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Artwork by Moira
Creator SomeKindofWizard
Alias Junkrat
Species Mecian
Gender Male
Occupation Trader
Cock Size 8"
Location Gianna's Caravan

"Hey there traveller, name’s Svern. I’m the junk rat—" he’s interrupted by a whisper of ‘mouse' from Gia, sighing before continuing. "Rat around here, and most of my time is spent keeping this marvel of magic and metal moving. I do occasionally tinker up some fun stuff, though."

"Hey, this isn't some kind of strange little shop where the shopkeep hands out curses like candy," Svern replies with a pout. "You know, those little hole-in-the-wall places that weren't there the day before and aren't there the next day? Now those, they're a bunch of shady, unscrupulous characters. I, on the other hand, always fully disclose any potential problems with stuff I sell."

Svern is the Mecian responsible for putting together Gianna's Caravan of Wonders and spends most of the time keeping the thing moving. Although he occasionally tinkers on things, he will also have some goods for sale.


A tall, lithe man is leant back in an overstuffed chair that clings to his entire body. Soft-looking grey fur covers the majority of his chest and arms but for a handsome face, and large mouse ears sprout from the top of scruffy hair of a similar grey. His clothing itself appears to be more like a loose assortment of messy, greasy rags, from out which pokes a long thick rat’s tail that wraps around his waist. Shelves of miscellany keep him very much trapped in his spot, amidst a great deal of shiny bronze.


Encountering Gianna and her Caravan for the first time will result in Gianna introducing Svern and Tammarind, with Gianna giving each of them a quip.

On repeat encounters with the Caravan, Svern along with Tamarind will grin and wave at the Champion.

The following options are available should the Champion decide to approach Svern when encountering the Caravan:

  • About You - What’s your deal?
  • Shop - Peruse Svern's goods!
  • Sex Toys - Perhaps he's got something a little more 'fun'?
  • Wayfort - (Requires you to have wayfort upgrades quest, unlocks Broken Metal Parts in shop for 25 EC a unit)
  • Machine - (Unlocks 'Milker', requires Wayfort Upgrades to be finished and the caravan encounter available from wayfort.)
  • Milker - Ask to use the milking machine, be it on yourself or someone with you.
    • Yourself - You're up.
      • Milking - Get that liquid burden off your chest, and have some fun while at it. (lactating)/You don't have any milk for the machine to drain, but subjecting yourself to its loving embrace could be fun (Not lactating)
      • Embiggen - Get an all-natural, alchemy-free chest embiggenment from the milker's loving attentions. (Up to J cups) /The milker can't embiggen your chest any further, but that won't stop it from trying! Could be fun and feel pretty good... (At J cups or higher)
      • Make Milky - Have the milking machine boost both your production and capacity with its all-natural rhythmic stimulation. (Induces lactation or boosts production and capacity)
    • Cait - Hook up the titty kitty to the milking machine and watch her swell. (Must have Cait in party, will result in her becoming milkier and tittier)
    • Brienne - Brienne's always so weighted down, she could use a load of her chest and the milker should help with that. (Must have Brienne in party)
    • Zhara - Get Zhara down in here, she looks like she could get a load off. (Must have let Zhara stay in wayfort)

Asking Svern about himself will reveal that he grew up next to a noble who had a good book collection and that he was an apprentice to a smith and then later an apprentice to a mage, and he would later go on to combine to two sources of knowledge. He met Gianna a few years ago when she was trying to make her whole Caravan of Wonders work although he left stating that it was too much trouble. Gianna had 'dealt' with a few bandits and he felt compelled to help her out, he also gets along with Tamarind and can't complain since he's making good money.


Miscellaneous Items
Name Price
Camping Supplies 150
Broken Metal Parts* 25
* Must be unlocked by asking about wayfort.
Name Price
Throwing Knife 30
Javelin 70
Ranger Bow 280
Sling-staff 300
Metal Wand 500

Sex Toys

As of version 0.3.16, sex toys were moved from Miscellaneous Items to Key Items. These toys can be used for the Masturbate option when the Champion is at camp or at the Frost Hound.

Item Description Cost
Dildo A smooth, warm, stainless metal fuck-stick, ribbed for your pleasure and 100% gargoyle-proof. 150
Buttplug A weighty metal plug capped with a cute heart-shaped gemstone. Made for your butthole, right where it belongs. 200
Magic Anal Beads They even vibrate and pulse! Comes with a nice big jar of lube. 250

For Want Of A Nail

Written by The Observer

During the events of For Want Of A Nail, a new option for Svern will be available:

  • Metal Relic - Ask Svern if he still has the weapon hilt on him.

When asking him about the Metal Relic, it will take him a few seconds to find it although he will ask who'd they know he had the thing in the first place. The Champion will state that they've been tracking the item down for some time and that they came across hearsay that Svern had something that fit the bill. He will go on to mention that he'd been trying to foist it off onto people but no dice, not even in a big city like Tychris. When asked about the price of the item, he will give the Champion a list of choices in exchange for the item:

  • Pay - Pay the junkrat his asking price of 2000 EC. (costs 2000 EC)
  • Sex - You wouldn't have imagined that a fuck from you would be worth two thousand hawks, but if that's the price Svern's asking for, then you're more than willing to pay.
    • Blowjob - Blow Svern all nice and easy. Sucking cock — well, there're worse things, aren't there?
    • Catch [Vaginal/Ass] - Let the junkrat fuck your [vag/ass] good. Not very creative, but certainly reliable.
  • Cait - Solve your problem by rubbing a pink kitten on this mouse. (requires Cait)
    • Yeah - Sure, a cat and mouse threesome sounds fun.
    • Nah - You're fine with Cait letting her do her thing.
  • Pale Ale - Present Svern with the pupper pale ale. (requires 1x Pupper Pale Ale)

Should the Champion decide to Pay for it, Svern will add that while he was in Tychris, he discreetly asked around some places in regards to the hilt. Apparently it has a colorful history, and that he gave the broken hilt a run over his own instruments and that if there ever was any magic in the thing is long gone however he states that hearsay is that the thing used to be cursed. He will go on to explain the history behind the item, that on some Belharan ladies twentieth birthday, she was given a special present by her dusk elven servant to give to her husband. Upon entering her husband's bed chamber, she was shaken by a great evil and proceeded to slay her husband and all her children, and once she was done she ran mad and was never seen again. Although he will say that there are some inconsistencies in the various iterations of the legend.


Written by The Observer

The following sex options are only available once during For Want Of A Nail:

  • Sex - You wouldn't have imagined that a fuck from you would be worth two thousand hawks, but if that's the price Svern's asking for, then you're more than willing to pay.
    • Blowjob - Blow Svern all nice and easy. Sucking cock — well, there're worse things, aren't there?
    • Catch [Vaginal/Ass] - Let the junkrat fuck your [vag/ass] good. Not very creative, but certainly reliable.
  • Cait - Solve your problem by rubbing a pink kitten on this mouse. (requires Cait)
    • Yeah - Sure, a cat and mouse threesome sounds fun.
    • Nah - You're fine with Cait letting her do her thing.

Quest Related

For Want Of A Nail

Svern was last seen in the possession of a strange metal relic desired by the Kitsunes.