Cock Milker

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Key item; no actual description. Cock Milker - Installed at Whitney's Farm

Obtained from

  • Demon Factory
    • Can be built from the parts found two rooms north after entering. Requires at least 40 Intelligence. Prevents the Breast Milker from being made there but it can still be bought from Whitney.
  • Joey
    • Will automatically offer to sell it to the PC for 200 gems from their second visit to the Slippery Squeeze. The PC does not need a cock and the offer will be repeated if declined or the PC cannot afford it.
  • Whitney
    • The PC may invest into a Breast Milker or a Cock Milker if the farm has been slightly tainted with slaves by choosing "Investment". They cost 1000 gems each at this point.


  • Milks dick(s) in exchange for gems. The effective production varies between 90% and 100%, and the machine will not offer any gem if effective production is 100 mL or less.
  • Requires at least one dick for the option to appear at the Farm. Corrupt Jojo can also be milked for gems from the Slaves tab at camp.
  • PCs will gain 1 cum multiplier when getting milked if effective cum production is below 1 liter.
  • Lowers Lust by 150 points.
  • Increases Fatigue depending on effective cum production:
    • Less than 10 mL: +5 Fatigue (no gems)
    • At least 10, less than 100 mL: +10 Fatigue (no gems)
    • At least 100, less than 333 mL: +15 Fatigue
    • At least 333 mL, less than 1L: +20 Fatigue
    • 1L or more: +40 Fatigue
  • If milked when cum quantity is at least 50 mL and Fatigue is 100, will always trigger a Bad End.
  • Corrupt Jojo gets milked using his own cum production unless he's been mutated into Tentacle Jojo and has been milked at least once.
  • Tentacle Jojo produces anywhere between 36L and 41L in addition to his base amount, which almost entirely exhausts the weekly budget! The first time around, Jojo will always produce the regular amount.


As of Version 0.8.8

  • Whitney will not offer to milk breasts and cocks if she finds out about the Kelly incident.
  • While only one of the milkers can be made from the factory, both can be found elsewhere and installed at the same time for a total of 700-2000 gems depending on the method.
  • The machine will display production in liters and give payment if production is above 100 mL. It displays the mL if production is 100mL or less instead.
  • If production is sufficient, the machine pays a base value of 2 gems plus 1 gem every 200 mL. Maximum weekly payment is 500 gems or 1000 gems in Easy Mode; stacks with Breast Milker payment.
  • When the machine reaches the weekly limit, it will prompt a warning about not being able to give full payment.
  • Herms can get milked from both machines. This exhausts Whitney's weekly budget rather quickly, especially with a Tentacle Jojo...

Cannot be installed by Whitney while your dick is numbed from Minotaur Blood (No longer in the code, apparently.)

You must talk with Whitney in order to get it installed (25% chance). Milk Cock then becomes an option at the Farm and in corrupt Jojo's menu. If the player already has the Breast Milker then it is still possible to acquire the cock milker from Joey at the Bizarre Bazaar, and then set it up as normal.