Howling in the Dark

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Cait-Gat0w-ChibiCard-Note.png Stub:

This page is a stop-gap stub and in the editing queue. Currently, it exists to help players access the content.

Howling in the Dark is a side quest given by Drifa, a Lumian half-lupine from Hawkethorne the Champion can meet in the Old Forest after finishing the Winter City section of In Her Footsteps (CoC2 Act 1). The goal of the quest is to subdue the corrupted lupines that are terrorizing the Old Forest.

Written by Jstar, and added in patch 0.7.32, December 2024.


To access the quest, see Drifa's page.

New Characters

The quest introduces several new sexable NPCs, among them:

  • Asgeir, the leader of the lupines;
  • Refnir, one of the three captains;
  • Tharsus, a corrupted sorcerer and one of the captains;
  • Olivia, a half-lupine bard and the third captain; and
  • Meridyx, a female imp.

Player Choice & Sub-Quests

The dungeon has several storylines which depend on the Champion's choices, including:

  • The ability to corrupt Drifa. Actions which increase Drifa's corruption score include: letting her beat up a prisoner; giving her the corrupted sword (Rimescore), and having her swim in a pool of corrupted goop.
  • What to do with Rimescore, the corrupted sword. The Champion can keep it, give it to Drifa, or give it to Cait.
  • Whether to side with Olivia or Tharsus against the other captains. This is a sub-quest, Strange Bedfellows. Siding with Olivia will send her to the Wayfort in a later patch. Siding with Tharsus gives the Champion the ability to turn the corrupted lupines into women, who will be sent to the Wayfort in a a later patch. The Champion cannot do both.
  • What to do with the corrupted lupines. The victorious Champion can imprison them or set them as an honor guard.

There are additional decisions and NPCs throughout the dungeon; these are some of the major inflection points.

Post-Dungeon Content

Wayfort content for the dungeon characters, including Drifa (corrupt and pure), Olivia, Meridyx, and Refnir will be added in a later patch.

The basic expac for Asgeir and the generic lupines (male or female) was added in 0.7.36 (a backer patch).

Howling in the Dark was about 300 pages, and the post-quest content is about that much again. Thank you for your patience!