 * π * ( Thickness / 2 )3

Cock Flags will have an affect on one or more of the volume values:

Volume Modifiers
Flag Shaft Volume Tip Volume
Blunt Shaft Volume π * ( Thickness / 2 )3
Flared Shaft Volume Tip Volume * 1.3
Tapered Shaft Volume * 0.75 Tip Volume * 0.75
Double-Headed Shaft Volume 4/3 * π * (Thickness / 4 )3 + π * ( Thickness / 2 )2 * Thickness / 4

The final volume used for comparison is the penis' Total volume:

Total Volume Variables
Variable Default Equation
Total Volume Shaft Volume + Tip Volume

This value may also be affected by other flags which define the penis' "Effective volume":

Effective Volume Modifiers
Flag Effective Volume
Lubricated or Gooey Total Volume * 0.75
Sticky Total Volume * 1.25
EasySlip Stud Total Volume * 0.75


Capacity is a calculated measurement that determine the internal "size" of a penis--or how much room the penis/ovipositor has in order to fit another penis/dildo/object of a particular size.

The capacity is directly related to the penis' volume:

Capacity Variables
Variable Default Equation
Capacity Volume / 6
Total Capacity Capacity * Elasticity

Knot Multiplier

A value that determines how thick the knot is compared to the penis' shaft thickness.

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Ausar Treat
  • Penis does not have Knotted flag
  • Knot multiplier less than 2
  • Increase penis knot multiplier by 0.1
  • Penis does not have Knotted flag
  • Has penis knot(s)
  • Penis gains Knotted flag
  • Increase penis knot multiplier to 1.10
Huskar Treat
  • Penis does not have Knotted flag
  • Knot multiplier less than 2
  • Increase penis knot multiplier by 0.1
Knot A Problem
  • Has penis(es)
  • Randomly chosen penis does not have Knotted flag
  • Penis gains Knotted flag
  • Penis knot multiplier becomes 1.25
  • Has penis(es)
  • Randomly chosen penis has Knotted flag
  • Increase penis knot size by
    • 0.25 if knot multiplier less than 2
    • 0.10 if knot multiplier less than 3
    • 0.05 if knot multiplier 3 or more
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes

The actual knot's thickness value will be the Penis Thickness * Knot Multiplier.


Elasticity is a multiplier value that determines how stretchy Steele's orifices are. By default it is set at a value of 1.


Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Amber Seed
  • Has vagina & that type is not
    • Leg type is Feline/Equine/Snake
      • same type as legs type
    • Otherwise
      • Avian
  • Elasticity less than
Ass Slap Patch
  • Elasticity < 2
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.5
GaloMax Pill
  • On third dose
  • Elasticity < 3
  • Increase Elasticity to 3
Orefish Shard
  • Increase Elasticity by 1-2 till 5
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.25
The Treatment
(Amazon variant)
  • Elasticity = 2.5
  • Elasticity = 3
The Treatment
(Bimbo & Cum-Cow)
The Treatment
(Faux Cow variant)
  • Treatment hour 153
  • Elasticity < 5
  • Elasticity = 5
  • Treatment hour 153
  • Elasticity ≥ 5
Psychic Tentacle
  • Elasticity < 5
  • Increase Elasticity by 1
  • Increase Elasticity by 1.5
Venus Pitcher
  • No "Elasticity" perk
  • Elasticity less than
    • 2 for fertilized
    • 1.6 unfertilized
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.1
  • Has "Elasticity" perk
  • Elasticity less than
    • 4 for fertilized
    • 3.2 unfertilized
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.2
Omega Oil
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.25
Holiday's Black Cat
  • Elasticity < 10
  • increase Elasticity by 5 till 10
  • Not all vaginas are type Lizan
  • Elasticity < 2
  • Elasticity = 2
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.5 till 3


Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Mino Charge
  • Decrease Elasticity by 1


Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • No penis
  • Grow an equine penis
    • Penis length becomes 16 inches
    • Remove all previous penis flags
    • Gain the following penis flags
      • Blunt
      • Flared
      • Sheathed
    • Color becomes one of the following
      • pink
      • black
      • mottled pink and black
  • No penis
  • Genital Overdose
  • Grow a feline cock
    • Color becomes Pink
    • Knot multiplier becomes 1
    • Gain the following cock flags
      • Nubby
      • Sheathed
      • Tapered
    • Cock lenght is 12 inches
      • 18 inches with "Hung" perk
      • 9 inches with "Mini" perk
  • Grow penis matching chosen size and thickness
    • Size of 3 to 9 inches
    • Thickness of 1 to 1.3
Dr. Badger
  • No penis
  • Grow an 11-inch long penis
  • When choosing to Be Hero
Dong Designer
  • Has used the Designer before
  • Chance to split the selected penis into two
  • Mass of original penis is devided by the two of them.
  • No penis
Naleen Nip
  • Has "Genital Slit"
  • Has one naga penis
  • Grow a new penis
    • Copy the following of the first penis
      • Length
      • Thickness ratio
      • Knot multiplier
    • Penis type becomes Naga
      • Lose all previous penis flag
      • Gain the following penis flags
        • Smooth
        • Tapered
Nyrean Candy
  • Is genderless or has non-nyrea vagina
  • Grow nyrea penis
Red Rocket
  • No penis
  • Grow a canine type penis
    • Length becomes 7 inches
    • Gain the following flags
      • Knotted
      • Tapered
      • Sheathed
    • Color becomes red
    • Knot Multiplier becomes 1.25
  • Has "Genital Slit"
  • Has one naga penis
  • Grow a new penis
    • Copy the following of the first penis
      • Length
      • Thickness ratio
      • Knot multiplier
    • Penis type becomes Naga
      • Lose all previous penis flag
      • Gain the following penis flags
        • Smooth
        • Tapered
The Treatment (Amazon variant)
  • Treatment hour 129
  • No penis
  • 33% Chance
The Treatment (Cum-Cow variant)
  • Treatment hour 49
  • No penis
  • Has The Treatment status effect
  • 50th treated hour and beyond
    • Every hour
  • No penis
  • No penis
  • No penis
  • And No balls
  • 20-80% (20% times doses with a max of 4 doses)
  • Grow a 5 inches long penis
    • 3 inches long with Hung perk
    • 7 inches long with Mini perk
  • No penis
  • Taken at least 3 doses of Twink-ease
    • With less than 12 hours in between doses
  • Grow a 5 inches long penis
    • 3 inches long with Hung perk
    • 7 inches long with Mini perk
Virection Pill
  • No penis
  • Grow penis
    • a length of
    • Thickness of
Virection Pill
  • Less than 10 penises
  • 10% Chance
  • Increase penis count by 1
    • New penis is a copy of the last penis
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Dr. Lash
  • Buy Phallus Pruning
  • Remove a random penis
Dr. Lash
  • Buy Priaprism Purge or Pure Purge
  • Remove all penises
  • Any penis with length at 4 inches or less
  • Each valid penis has a 75% chance shrink and disappear
Condensol Pill
  • Shortest penis length is 4 inches or less
  • Shortest penis shrinks and disappears
Nyrean Candy
  • Has no nyrea penis(es)
  • Lose all penises


Most race-transformations will convert the penis color upon changing the penis type. These will not be counted here since they technically do not alter the color of the existing penis type specifically.

Color Change
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Dong Designer
  • Change penis color
  • Choose any of the following
    • Pink
    • Red
    • Bright Red
    • Dark Red
    • Orange
    • Amber
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Purple
    • Mottled Pink and Black
    • Black
    • Gray
    • Silver
    • Natural
      • When chosen picks a random "natural" color for chosen penis type
  • Peppermint cum
  • Penis colors not red and white
  • Change penis color to red and white
Pleasure Palette Permapaint
  • Choosing nipple
  • Change Penis Color
Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • A penis with a non dark or black color
  • Change penis color
  • Penis color becomes a darker hue of the skin tone (black if skin tone is already dark)
  • Non-sylvan ears or non-elven penis colors
  • Change penis color
  • Colors match the theme chosen.
Tentatool Pill
  • Skin type is regular skin
  • Skin color not one of the following
    • green
    • blue
    • red
    • purple
    • black
  • Color of all penises becomes one of the following
    • green
    • blue
    • red
    • purple
    • black

Status Effects & Flags

Additional cosmetic effects to the look of the penis can also be attained.

Status Effects
Effect Gaining Removing Notes
Genital Slit
  • Hidden "Genital Slit" effect.
  • "Foreskinned" flag.
  • "Nubby" flag.
  • "Sheathed" flag.
  • "Knotted" flag.
  • "Lubricated" flag.

* The Dong Designer will remove non-standard flags from a penis when selecting the same type, as it always reverts its flags to the default ones of that type.