Harpy Acolytes

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Harpy Acolytes
Headshots by Moira
Creator Savin
Species Harpies
Gender Female
Relatives Harpy Matron (ancestor)
Religion Sorran
Location Grave of Saints
Level 6
  • 379 (Storm Cleric)
  • 381 (Stormbreaker)
Version Added 0.4.39

The Harpy Acolytes are a group of Harpies who appear alongside the Harpy Stormcaller. They are descended from the Harpy Matron, and fiercely protect their territory.

Harpy Storm Cleric


Stats Likes Dislikes Powers Drops
Attack Power: 21.0 Armor Penetration: 7.0
Spellpower: 54.0 Spell Penetraton: 7.0
Sexiness: 22.0 Temptation: 7.0
Accuracy: 24.0 Critical Chance: 7.0
Armor: 62.0 Physical Resist: 17.0
Warding: 62.0 Magic Resist: 17.0
Focus: 23.0 Mental Resist: 23.0
Evasion: 42.0 Holy Resist: 20.0
Storm Resist: 20.0 Tease Resist: -50.0
  • Big Cocks
  • Average Cocks
  • Big Asses
  • Small Breasts
  • Big Breasts
  • Small Cocks
  • 1000 XP
  • 250 EC

Harpy Stormbreaker


Stats Likes Dislikes Powers Drops
Attack Power: 98.0 Armor Penetration: 18.0
Spellpower: 65.0 Spell Penetration: 18.0
Sexiness: 23.0 Temptation: 18.0
Accuracy: 38.0 Critical Chance: 7.0
Armor: 63.0 Physical Resist: 38.0
Warding: 42.0 Magic Resist: 17.0
Focus: 32.0 Mental Resist: 12.0
Evasion: 54.0 Frost Resist: -20.0
Holy Resist: 20.0 Storm Resist: 20.0
Tease Resist: -50.0
  • Big Cocks
  • Average Cocks
  • Big Asses
  • Small Breasts
  • Big Breasts
  • Small Cocks
  • 1000 EC
  • 200 XP

Total Gain Per Encounter

Composition Total Loot
Harpy Stormcaller, Harpy Storm Cleric,
2 Harpy Stormbreakers


The group of Harpies, led by the Harpy Stormcaller, confront you at the entry to the Grave of Saints. They are furious after a group of demonic Tomb Raiders deceived them and are set on attacking you.

  • Fight!
  • Diplomacy: Try and talk your way past these feathery godsworn. (if you have children with Zhara, skips combat.)
  • Leananstone: Throw a Leananstone into the midst of the harpies. You'll need a sure aim to hit one of the harpies's breastplates — it's not like there's solid ground to detonate it on. (requires a Leananstone. If you have 66%< Agility, skips combat. Otherwise, leads to combat.)
  • Agnimitra?: Perhaps Agni could speak to these whipper snappers for you? (requires Agnimitra in party, skips combat)

If you successfully negotiate, through Diplomacy or Agnimitra?, they wish you well in stopping the demons in the temple. If you use the Leananstone successfully, the harpies are knocked into the gale storm and blown away. If you defeat the harpies in combat, you enter the temple with the harpies unable to stop you.

Bad End

If you are defeated by the acolytes in combat, they disable your wings (if you have them) before throwing you off the mountain to your death.

Quests and Events

The Ring of Fate

The Harpy Acolytes guard the Grave of Saints, and need to be dealt with to pass.