
From Corruption of Champions II
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Points of Interest
Work Yard & Exit to the Old Forest
Creators The Observer
Location Information
Region Old Forest
Location Type Dungeon
Has Combat? Yes (conditional)
Indoor or Outdoor? Outdoors
Quest/Event Only? Yes
Other Information
Version Added 0.1.13

Westbank is a Logging Camp that sits on the western bank of a river in the Old Forest. The camp supplies Hawkethorne with lumber for construction or firewood. This camp is only accessible during the events of Dog Days, and will be indefinitely closed after as the town will not risk putting people so deep in the wood with how dangerous the forest has become. Leorah has said that she built her shop with the timbers from the camp, along with the help from some of the best lads and lasses in the Marches.

Out west in the Old Forest, there's a logging camp — Westbank, named such on account of it sitting on the western bank of the river. Not much to look at, really, but pretty important to the town as a whole. The lads there fell the trees of the Old Forest, plant new ones, and work the fallen logs a little before floating them to the sawmill downstream to be turned into planks and beams. To give you a rough estimate, I'd say about half the timbers that now make up Hawkethorne once passed through there, so you can imagine how important it is to keep it up and running.



While it is unknown if anyone had set up residence at the logging camp, the following are characters that appear during the events of Dog Days:



This large expanse of open space is where most of the logging camp's work took place. Directly in front of the gates, it's where branches were hewn off the great trees hauled into the camp and split into uniform lengths before being floated downstream to the sawmill by Hawkethorne. Rotting wood chips and splintered branches lay strewn about in the mud, churned to a soft, brown mess by multitudes of footsteps, testament to the once bustling activity of the loggers.

To one side stands an open-air shed, filled with tools of all kinds. Saws, axes, planes, a workbench, weights and measures, barrels of nails and other various sundry supplies. To the other, what might have been a smokehouse filled with drying racks, but the blizzard's made short work of that one — the roof's been torn off by the winds, and a gaping hole's been blown in one of the wooden walls. Neither building looks like it holds anything that could be of use to you, so there's no point to investigating further.

Surrounding the entire logging camp is a palisade wall; most of the palings are still upright and firm, despite the blizzard having knocked a few askew. At least the damage isn't so great as to be obvious to anyone watching from a distance, which is probably to your advantage.

What now? The river lies to the west, the longhouses to the north, and the eastern side of camp is dominated by one particularly large building, and to the south, the exit still waits should you wish to beat a retreat.